Anyone else at a desk all day?



  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Use the time to do my physical therapy exercises for my knee. Also force myself to walk, by going to someone's office or desk, instead of sending an email or picking up the phone. Also, drink lots of water/green tea.
  • beertrollruss
    beertrollruss Posts: 276 Member
    I drink water and green tea during the day. I also chew sugar free Orbit bubblegum and I have 5 sugar free Werthers hard candies. The gum helps keep me awake.
  • widrakie
    widrakie Posts: 13 Member
    I found It give you little exercises to do every 20 or so minutes during the day to keep you moving a bit!
    JESSJESJ Posts: 121 Member
    I find eating a larger breakfast, most of which I eat at my desk, keeps me from snacking too much later in the afternoon. drinking lots of water & tea, minty gum - screws up the flavor of other things and then just snack with better choices (fruit, nuts etc).
  • RachelLovesHockey
    Post on fitness forums


    ...drink on forum...pee.

    Repeat cycle.

    HAHAHA! This! You won't be quite so sedentary if you have to go to the Ladies' Room every hour.
  • lawtechie
    lawtechie Posts: 708 Member
    Eat a sufficient enough breakfast to get you through to lunch. Eat a sufficient enough lunch to get you through to dinner. I work 9-5 and eat breakfast at 7:30 usually and lunch around 12:30. When my job gets stressful, I find that I get more hungry in the afternoon around 3:30. Then I might have a protein bar or carrots, sugar snap peas, tomatoes or a piece of fruit to take the edge off until dinner -- which is usually around 6:30 - 7:00. I'll constantly be drinking water through the day. So it seems to be eat enough every 3-5 hours to get you through to the next mealtime.
  • 1MariaChristina
    1MariaChristina Posts: 93 Member
    I have a ball at my desk, that I sit on sometimes for leg exercises and Ill do squats while im hold with vendors...I also have ankle weights and I do leg lifts while on hold =)
  • moujie
    moujie Posts: 229
    I also drink LOTS of water with a scootch of lemon juice in it. My eyes roll in the back of my head every day but that's because my job is boring as hell.

    read this as "scotch" the first time :noway: and thought, well NO WONDER your eyes roll in the back of your head! lol
  • rousehouse
    rousehouse Posts: 133 Member
    I go to the gym at lunch time.
  • btorres514
    I'm at a desk all day also. I try to eat breakfast and then keep carrots/apples on hand for when I get really hungry. Drinking a lot also helps keep you somewhat fuller.
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    I certainly sit at a desk pretty much all day!

    I take a walk around the building floor once an hour, it's about 5-10 minutes per walk and it gives my eyes some relief from the computer screen.

    I keep pretty much no food other than a home made lunch at my desk. I find snacking (or grazing) to be harder on me when it comes to eating, so for snacks I have no suggestions.
  • dyneece
    I sit at a desk all day as well. But I eat things that give me energy. Like a piece of dark chocolate. I eat a handful of nuts, like almonds, walnuts, cashews, pecans. Just a small handful because they are high in fat.
  • jccst9
    jccst9 Posts: 58 Member
    My office is participating in a Biggest Loser Challenge. On each of my two 15 minute breaks I walk a lap around our massive building and I walk two laps on my lunch break. That is an extra mile of movement. It takes me roughly 15-20 minutes to complete a mile and that's 15-20 minutes where I'm not eating. I also go above my water intake. My snacks are always some type of raw vegatable (usually cucumbers, baby carrots, and radishes) and a Fiber One bar. Finally, I take a fat burner that helps with my energy, controls my appetite and improves my focus. Cellucor products have worked the best for me, including the Super HD, D4, and CLK. It's definitely a little harder to keep from eating out of boredom at a desk job, kinda even makes me miss waiting tables like I did all through college.

    Good luck to you... let me know what you find!
  • dyneece
    LOL. I like this! Great idea!
  • mommy2ans
    mommy2ans Posts: 93 Member
    My girlfriend (she's on here) uses a balance ball thingy at her desk. She swears by it! I'm considering it. It will be temporary for me bc of my location but im thinking about it. She said she can feel the difference all over.
  • Erica0718
    Erica0718 Posts: 469 Member
    after all that water, you could do air squats or lunges every time you go pee !
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    after all that water, you could do air squats or lunges every time you go pee !

    I don't know why but this made me imagine a person fake running while on the toilet... it was kind of funny to imagine. But yes a good idea on the way to the bathroom.
  • Insanity2bSane
    Insanity2bSane Posts: 204 Member
    [quoteThis and also drink hot tea. That keep me from wanting to snack]
    after all that water, you could do air squats or lunges every time you go pee !
  • nack_23
    nack_23 Posts: 154
    Keep drinking lots of water. Trust me, you wont be quite as sedentary then. Its definitely working for me.

    yep lots of water!
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    yep...I drink LOTS of water and chew gum, and all the water makes me get up to walk to washroom lol :tongue: