My step kids won't eat anything nutritious!



  • mrykyldy2
    mrykyldy2 Posts: 96 Member
    You know, I have to agree with many that have already posted. They eat what is made or they go hungry. They get hungry, they will eat. My son did not want to eat one evening, so I wrapped up his dinner and told him that it would be there for breakfast. The next day I warmed it up for him when he got up, he didn't want to eat it. I promptly told him that it was ok he could go to school with no breakfast and that I would bring the bowl to him at lunch time during school and feed it to him like he was a baby during school hours in front of all his friends. When he saw I was serious, he promptly ate his dinner at breakfast time before going to school. Although because you are a blended family, your husband has to be on board with what you are doing, otherwise it will not work.
  • padfoot3179
    padfoot3179 Posts: 14 Member
    I've hidden most of the junk food and stated the new plan to them tonight. "if you don't want to eat fine but don't bug me for a snack in an hour." We are setting structured meal times, 8 for breakfast 12:30 for lunch and 5 for dinner. If they don't want to eat I'm not fighting with them. The younger one has an iron will and I think most of you that said it was a power struggle were correct. She definitely doesn't hide it when she is not happy with something you've told her to do. I will try to get the husband to enforce these rules as well, he thinks I'm overreacting but he doesn't cook or purchase the food they waste!
  • jha1223
    jha1223 Posts: 141 Member
    I've hidden most of the junk food and stated the new plan to them tonight. "if you don't want to eat fine but don't bug me for a snack in an hour." We are setting structured meal times, 8 for breakfast 12:30 for lunch and 5 for dinner. If they don't want to eat I'm not fighting with them. The younger one has an iron will and I think most of you that said it was a power struggle were correct. She definitely doesn't hide it when she is not happy with something you've told her to do. I will try to get the husband to enforce these rules as well, he thinks I'm overreacting but he doesn't cook or purchase the food they waste!

    Excellent! Be strong. It is for the best for ALL of you.
  • lornaloo3
    lornaloo3 Posts: 102
    You think you have it bad? My kid just turned down a trip to McDonald's! She said McDonald's was unhealthy! She's 5, is that too late to leave her in a basket at the police station?

    lol that's adorable. You have a cute kid.