


  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    Hi P90X buddies - my MIL had a heart attack on Friday, and another yesterday, so I've been totally MIA, with no P90X. Will get back to it, once the personal life calms down (back and forth to hospital, family coming in, etc).

    Keep up the good work everyone! I am already seeing improvement in my shoulders and abs - anyone else seeing a change?
  • KaitieBug
    KaitieBug Posts: 559 Member
    oh no so sorry to hear that AJCM!! :cry: I know how scary that is. Will keep you and yours in my prayers:flowerforyou:

    snkeller: it totally is!! by the middle of week 2 i was seeing changes in my arms and shoulders :bigsmile:
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    oh no so sorry to hear that AJCM!! :cry: I know how scary that is. Will keep you and yours in my prayers:flowerforyou:

    Thank you.
  • kylielouttit
    kylielouttit Posts: 512 Member

    How is everyone doing? I'm totally zapped for energy but I am going to MAKE myself do Core Synergistics today.

    Day 15! Only....75 to go....that feels so daunting!
  • Bump!

    How is everyone doing? I'm totally zapped for energy but I am going to MAKE myself do Core Synergistics today.

    Day 15! Only....75 to go....that feels so daunting!

    I am so with you!!!! Every time I finish a week I realize I have so many more to go! LOL. But we're supposed to be looking at this as a lifestyle change, right???:wink:
  • oaker
    oaker Posts: 132 Member
    Sorry to hear that AJCM, hope everything gets better.

    ErinCatherine you will make it thru and be amazed from where you started. Next thing you know, you will want to do INSANITY. Oh, by the way great smile.
  • kamsue101
    kamsue101 Posts: 33 Member
    I am sorry to hear about the MIL. Hope she gets better soon.

    I am in my week 3, day 4, Yoga. I think this is the hardest workout for me because it lasts so long. Those salutations he does at the beginning feel like they will never end. I think we do 5 but it feels like 25. I was going to switch to the Stretch X program instead, but it was much easier in week 2 than it was in week 1 so I am going to stick it out through the first 4 weeks and see if I can't see a big improvement. I really need the work on my balance, I'm pretty shakey on some of the holds.

    I can really tell a difference already in my body. I took before photos in a bikini but I will not post them until I have really good after photos to post with them. I think I will post them both at the end of the first 90 days.

    Good luck to everyone and keep pushing that play button.
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    Thanks for the support everyone! My MIL is recoverying well.

    I have to get back to P90X! I miss it!

    You all continue to inspire me.
  • taryn_perry
    taryn_perry Posts: 193 Member
    I love seeing all the great encouragement on here. I started my 4th round of P90X today...doing the Classic version. I lost 25lbs with my first round and gained incredible strength, energy and knowledge with the program. I learned a TON of what I was doing wrong for all those years in the gym.

    This round, all about pushing it that much further and focusing on form.

    I'll be anxious to track and trade experiences with all of you. I also have a few tips up my sleeve if anyone needs guidance or motivation.

    Keep pushing play!
  • I love seeing all the great encouragement on here. I started my 4th round of P90X today...doing the Classic version. I lost 25lbs with my first round and gained incredible strength, energy and knowledge with the program. I learned a TON of what I was doing wrong for all those years in the gym.

    This round, all about pushing it that much further and focusing on form.

    I'll be anxious to track and trade experiences with all of you. I also have a few tips up my sleeve if anyone needs guidance or motivation.

    Keep pushing play!

    Taryn, I'm now on Day 68 of P90x Lean version (I sub in Plyo in place of Yoga some weeks, or on rest days) and I'm plotting what I'm going to do when I'm finished. I'm thinking I will take a week off then do it over, but the Classic version. Was also thinking about doing Insanity or a combination of the two. Any suggestions?
  • Glad to hear your MIL is recovering well. Your workouts will be there for you when you're ready.

    Thanks for the support everyone! My MIL is recoverying well.

    I have to get back to P90X! I miss it!

    You all continue to inspire me.
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    :flowerforyou: Thanks Alisa!

    How are you doing with the P90X? You already look soooo great in that bikini, your next pic will be insane! How is it going though? I can't wait to get back to calm life and working out. I was doing okay until I got a throat infection, so I've not worked out the past two days.
  • I'm doing ok. On day 72 today and haven't missed a workout yet. I haven't been great with my diet the last two weekends, so I actually gained a couple pounds back, but hopefully I'll lose it over the next few weeks.
  • kamsue101
    kamsue101 Posts: 33 Member
    I finished P90X and trying the Insanity videos for one week. If I can handle it, I will do Insanity for 60 days then do round 2 of P90X. Today was day 2 of Insanity, Plyometric Cardio Circuit. Wow, it really is insane. Four more days this week and then I'll decide if I want to try to make it 60 days. I may be starting P90X next Monday if I'm not ready for Insanity.

    Wish me luck everyone.
  • kamsue101
    kamsue101 Posts: 33 Member
    When I started P90X I was trying to keep my calories under 1500 a day. I didn't lose a pound the first 3 weeks and I was wiped out after each of my workouts. I finally started eating 1800 calories a day and I started losing weight and had a lot more energy. I also started drinking a whey protein shake after every workout. This made a huge difference. I am now a believer that you need a recovery/protein drink within 30 minutes after your workout. Without it I could hardly get off the couch the rest of the day.

    After that, I started adding cardio X in the afternoon a couple times a week.

    I lost a total of 25 pounds during round 1. I hope I can lose 15 pounds if I decide to stick with Insanity. Then I will finish strong with round 2 of P90X just in time for my sons wedding in November. His fiance has started doing Abripper X and wants to do P90X later. I'm hoping she can get my son to do it with her. I'm sure he would get back into his football fitness level real quick.

    I'm feeling some soreness from the Insanity I did this morning. I'll be back after tomorrow's workout.