I hate myself right now



  • floopysandi
    floopysandi Posts: 138 Member
    We have all done this. I have gotten better about logging things before I will eat them. It makes me think about if it is really worth it. I also work out a heck of a lot more than I used to and eat a lot more because I am working out and moving about so much (about 11 hours on average a week... have to fuel the body too!).

    Do not beat yourself up over it. Log it, own it, and move forward. Add some extra walking or cardio over the next week to burn it off if that makes you feel better. It is a process that we all have to relearn how to properly fuel our own bodies.

    If you really like the taste of McD's, allow yourself a drive thru once a week for a small snack (put it in your calories) and wait until you get home or to work to eat it. :)
  • the_stephinator
    the_stephinator Posts: 39 Member
    They should have support groups and sponsors just like AA and NA. Seriously binging can be dangerous just like drugs and alcohol and people need help. You should see if they have any support groups for bingers.

    They do honey. Google "OverEaters Anonymous" and "Food Addicts Anonymous." Both are based on the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous.

    If there aren't any meetings in your area you should be able to find meetings online (chat room or via web cam) or phone meetings (conference calls).

    If you think you have a problem you probably do. People who occasionally overindulge don't see it as a pattern in their lives. Be careful to stay out of the guilt, shame, repeat behavior pattern and seek help in one form or another. Don't beat yourself up, recognize it for what it was and make a DECISION (not hope) to change. Hugs!
  • nins11065
    nins11065 Posts: 29 Member
    I try no to dig into my feeling about the way I look and that is my advise to all who hate the way they look right now. I am just ditermine this time to lose the extra pounds that I carrying around. Too OLD to carry that much weight.
    What helps me is that a co-worker lost more than 50 pounds using a similar appplication; now I believe that it is possible. I am happy to have a supportive friend.
  • MiTime2016
    MiTime2016 Posts: 50 Member
    You've lost 50 lbs and you just ate 4000 calories. That's about a pound of gain plus the few lbs of water weight you'll gain from the carbs and sodium.

    Be realistic. No hating yourself. No throwing of pity parties of any size. It happened. It won't destroy your progress. You are in control.

    Back on the horse, cowboy.

    Nice post.
    3 months? I'd be thrilled to go three months without a binge.
    Be proud of your accomplishments; don't dwell on one negative.
  • ebonyrose316266
    ebonyrose316266 Posts: 48 Member
    I totally feel you. I ate too much ice cream today.
  • lilpoindexter
    lilpoindexter Posts: 1,122 Member
    Dude...your disgusted reaction is a step in a positive reaction.
    There's nothing you can do about what is already done...So worrying about it isn't going to do anything constructive.
    Plan your next outing to eat that delicious garbage as a cheat meal when you lose 5 lbs or something.

    Whatever you do...don't use this as an excuse to throw in the towel.