Over Running



  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Newbies need to be very careful about running too much.

    Once you body is used to it, you can run as much as your body can handle. I run 6-7 days a week, ~ 50 miles per week - been doing that for the last 6 or 7 years now.

    I have friend a who just ran 7 marathons in 7 days (yes 26.2 miles per day), so go figure.
  • wolfgate
    wolfgate Posts: 321 Member
    Keeping running to under 15 miles / week unless you're training for a marathon.

    Now that is CRAZY talk!

    I second that. 15 miles a week? I try to do at least 30 a week, and that's definitely not a lot compared to what other runners do.

    Now I'm not saying you should go crazy in the beginning... but if you slowly up your mileage, you're TOTALLY fine doing fifteen miles and more.

    I third this. I'm not training for a marathon and I run 20-25 miles a week. I'm not training for anything really-that's just the amount that keeps me happy (and burns off most of my poor food choices).

    LOL! I'm with all of you. I have to run 35-40 to properly support a 5k racing season! Much less a marathon!
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    Newbies need to be very careful about running too much.

    Once you body is used to it, you can run as much as your body can handle. I run 6-7 days a week, ~ 50 miles per week - been doing that for the last 6 or 7 years now.

    I have friend a who just ran 7 marathons in 7 days (yes 26.2 miles per day), so go figure.

    Blasphemy! That's WAY more than 15 miles a week! Your uterus is totally going to fall out (and your friend is just doomed).
  • numsquat
    numsquat Posts: 133
    Besides your body telling you how you are doing you can also take your heart rate each morning when you get up. Take enough readings to get a baseline and if you see if up for several (3-4) days in a row, then you are probably overworking it.

    Personally my good range is low 50's (50-56), 57-64 I keep an eye on things, 65 or higher I'll do a day of rest or two. Rest is important but the type of runs you do have more impact. I've ran 6 days/week over extended time periods and not had issues because only 3 of those runs were intense with each one followed by a recovery run the next day.
  • lmfbs
    lmfbs Posts: 69 Member
    Keeping running to under 15 miles / week unless you're training for a marathon.

    Now that is CRAZY talk!

    I second that. 15 miles a week? I try to do at least 30 a week, and that's definitely not a lot compared to what other runners do.

    Now I'm not saying you should go crazy in the beginning... but if you slowly up your mileage, you're TOTALLY fine doing fifteen miles and more.

    I third this. I'm not training for a marathon and I run 20-25 miles a week. I'm not training for anything really-that's just the amount that keeps me happy (and burns off most of my poor food choices).

    LOL! I'm with all of you. I have to run 35-40 to properly support a 5k racing season! Much less a marathon!

    I've just got back into running and my first week running ran more than 15 miles. I'll be upping it to around 30-40 miles a week when I start 1/2 marathon training. Some people training for marathons run over 100 miles a week.

    It's all about having a good base. If you're not sore and you're listening to your body, you can easily run every day if you want to. I tend to run 5-6 days a week due to my timetable, but if I had the time would definitely go every day unless I was feeling some twinges.
  • xprettyreckless
    xprettyreckless Posts: 297 Member

    I have friend a who just ran 7 marathons in 7 days (yes 26.2 miles per day), so go figure.

    wait.. you serious?

  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member

    I have friend a who just ran 7 marathons in 7 days (yes 26.2 miles per day), so go figure.

    wait.. you serious?


    I'm totally serious - his times were pretty impressive as well. I did 4 halfs in four days, but I ran them all at an easy pace so it was just a busy training week.
  • SpleenThief
    SpleenThief Posts: 293 Member
    Keeping running to under 15 miles / week unless you're training for a marathon.

    Or trying to get fast
  • DontThinkJustRun
    DontThinkJustRun Posts: 248 Member
    Keeping running to under 15 miles / week unless you're training for a marathon.

    Say what?????

    It depends on your goals, current fitness, etc. If you feel good rock on...if not scale it back. As far as not running more than 15 miles per week unless you're training for a marathon...well that IS crazy talk.
  • numsquat
    numsquat Posts: 133

    I have friend a who just ran 7 marathons in 7 days (yes 26.2 miles per day), so go figure.

    wait.. you serious?


    I'm totally serious - his times were pretty impressive as well. I did 4 halfs in four days, but I ran them all at an easy pace so it was just a busy training week.

    Dean Karnazes ran 50 marathons in 50 days in 50 different states. You can read about: 50/50: Secrets I Learned Running 50 Marathons in 50 Days -- and How You Too Can Achieve Super Endurance!