
  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    I am sooo in on this, and for me its summer and if I really wanted to I could wear an athletic bikin but need a lil more toning!!! But heres my stats
    way before MFP my heaviest ever 230
    At the beginning of last year(again before MFP) 200
    as of now 130
    MFP has backed me up in losing two of the pesky last 20 I have to drop I am small in size so my goal is 110. I will settle for 115 though!!! Good luck to all
  • gabrielled
    gabrielled Posts: 247 Member
    Ugg. Up one. My oldest son turned sixteen last week, I had TWO barbecues to attend on Saturday, and I hurt my neck/shoulder sometime in there. It's on the mend now, but I JUST polished off the last of the birthday cake. I actually put it in the freezer and told my self, "self, if you still want it when you get home from work, then you can eat it." So I did. At least now it is GONE! "Live to play another day"~~Coach on The Water Boy. The shoulder is getting better, and tomorrow I will play another day.
  • dancer33
    dancer33 Posts: 114 Member
    Tomorrow morning is my day to check in........YIKES! Congrats to those of you who lost!! And if you didn't, it's okay!!!! It's a brand new week!!!!
  • dancer33
    dancer33 Posts: 114 Member
    Starting Weight: 140
    Last Week: 138
    This Week: 133
    Loss/Gain: -5 lbs

    Yayyyyy!! (probably mostly water weight thought, but I'm happy!!!)
  • meme2018
    meme2018 Posts: 241 Member
    Good morning All. Have a GREAT DAY :flowerforyou: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • swyman
    swyman Posts: 10
    Forgot to check in yesterday -- very busy after being gone all weekend. I was at a retreat with wonderful vegetarian, whole foods. Great healthy choices, but I simply ate more than I needed.

    Starting weight: 212
    Last Friday: 208
    This morning: 209.5

    See you Friday! Congrats to all of you who have lost this week. And congrats to all of us who didn't, but are still committed to a healthier leaner body/mind.
  • melli
    melli Posts: 14
    hey everybody,
    time for me to check in......yickes...i ate like a cow were at a pary, I know that's no excuse. I told myself right as I got there, only one of each.....right! hehe I Had like 1 of each single food and then another one and another one....oh well. I'll just have to be extra good this week. Congrats to all that had self controll this week and to those who didn't as well :) ( we'll just start today new :D)

    Start: 190lbs
    today: 191lbs...grrrrr

    good luck to all
  • denisez
    denisez Posts: 8
    Checking in!!
    Starting weight: 230
    Todays Weight: 219
    Goal Weight: 180

    Way to go everyone!! Keep up the great work!! You are all amazing!!

  • meme2018
    meme2018 Posts: 241 Member
    Good morning... Just checking in. I did good yesterday with my eating I had calories left over, but I was sooo tried that I didn't workout .
    Congrats !!!!!!!:flowerforyou: everyone doing a great job. We can do this!!!!! Have a GREAT DAY :smile: :drinker: :drinker:
  • Oh I wanna join!

    Starting weight- 135
    Goal weight-120
  • dwalden
    dwalden Posts: 77 Member
    This has been a great motivator. Ready for a healthier summer.

    Starting Weight: 233 lbs
    Last Week: 222 lbs
    Current Weight: 219 lbs
    Goal Time: 8/31
    Goal Weight: 195 lbs
  • bheims
    bheims Posts: 3 Member
    I would like to get on board with this.

    Starting weight (1/1/08): 270 lbs
    Current weight: 243
    Goal weight by august 1: 227
    Ultimate goal weight: 200

    I would also just like to thank SWYMAN for your insight into your thought process. I'm going to incorporate that into my thinking. I have a problem with letting food "go to waste". I hope your 3 step process with help me battle that.
  • TNTPete
    TNTPete Posts: 701 Member
    starting weight - 170lbs
    current weight - 162lbs
    goal weight (by August 30th) - 155
    end goal - 150lbs

    So down 1lb, that's a start.... I hope to continue as I have been at a plateau for a while now. Way off on check in date but... better late than never!
  • meme2018
    meme2018 Posts: 241 Member
    starting weight 190
    current weight 190 :sad:
    goal weight( by August 30) 180
    Goal weight 140

    Not a good WI this week, a gain back the 1 pound I lost. I have look back over my journal, I didn't go
    over, I did used some of my extra calories, I WO for an hr to 45 min everyday. I JUST DON'T KNOW WHAT I DOING WRONG. :sad: :sad: I just can't get out of the 190's and stay out. :sad: :sad:
  • denisez
    denisez Posts: 8
    I agree, plateaus are hard to get over. Here's my plan, maybe it will work for you. I read that American eat their calories at the wrong end of the day. In other words we tend to eat more in the evening and lighter in the morning. I'm working hard to switch that around by eating more of my calories in the morning an throughout the day and less at night. Hopefully, that will give my body time to burn off more naturally. If anyone else has tried this let me know how it worked for you.

    Have a great weekend everyone!! Stay focused!!

  • dancer33
    dancer33 Posts: 114 Member
    Hope everyone has had a great week!! Keep it up throughout the weekend:happy:
  • swyman
    swyman Posts: 10
    End of the week check in:

    Starting weight : 212
    Last check in: 209.5
    Today: 208

    I've done some emotional eating this week. One of my sons has just graduated from college and is off to Chicago for work (we live in CA). He is a wonderful cook and has been cooking at dinner time and it has been very difficult for me to not overeat. There is a mix of good food, joy that he is home, and a sense of impending loss that he is soon to move across the country. All of these emotions add to my impulse to EAT!!!

    I agree with denisez, evening calories are where I have my biggest challenges. If I can go to bed empty (not hungry, but empty) and do that consistently I will loose weight. But evening is when I emotionally eat. I reward myself for a hard day at work, I nurture myself, I enjoy myself and my family WITH AND THROUGH FOOD! These associations with food are not really helpful and keep me eating when actually, I've had enough calories. So I have to be very conscious in the evening.

    What helps for me in this regard is to come home after work, change my clothes, and then sit in my bedroom for about five minutes before going into the kitchen. I connect with what my body is feeling, how hungry I am, how tense my body is, etc. Then I connect with where I'm at emotionally, whether or not I feel stressed, how challenging the day has been etc. Then I just sit with this experience and breathe with it, relaxing the body and feeling through whatever is going on. After about 5 minutes I remind myself about why being fit and lean is important to me and the one's that I love. Then I go out and prepare my food, or eat, if it is prepared already.

    That has been a real help to me at night, WHEN I DO IT! Just as often I just go into the kitchen and grab the first thing that I can put into my mouth, as though I'm a starving man who hasn't eaten all day -- which is never the case! If I start my evening meal like that I'm very likely to overeat and go to bed full: Not a good weight loss strategy.

    Hope everyone has a good weekend!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • iftcheiaf
    iftcheiaf Posts: 960 Member
    Starting Weight: 145 lbs
    Current Weight: 138 lbs (finally lost a couple of pounds)
    Intermittent goal: 135 by June 29 (anniversary vacation just me and my hubby)
    End Goal Time: Vacation in August
    Goal Weight: 125 lbs
  • bexita617
    bexita617 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm in on this summer challenge too!

    Starting weight: 228
    Current weight: 221.5
    Goal by 8/30: 201.5
    Final Goal: 178

    Will check back in on thursday. Good luck to all!
  • gabrielled
    gabrielled Posts: 247 Member

    Starting Weight (before mfp, even): 192
    Today's Weight: 175
    Two Months: 165
    Ending Goal: 145

    Today's weight: 171
    Two weeks = 4 pounds.
    The week before I gained one. So really, I had to lose that one as well. Can I count yesterdays' weight? :tongue: I weighed 170!
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