Free foods



  • lldelmonte
    lldelmonte Posts: 30 Member
    As many have said, try not to drink your calories. I keep shakes on hand so they are available in a pinch, but don't drink them daily. If you are doing a shake go for one higher in protein and fiber to help fill you. (Many "low-carb" shakes fit this bill, be sure to look at fiber.) You can also try switching it up. One day do your 3-2-1 diet. The next, instead of the shake do a light english muffin with an egg, and light cheese. (Only about 240 calories and will fill you and satisfy you better.) Another great sub - lowfat cottage cheese (try friendship - great consistency) with 8 cut grapes. (Grapes high sugar, so do small amount, but cut up.) About 150 calories or less and you will have eaten something. I highly recommend food options that are within 50 calories of the shake you are now using, making sure the food is clean (unprocessed) and a good source of protein and/or fiber. One of my other fav's - cottage cheese pancakes. Full of protien, good source of fiber and yummy. I make large batches and eat them all week. (1/2 c. cottage cheese, 1/2 c oatmeal, 4 egg whites, 1 tsp vanilla = 2 large pancakes. One will fill you.)
  • Mimisam45
    Mimisam45 Posts: 132 Member
    Remember that some of the things you are eating are designed to make you feel hungry again soon! Many foods contain propreties that increase appetite AND ones that ensure that you are never saited (feel full). Most every single "processed" food contains these things.

    I have been following the WHEAT BELLY theory for two weeks but only joined the gym 8 days ago, I have lost a total of 9 pounds as of yesterday! I have worked out all but 2 of those days. I am 56 years old, about 60 lbs overweight and have been for 30 years. I am thrilled with the results so far and am excited to keep going.

    By the way, I am NOT hungry. Removing the wheat that has been modified so much it hardly resembles food anymore has been the answer for me. I eat no wheat and very little sugar, the book encourages a bit of dark chocolate!! My skin is smoother than is has been in years and I forget to eat. My daily food log tells me every day to eat more calories. I enjoy lean meat, was formerly vegetarian and never lost a pound, all veggies and plenty of nuts and cheese!! Who can be hungry with all that!!! Oh, and some alcohol is okay; including beer and wine!
  • foleyshirley
    foleyshirley Posts: 1,043 Member
    I did get the low carb ones, so very low sugar, high fiber and protein. My problem for breakfast is that I don't have time to make something, so it is either drink breakfast or buy a muffin from the coffee cart. Which is NOT an option. Who knew they had so many calories!!! Anyway, I just know that skipping breakfast is definitely bad. This is actually part of why I am so hungry. Before when I skipped breakfast my metabolism wasn't up so I wasn't as hungry. Now that I am starting my eating day earlier I am hungry when it wears off. I am only planning to do the Slim Fast for the first two weeks to kick start this round of diet. It will purge the carb addiction. :)

    Any other ideas for easy, on the go breakfasts???

    Let me start off by saying that there is nothing wrong with breakfast; I eat breakfast. But you do not need breakfast. Many people on this site do not eat breakfast, and start eating around noon or 1. They can have larger lunches and dinners this way. Maybe that would work for you.
  • gwenmf
    gwenmf Posts: 888 Member
    Scrap the shakes and go for FOOD! Eating a nice wonderful breakfast (ww english muffin, 1-2 pieces of bacon, 1 full egg and 2 whites, maybe a bit of cheese and 1/2 a grapefruit). I gaurentee that you will feel full longer if you scrap those gross shakes and eat some real food.

    Yep, agree
  • mrsjas2000
    mrsjas2000 Posts: 908 Member
    I lost 60 lbs on slimfast a long time ago then I met my husband and he convinced me to stop, now I have gained 90lbs since then, so I am back on it but I eat some veggies and drink my water and very seldom am I hungry
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    What is your goal? Are in a weight loss contest or trying to lose quickly to fit in a dress for an occassion or something?

    If so, then honestly I'd suggest eating celery. It's probably not on your plan but it's so low calorie that it will not ruin a diet as strict as yours.

    But if your goal isn't short term, I'd suggest finding a diet that is more sustainable. Do you have a plan for when you stop the Slim Fast thing? Or are you planning to just be "done" and go back to eating the way you used to eat?
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    I did get the low carb ones, so very low sugar, high fiber and protein. My problem for breakfast is that I don't have time to make something, so it is either drink breakfast or buy a muffin from the coffee cart. Which is NOT an option. Who knew they had so many calories!!! Anyway, I just know that skipping breakfast is definitely bad. This is actually part of why I am so hungry. Before when I skipped breakfast my metabolism wasn't up so I wasn't as hungry. Now that I am starting my eating day earlier I am hungry when it wears off. I am only planning to do the Slim Fast for the first two weeks to kick start this round of diet. It will purge the carb addiction. :)

    Any other ideas for easy, on the go breakfasts???

    How will it purge the addiction when you are choosing snacks where virtually all the calories come from carbs/ sugar? A banana is about 30g carbs and an apple 20-25g, by UK standards they are actually one and a half to two servings each. Is your yoghurt plain or sweetened? How many savoury meals/ snacks do you have on an average day to retrain your taste buds, seems to me to be just one? You'd be better having nuts and seeds, raw vegetable sticks with a dip (tomato salsa, guacamole, houmous, light sour cream) or a homemade soup or a chunk of reduced fat hard cheese as a snack.

    Perhaps you don't choose to make time for breakfast, couldn't you get up slightly earlier? Why not purchase a stick blender with its own lidded beaker and make your own liquid breakfast? No added sugar whey protein powder, frozen defrosted mixed berries, frozen defrosted spinach, something to give a creamy texture - cottage cheese, avocado, no added anything peanut butter for example. The only preparation is chucking everything into the beaker, whizzing it up and rinsing the blade under a running tap.
  • BCSMama
    BCSMama Posts: 348
    I agree that whole foods are better than the shakes. There are lots of things you can premake for breakfast and grab in the mornings. Google overnight oats (I often warm them up in the morning if it's cold outside). Premake some breakfast sandwiches or wraps with bagel thin or the low carb/high fiber tortillas, an egg, slice of cheese and maybe even some fresh spinach. Throw it in the microwave for a bit when you get to work or just before you leave home. Keep boiled eggs handy. Make up some greek yogurt or cottage cheese pancakes and keep them in the fridge, just pop them in the toaster on your way out. You could even bring some peanut butter to spread on them. Portion out some berries and granola in little containers; grab one of each and a container of plain greek yogurt to mix up when you get to work.

    If you want to keep doing the Slim Fast, obviously that's your choice, but you don't have to make yourself so miserable to get good, healthy results.
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    Ditch the slimfast, it's mostly sugar and if you really want to drink breakfast go for a protein shake that is around 80% protein and a piece of fruit. Even better you could do a smoothie. Although making breakfast really doesn't take THAT long. You could as an alternative just eat as soon as you get to work. I've done shake diets before and was always hungry like you . Real food is always better to keep you full and sustained.
  • BobbiG35
    BobbiG35 Posts: 15 Member
    String cheese and apple
    whole wheat toast with 1 tablespoon peanut butter or almond butter
    hard boiled egg and toast
    greek yogurt with almonds
    apple and peanut butter
    smoothie: (online has a ton of recipes)

    I hope this helps. Feel free to add me as a friend. Good Luck!
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I never turn down free food. Might be part of the reason why I'm here.
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    I never turn down free food. Might be part of the reason why I'm here.

    Are you a freegan???
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I never turn down free food. Might be part of the reason why I'm here.

    Are you a freegan???

    If I had the upper body strength to climb in and out of dumpsters, I would be a freegan.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    You will have longer lasting results, less relapses, sleep better, exercise better, perform better at tasks if you eat normal foods that are low or healthy calories. A huge reason we loose or try to loose weight is because we want to feel and look better. A huge part of reaching that goal is to know you did it while still enjoying your life. ---- shake of the shakes and find a easy and happier alternative.:smile:

    This. How can people expect a life style change off meal REPLACEMENTS?

    Ditto...drinking shakes instead of eating food is simply not sustainable. It's a quick fix and quick fixes never last....they're just bandaids.
  • kimdar357
    kimdar357 Posts: 1 Member
    have a fat free muller yoghurt and put spome cherries or other fruit in it or bran flakes
  • Casi23
    Casi23 Posts: 138 Member
    Eat some meat girl. It looks like you have very little protein in your diet. I have three eggs and bacon almost every morning and I'm not hungry til noon or 1 pm. If you don't have time to cook your eggs - crack them and whisk them up in little tupperware containers at night (I add veggies and cheese to them as well) and then pop them in the microwave in the mornings. It will take you 5 minutes in the morning and you can eat them as you walk out the door.
  • Gizzy1976
    Gizzy1976 Posts: 126 Member
    Get rid of the shakes and eat proper food as when you have lost the weight you have more chance of keeping it off ????
  • Anthonydaman
    Anthonydaman Posts: 854 Member
    Yeah lose those shakes, i always thought they were high in cals and low on nutrition for what they are supposed to be
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Want to know when I have the skakes? When I get off of work in the morning and am so tired that all I want to do is get home and go to bed. THEN, I will have a shake. But I have learned, if you want to do the shake thing to make your own. In the end it is cheaper anyway, and a whole lot more healthier for you.
  • CarmenSandiegoInVA
    CarmenSandiegoInVA Posts: 235 Member
    I agree scrap all the shakes. Eat a healthy a clean diet. I've lost all my weight following the eat more to weigh less lifestyle. I eat Real Food. A great amount. And I eat clean and healthy all my calories are to bring me closer to my balanced nutrition. You will have great results if you eat to fuel your body. And then you can get your workouts in and have the energy to do what needs to be done during the day. Most likely you are starving because you're not getting enough fiber and definitely not enough protein. HOpe this helps.