Gym etiquette for newbies



  • JenM76
    JenM76 Posts: 38 Member
    Oh, one question. Who the hell works out in jeans.....with a regular belt???? Really? How

    I saw a guy workout in Pajama's. Not impressed. Haha. son wears his jeans. He is 10, and we go directly to the clubhouse to do the treadmill. If I go home first, I'm never going back out again. And, with it being cold, I'd rather do the treadmill. Still, even if we go outside when it is warm, he wears jeans. :D I have seen these people as well. But, if they are comfy and can move in the jeans/belt...I say go ahead. What concerns me more are those that workout in the wrong shoes. I have literally seen guys wearing "work shoes" to walk on the treadmill.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Don't touch me. A guy once mosied over to the stationary bike next to my treadmill after working out on the weights and reached out to roll a sweaty finger over my wedding ring and asked me "married?" then "how long?" then "happily?" Way too much. That seriously scared me off the gym for days.
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member

    I have weight lifting gloves, and i do use them, so don't give me the look of "why do you have those on along with a watch?" (my hrm is the polar FT 4). I also am new to lifting so stop looking at me as though girls shouldn't be lifting. :angry:

    Lol, theyre judging the gloves, not you lifting. Get some chalk :wink: :tongue:

    If I like to wear winter mittens while I work out, get over it and pay attention to your damn self.

    Hahahahahahha!!! Ive heard lack of individual finger use is great for grip strength:wink:

    I feel lucky that I go to a great gym. New people are treat like friends and welcomed into the fold. Everyone is helpful, friendly, supportive and non-judgemental. We have all different kinds of people who train all different kinds of ways....runners, fighters, lifters, dancers....Its good to have a mixed bag. My advice to newbies is don't be scared, everyone took their first step through the door once.
  • hopsonc24
    hopsonc24 Posts: 143 Member
    I am sure these have been covered but it never hurts to issue a reminder

    Do not wear loose shorts and allow your junk to hang out
    WIpe down the F'ing machine..I do not want to sit in your sweat
    Get of your d@mn phone..I do not want to hear your obnoxious laugh and stupid conversation
    Do not sit on the freakking machines and have conversation with other, stand up and do that or go outside! i am there to workout (unheard of I know)
    If you have to grunt so loud you make everyone else uncomfortable, try lifting a bit less. I am all about pushing yourself, but seriously dude, this is a gym not a porno

    And with that..I bid you good day
  • JustinAnimal
    JustinAnimal Posts: 1,335 Member
    Hard to disagree most of the comments on this thread. Cell phones, overly stinky people (that includes perfume / cologne), not cleaning up after yourself (weights, wiping down equipment, leaving your personal affects at a machine or on the floor), etc. are all really obnoxious.

    Thought I'd add:

    -People who watch the godd@mn t.v. more than they work out. They just take up space and get in the way.
    -People who use my precious equipment to go slower than they would walk around the grocery store. We have one bike at our tiny gym and there is usually and older person going slower than you could imagine when trying to exercise. I'm not being a jerk on this one either. They literally are pedaling 12 rpms and aren't doing a cooldown, aren't exercising. They are just watching t.v. Seriously, you lazy *kitten*, why don't you march in place at home and watch the t.v.
    -People who don't know how to do a push-up. It ain't hard. And when you grunt and moan and stare down the girls while doing so, yet can't keep your back straight or don't get your nose close the ground, you piss me off AND you don't impress the girls. It's not hard.
  • i_am_kate
    I haven't been to the gym in a while, but I found the worst thing was working out in the women's section and having all these extremely fit women staring at me with a look of disgust on their faces. I wasn't a big person, just had a little extra flab, but why would you think it's fair to stare at someone else when you were in the same boat at some point?

    This is why I prefer working out around men. They're not as judgmental and will give you a hand if they notice you're having some trouble.
  • Anthonydaman
    Anthonydaman Posts: 854 Member
    Don't stand right in front of the dumb bell rack and do your set, take three steps back and be courteous to other people who want use the dumb bells as well.
    Put the bells back in pairs, doesn't even have to be in order. How lazy are you that you paired a 20 with a 45, come on!
  • Simone_King
    Simone_King Posts: 467 Member
    Don't bleach like a cave man.
  • NordicAlien
    NordicAlien Posts: 110 Member
    Don't leave newspapers and magazines in the sauna. Seriously. There is a HUGE sign right next to the door that says so, but every day I'm having to remove them when they're turning crispy. I don't know why people take them in there in the first place. You cannot possibly be so busy that the five or ten minutes you spend in the sauna is wasted if you can't read the Wall Street Journal or Cosmo while you're in there.

    Aside from that, I got nothing. The people at my gym are great.

    All of these "clean the equipment" comments - just wiping down with a towel is okay, right? We're not expected to carry a spray bottle of disinfectant with us or something? Because I've seen a couple people carrying purse-sized Dettol and using it on a the machines, and I could never figure out if I was supposed to be doing that or if they're germophobes.

    My gym provides disinfectant bottles. I thought all gyms did, but maybe not.

    Every gym I've been to has provided spray bottles. With the crap out there these days it's disgusting if one doesn't.

    We have disinfectant wipes at my gym. I always wipe everything down even if I don't touch it because I figure I might have coughed on it or something. The flu is bad this year and you don't know you are carrying it until after you have already had it for hours.

    Duly noted. I guess I'll start carrying disinfectant with me, and suggest that the gym put some out. Mostly I just see people sitting with their towels between them and the seat, and a few who brought their own - I've never seen bottles of cleaning products set out for customer use. Dunno if that's an English thing or just a dodgy gym, heh.
  • Sickgrin
    Sickgrin Posts: 33 Member
    It's generally frowned upon to use dirt from the potted plant as chalk. The gym is filthy enough without people rubbing potting soil on the equipment.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    It's generally frowned upon to use dirt from the potted plant as chalk. The gym is filthy enough without people rubbing potting soil on the equipment.


    Seriously? lol.
  • Hadabetter
    Hadabetter Posts: 942 Member
    When there are five ellipticals free please don't choose the one RIGHT next to me. Like... weird?

    That is also proper urinal etiquette.
  • dirtnap63
    dirtnap63 Posts: 1,387 Member
    Don't bleach like a cave man.

    People do their wash at the gym?
  • Sickgrin
    Sickgrin Posts: 33 Member
    It's generally frowned upon to use dirt from the potted plant as chalk. The gym is filthy enough without people rubbing potting soil on the equipment.


    Seriously? lol.

    Yep, I kid you not. On more than one occasion too.

    The things you see over the years going to the the gym... I keep saying one day I'm going to take all the material and put together a hilarious short film.
  • Sallyafe1
    Grab your own squirt bottle, cloth and magazines. Many treadmill users track their time, or read. They no not want to be interrupted by"can I borrow your bottle? Be an adult.
    Wipe down the equipment after you use it. be respectful to all.
    Put back the weights after you use them.
    Don't toss your gym bag in the traffic lane. People HATE that.
    Ask if you are not sure a bench or machine is still being used.
    Shut your cell off!
    Never sit in a Nautilus machine to use your cell.
    Our gym attendant will pay you a visit, pronto!
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Don't squat in the curl rack.

  • jfrankic
    jfrankic Posts: 747 Member
    Don't hang your winter coat on a weight rack. Seriously......yes, some bro did that at my gym this morning!
  • suzzann666
    suzzann666 Posts: 334 Member
    If I walk away from a bench quickly after I push out a set, but leave my weights there, I'm not done. I pace between sets; don't steal my bench!
  • Anthonydaman
    Anthonydaman Posts: 854 Member
    Don't bleach like a cave man.

    People do their wash at the gym?
    I kept trying to think of witty response to this one, nice job
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    Don't bleach like a cave man.

    People do their wash at the gym?
    I kept trying to think of witty response to this one, nice job

    I didn't know Eminem had been downgraded to cave man status.