30 day shred-beginning 1/11/13



  • purplecharm
    purplecharm Posts: 446 Member
    I started 30DS today. I was going to purchase the video but then I found the entire serious on Youtube. I went out yesterday and purchased weights, workout attire and a mat. I am looking forward the the remaining 29 days. :)

    Yikes! I meant to type "entire SERIES on Youtube".
  • purplecharm
    purplecharm Posts: 446 Member
    I started on Wednesday so I've done 2 days (my legs are HURTING this morning) so I'm IN :)

    I've done the workout quite a few times before but only ever 1 day here and then. I think the most I did in a row was 2 days a few months ago - maybe I can beat my record today?!

    I only have 2.3kg weights (5lbs) which are waaay too heavy for me to manage all of the exercises and I just can't do push ups but I seem to get through pretty much all of the other parts without stopping. How does everyone else find it?

    I bought 5lbs weights thinking anything less would be too light, well, let's just say I was a little too ambitious. 5lbs is too much for me at this stage. I may go out today and buy 2lbs weights.
  • blondie0942
    blondie0942 Posts: 146 Member
    Ah, I started this last week, and I'm on day 6 today. Can I join? I tried completing it a few months ago, but got a minor injury using improper form on level 2 so I became intimidated of that level and skipped it all together! Now, I'm back in the game and ready to do it the right way. :smile: I'm using 5 pound weights but I'm going to up them to 8 pounds on day 13 (to give me time to get adjusted to level 2).
  • lovetoosiing
    Im game...Jillian is over here collecting dust I have alot of weight to lose so I will start today...I may need some encouragement by day 4 when my body is on fire...plus this is a good one b/c i can do it while my 1 year old monster is sleep :)
  • emartin87
    i am fixing to do day 4 level 1.. so i'm in anybody can add me and we can encourage each other. in the 3 days i've done it so far i've lost a pound.. YAY lol
  • hhbeam98
    I'm in. I've done some of it before and could tell a difference even though I didn't finish it all! It is great for shaping up!
  • LeighAnna115
    I'll join in! Sound like fun. :) are you going to turn this into a group?
  • blondie0942
    blondie0942 Posts: 146 Member
    I started on Wednesday so I've done 2 days (my legs are HURTING this morning) so I'm IN :)

    I've done the workout quite a few times before but only ever 1 day here and then. I think the most I did in a row was 2 days a few months ago - maybe I can beat my record today?!

    I only have 2.3kg weights (5lbs) which are waaay too heavy for me to manage all of the exercises and I just can't do push ups but I seem to get through pretty much all of the other parts without stopping. How does everyone else find it?

    work your way up to the heavier weights. I would start off with 2 or 3 pound weights and when it starts getting easy for you, then increase to 5 lbs.

    As for push ups, I also have a lot of trouble with the unmodified ones. I have to do 3 regular pushups then either hold a plank pose for a few seconds and continue, or switch to the modified version because my arm strength isn't quite there yet! :embarassed:
  • Liberty_7728
    Liberty_7728 Posts: 52 Member
    A TIP...do your measurements before you start. The 30DS is excellent for dropping lots of inches but your scale may not budge. It is a great workout. I did it several months ago....actually, I think I will do it again too! Good idea...
  • DaffyGirl88
    DaffyGirl88 Posts: 4,705 Member
    I'll play! A friend and I were going to start on Monday but 3 extra days won't hurt me. :smile:
  • linsey76A
    linsey76A Posts: 102
    i just bought it yesterday too :) and am starting it today. cant wait to see what all the talk is about
  • jeet1966
    jeet1966 Posts: 32 Member
    Count me in! I have started it twice before but never finished it as I joined two different boot camps and was too exhausted after boot camp to do the shred.

    Actually I am starting boot camp again but this time boot camp is before work so I think I can fit in 20 minutes after work. I really want to see this thru to the end at least just once!
  • clairyfairy247
    clairyfairy247 Posts: 425 Member
    I'm thinking of starting again tomorrow! This will be the third time I've attempted it! :(
  • sbodi88
    sbodi88 Posts: 18
    i started yesterday! i'll join you!
  • blacklabelbabe
    blacklabelbabe Posts: 48 Member
    Today was Day 3 of Level 1 for me! I am in and if anyone wants to add me feel free! Support, support, support!
  • kullyg
    kullyg Posts: 17
    There is a group called Let's get shredded if you wish to join that. I am on day 7 of Level 1 so far. On a few days where I had time I have incrporated in another fitness vid, but this is the main thing for me. I just watch it on youtube
  • lifeofsun
    lifeofsun Posts: 15 Member
    I just finished Day 6 of JM Shred-30, but I hopped up to level 2 because level 1 was manageable and I was getting bored. Level 2 is awesome!!
  • Shelbsta22
    I'm in!!! (:
  • EmDork
    EmDork Posts: 14 Member
    I have tried it before with no weight loss result. I'll give it another shot; I could definitely use some strength training. I :heart: Jillian Michaels!
  • trustymutsi
    trustymutsi Posts: 174 Member
    I started last week, but I'm in!

    I'm going to do it every other day, as I heard Jillian Michaels recommends that, and it's only call 30 Day Shred because of marketing.

    I did this workout last year, but stopped to try strength training. The program I tried didn't work out, so I'm back to 30DS. The first workout kicked my butt! Could barely lift my arms, and I felt nauseous for a while :( next couple workouts have been better.