Alcohol...My Weakness!

Alcohol has always got in the way of my weight loss, I have managed to restrict my alcohol intake to 1 or 2 days a week which is a great help. However, when you think about it, 6 pints of Stella lager is almost my entire days calorie allowance! Chuck in a few shots of vodka and a whiskey or two and I've ruined all the hard work I put in during the week.

I have a birthday party to go to this evening so it's probably going to get a bit messy, I was wondering if anyone has any thoughts on how to stay in control of the calories without resorting to complete abstinence or drugs.

Thank you in advance :-)


  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    I opt for "diet" water, as I call it...

    MGD 64 or Bud Select 55.... they taste like water, but they do the trick when I am out being social and "need" to have a drink in my hand.
  • I hope this doesn't sound harsh but have you considered AA or similar organization if it's THAT difficult to stay away from. IMO the moment alcohol becomes a NEED and not a want it's time for help.
  • Kerchinga
    Kerchinga Posts: 25 Member
    Try switching the lager for vodka with low calorie mixer? Thats what I did instead of drinking cider and the calories are way less :)
  • I agree, I like Beer too.
  • Ta2dchic20
    Ta2dchic20 Posts: 376 Member
    I find that if I get a drink I don't really like, I'll sip on it longer and stop at just one.
  • BakerRunnerBadass
    BakerRunnerBadass Posts: 1,359 Member
    Try vodka with lemon and water, low calories and refreshing.
  • estrange22
    estrange22 Posts: 210 Member
    Vodka and crystal light mixed together....yummy and lo-cal
  • SweeDecadence92
    SweeDecadence92 Posts: 218 Member
    Well there are many options for drinking healthier (like wine, red is best) and less calorific (like vodka and some spirits, without mixer) however if you truely think of alcohol as your weakness...that could be a serious problem and it may be worth seeing a medical professional about that.
  • Kat5343
    Kat5343 Posts: 451 Member
    I enjoy a drink or two in the evenings. I drink vodka with Diet Pop and I think vodka has only 68 calories a shot. I make sure to log it all. Also, I try to allow calories for my drinks. So, cut down on your calories to "save up" some room for your party.
  • I am a beer girl too. I love dark lagers, but I have managed to switch to Bud Select 55 calorie. I still have a case of my favorite, for special occasions, however, I stick to the lower calorie beer 99% of the time. It does take some adjustment (it doesn't taste nearly as good). The beer I favor has 130 calories per serving, so for me, its worth it to switch.
  • icmuse
    icmuse Posts: 263 Member
    I know how you feel. Wine is my kryptonite and the reason I usually pack on pounds or stall my weight loss.

    At parties, my trick is to drink 2 huge glasses of water in between drinks, it will give you sense of fullness and you will pace yourself much better, .... no hangover either!

    On regular weeks I try to stay away from alcohol, it is just not worth it, sabotaging my workout and healthy eating efforts with wine. I now have it mostly 1x week.

    Good luck, don't beat yourself up so much over it and have fun with it!
  • I agree with ShortNerdy,

    if you can't stay away from alcohol to lose the weight, you may have some sort of issue.

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE my wine, but I have made myself stay away from it. If I have some extra calories at the end of my day and I want my glass, then I'll drink it.

    Alcohol in general has too many empty calories to waste. I'd rather eat a huge plate of vegetable stir-fry and be full than drink a beer.
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    What advice would you give to someone who said "I want to lose weight but I love chocolate cake. I can't just have one slice of chocolate cake, I need to eat an entire cake at a time."

    I'd argue that the societal acceptance of alcohol abuse has you confused about whats right here.
  • When drinking in the house (yes I do that, bad man) I drink alcohol free or low alcohol bottles.
    No, not quite the same but I found it helps me relax and leaves me feeling spritely the following day which is a bonus.

    Maybe try and drink bottles when you are out. That often helps and also make a habit of putting your drink down after taking a swig. If you like spirits as you have mentioned, try long drinks. Like Vodka Slimline tonic or cola.
    This one doesnt work for me as I drink them too quick and end up shizzled, but its worth a try.

    One of my biggest failings, is I actually consume a hell of a lot of liquid.
    I drink about 2 litres of water each day. So another thing that helps, is have a pint and have a pint of water with it.
    You get the taste of the booze (which I like...lager tastes good...end of story) plus you curb the desire to consume a lot of fluid and you keep the cals at bay a bit.

    I'm totally with you on this, if I didn't enjoy drinking as much as I do, I wouldn't even need this site, because I actually eat pretty well.

    Anyway, good luck.
  • kellysulser
    kellysulser Posts: 13 Member
    I have a weakness for it as well - and I am not in need of AA - I just enjoy it and enjoy going out with my husband and our friends for a few drinks. I just try to taper what I do - the nights I know we are going out are the days I put in extra time on my workouts - if you want the pleasure of your drinks make yourself earn them! I swear it has worked wonders for me.

    I have to agree on the lower caloire beer - I just drink MGD 64, or even Miller Chill which has a lime flavor and is only 100 calories. Also, try something you can mix with water - and lemon or lime. Just research what alcohol you like vs. how many calories it has in it to make the best choices for you. Some brands are different though so you should look before you head out for the evening. Mixing with juice or diet pop has its own downfalls - sugar and calories, and of course diet soda is not any better for you than regular other than the calories.
  • 714rah714
    714rah714 Posts: 759 Member
    Make sure you have a good calorie deficit heading into the weekend to offset some of those calories of the bubbly kind.
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    I've cut out wine in the week - its so easy to have 1/2 a bottle while lingering over dinner (and then of course you need cheese and biscuits to go with it......) and look at my ticker! (1st week!!)

    its about breaking a habit (as distinct from being an alcoholic - I'm not swigging wine out of the bottle at 10am and I'm sure you're not lounging on the train platform in the morning with a 4-pack). So break the link and voila!

    If you know you've got a party and know you're going to blow your daialy limit, build up some exercise credit before and after and you should even out over the week and still lose.

    If you stick to your allowance at least 5 days a week one or two "naughty" days will not be an issue.

    I've also found a really good alcohol-free beer - the name escapes me, its a Dutch beer available in alcoholic and alcohol-free versions. Still has calories but is as satisfying as a beer (unlike Kaliber).
  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I opt for "diet" water, as I call it...

    MGD 64 or Bud Select 55.... they taste like water, but they do the trick when I am out being social and "need" to have a drink in my hand.

    I drink the Select 55 and think it is ok. Not Fat Tire, but ok.
  • Natashaa1991
    Natashaa1991 Posts: 866 Member
    same here! i drink once or twice a week... the problem is, alcohol creates "what the hell" kind of feeling, so i end up drinking too many calories and eating too many calories afterwards :(
  • I'm the last guy in the world to give advice here because God know's I've had my nights too..... I'm only two weeks into this but I'm limiting my big nights to one every two weeks. It is not great because those calories add up but it is way better than what I used to do. I also exercise hard the day of and make sure I'm at a deficit. Try to down a water in between beers-it will slow you down.