Who has KIDS? How many? Ages



  • kumica
    kumica Posts: 18 Member
    I only have 4 but it's still crazy here too! 15B, 13B, 9G and 7B. It's crazy and I don't have any me time.....learning to change that a little!!! Still, I wouldn't change it for the world!!! Just turned 40 and think it's time to take care of me.....As moms, we can't be any good to them, if we don't take care of ourselves and be healthy!!!!! Keep up the great work! You are a fanastic mama!!!!
  • Vanessa123080
    Vanessa123080 Posts: 15 Member
    4 boys, ages 16, 13, 11 and 9. I think its to hard on a family and kids to be doing so much so my boys are only allowed to do 1 thing at a time. They cant have football AND track... its one or the other , they choose. If they have an after school job to do then social sports are out. This keeps our family close and we have dinner together every night. It also teaches them that they dont always get what they want and they learn family is more important than their social life.
  • walkingforward
    walkingforward Posts: 174 Member
    5: boys 20, 18 and 12 yo + girls 16 and 10
  • BrotherBill913
    BrotherBill913 Posts: 662 Member
    My son is 20 my daughter is 23 and my grandson is almost 5!!!!! Five!!! lol... Time flies...........
  • amylouise71
    amylouise71 Posts: 8 Member
    I have one 3.5 yr old boy, don't know if we'll have anymore, if it happens it happens. I'm lucky that I have found a way to have me time, the hour between work and picking my son up from daycare. I really did find the first few years very tough because my husband works long hours and we don't really have any family / support close by. I found myself stress eating a lot to help me cope with the lack of sleep and lack of me time. Now that he's a bit older it really is getting easier, I just need to break the habit of stress eating.
  • Married with 2 kids. A 14 yr old boy and a 2 yr old girl.
  • danessa1
    danessa1 Posts: 31 Member
    I have two girls 3 1/2 and 2 (in March). I work full time. I agree the time flies by when you're super busy.
  • BellaFe
    BellaFe Posts: 323
    Married with 6 kids

    boy: 13
    girl: 12
    boy: 11
    girl: 8
    boy/girl twins: 11 months
  • skinnyjeans1224
    skinnyjeans1224 Posts: 76 Member
    We have one kid. Well he's grown now. 20 years and married. We have our first Grandson and look forward to spending time with him when we can.
  • I have two boys(11&5) and a future step son(10)
  • e_hos
    e_hos Posts: 2
    I have two babies: a 2-year-old daughter and 6-month-old son.

    They are growing too fast and I would like time to slow down! :)
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    Honey, it seems my steering wheel and I have an intimate relationship.
    I have three girls ages 17, 16 and 9. I have my 8-4:30 job, we have Rainbow, Taekwondo (classes and competitions), Church functions which can be numerous, and my kids help out with a lot of fund raisers and helping out my folks at their place. I am ALWAYS in the car.
  • AndyStanford
    AndyStanford Posts: 154 Member
    2 boys, both coming up on birthdays.

    1 will be getting his first birthday at the end of the month, the other is coming up on 4.
  • scythswife
    scythswife Posts: 1,100 Member
    I am a sahm of 4. 3 boys 11,4,2 and 1 girl 7. I take the youngest to speech therapy twice a week, he just graduated from pt and ot. now without have 4 therapy appointments a week I can get more done. We also have church functions that very but have increased since hubby became a decon and I started teaching a Sunday school class, plus any functions with hubby's Sunday school class. Theres an occasional band concert with the oldest and school performance with my daughter.
  • Aem2381
    Aem2381 Posts: 89 Member
    I am married and we have 3 kids: daughter that is 7 and twins (boy/girl) that will be 5 this month. They are a handful and I can not imagine having more then 3! I work full time and right now we balance school functions/ church activities and girl scouts - but next month we will be adding in softball for my oldest and soccer for the twins! 4:30 am is my me time! Get up before the kids and get my workout in! Guess its a good thing they all go to bed pretty early still because I am usually right behind them! lol
  • hijude57
    hijude57 Posts: 97 Member
    I've been where you are and survived. I have 5 kids - 32,31,30,27,25. When they were teens I worked and my husband worked second and third shift. I always tell my youngest that she spent her entire childhood in the car while I drove everyone everwhere!
  • I only have one - a 6 yr old - but up until this year was a single mom. And with all the stress that came with that (as much as I love her) I did a lot of coping with FOOD! I am so all done with that!
  • Three boys one girl. Ages, 8, 6, and twins 4.
  • I have 3 boys. The oldest will be 9 in 2 weeks, my middle son is 6 and my youngest will be 4 in a month.
  • nczuczu
    nczuczu Posts: 611 Member
    3 boys - 24, 20 and 16. Unlike another poster, I stopped after boy # 3, Figured I would have a football team of boys and may never end up with a daughter. :)