I use to be 160 then went to 140 and when I was 140 and I would always say if I was just 120 I would be able to wear a bikini ... Now I'm 123-126 and I still feel fat and disgusting.. Should I cut more calories. I started going to the gym again two weeks ago haven't missed a day since. Please help!


  • ubermensch13
    ubermensch13 Posts: 824 Member
    I'm sensing this is more of a psychological issue rather than a physical one. 123-126 is probably a healthy weight for you. If you are thinking you are fat, even though you are not, maybe you should talk to someone about it.
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    how tall are you?
  • ckite21
    ckite21 Posts: 11 Member
  • ckite21
    ckite21 Posts: 11 Member
    No I see girls that are the same weight and in a size four I'm in a size 8. I don't get it
  • You don't really need to lose any weight at 5'5"...
    Maybe toning up muscle would make you feel better about your body image?

    Though, talking to someone might not be a bad idea either.
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    maybe you need to build some muscle? i'm 5'4" and 116 and still kinda feel fat myself. thinking i need to start building muscle.
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    No I see girls that are the same weight and in a size four I'm in a size 8. I don't get it

    i hear ya. i'm 116 and a size 8. i have wide hips due to bone structure. almost all women my height and weight are a smaller size pants.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    it really is just in our heads... i am 5.2 and bounce between 115-120 and i still feel i am fat b/c i have a lower belly pooch that i can't seem to get rid of at all, it's the only area that i am unhappy with but yet i don't want to lose more weight and am not sure how else to get rid of it..
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    it really is just in our heads... i am 5.2 and bounce between 115-120 and i still feel i am fat b/c i have a lower belly pooch that i can't seem to get rid of at all, it's the only area that i am unhappy with but yet i don't want to lose more weight and am not sure how else to get rid of it..

    Heavy lifting will likely help as it cuts body fat. But none of you are overfat to begin with.
  • Emma_Problema
    Emma_Problema Posts: 422 Member
    How did you lose the weight? You may have lost a lot of muscle mass and ended up with a higher body fat %. Weight is not a good indicator of fitness.

    And I think the "go see a shrink" responses are quite rude. And pretty damn silly given the lack of information necessary to make that judgement call.
  • themutineer
    themutineer Posts: 117 Member
    You're not fat.

    I'm 5'5" and a size 0 and guess how much I weigh? 135-140
    I actually used to weigh 120, but I've put on a lot of muscle since then.
    I know what it's like to want to see the magic number on the scale, but trust me - it isn't everything.

    I would suggest toning up; Don't be afraid to try strength training and high-intensity interval training.

    Do seek out the advice of a medical professional if you feel that something deeper may be going on.
    I really love the ideas expressed in the book Intuitive Eating, which rejects the diet mentality and encourages you to honor your body and your self if you'd like to check it out.
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    How did you lose the weight? You may have lost a lot of muscle mass and ended up with a higher body fat %. Weight is not a good indicator of fitness.

    And I think the "go see a shrink" responses are quite rude. And pretty damn silly given the lack of information necessary to make that judgement call.

    I really don't think that you can wind up with a higher body fat percentage after losing weight unless you went from working out to not working out. It might not decrease as much as you want, but percentage wise I don't think so.

    agree on the "go see a shrink" responses being rude. I think she just needs to build some muscle.
  • Emma_Problema
    Emma_Problema Posts: 422 Member
    You're not fat.

    I'm 5'5" and a size 0 and guess how much I weigh? 135-140
    I actually used to weigh 120, but I've put on a lot of muscle since then.
    I know what it's like to want to see the magic number on the scale, but trust me - it isn't everything.

    I would suggest toning up; Don't be afraid to try strength training and high-intensity interval training.

    Do seek out the advice of a medical professional if you feel that something deeper may be going on.
    I really love the ideas expressed in the book Intuitive Eating, which rejects the diet mentality and encourages you to honor your body and your self if you'd like to check it out.

    She just said she was a size 8.... Your advice is good but your assumption that she has body image issues and might not "honor her body or herself" is kind of unnecessary.
  • stonel94
    stonel94 Posts: 550 Member
    probably more psychological orrrr you aren't very toned, try toning, lots of abs and back, maybe get a trainer cause I find this to be the hardest part for me, I can tone my abs so that they're hard but still don't like the way it looks
  • Emma_Problema
    Emma_Problema Posts: 422 Member
    How did you lose the weight? You may have lost a lot of muscle mass and ended up with a higher body fat %. Weight is not a good indicator of fitness.

    And I think the "go see a shrink" responses are quite rude. And pretty damn silly given the lack of information necessary to make that judgement call.

    I really don't think that you can wind up with a higher body fat percentage after losing weight unless you went from working out to not working out. It might not decrease as much as you want, but percentage wise I don't think so.

    agree on the "go see a shrink" responses being rude. I think she just needs to build some muscle.

    Oh, no no. Sorry if that was misleading. I highly doubt she has a higher body fat % than she did before she lost the weight....that's just crazy. I think that she might possibly have a higher body fat % than the average woman who's her weight and height if she lost weight quickly. Agreed that she should look into strength training.
  • You might like to see your accomplishment and the before pics that I see in a post yesterday from somebody who lost over 65 lbs. We can be very cruel to ourselves ,also remember that attitude helps a lot get you a nice tan and lots of nice make up and be happy
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    How did you lose the weight? You may have lost a lot of muscle mass and ended up with a higher body fat %. Weight is not a good indicator of fitness.

    And I think the "go see a shrink" responses are quite rude. And pretty damn silly given the lack of information necessary to make that judgement call.

    I really don't think that you can wind up with a higher body fat percentage after losing weight unless you went from working out to not working out. It might not decrease as much as you want, but percentage wise I don't think so.

    agree on the "go see a shrink" responses being rude. I think she just needs to build some muscle.

    Oh, no no. Sorry if that was misleading. I highly doubt she has a higher body fat % than she did before she lost the weight....that's just crazy. I think that she might possibly have a higher body fat % than the average woman who's her weight and height if she lost weight quickly. Agreed that she should look into strength training.

    aaah, yeah that's possible. i misunderstood before.
  • themutineer
    themutineer Posts: 117 Member
    You're not fat.

    I'm 5'5" and a size 0 and guess how much I weigh? 135-140
    I actually used to weigh 120, but I've put on a lot of muscle since then.
    I know what it's like to want to see the magic number on the scale, but trust me - it isn't everything.

    I would suggest toning up; Don't be afraid to try strength training and high-intensity interval training.

    Do seek out the advice of a medical professional if you feel that something deeper may be going on.
    I really love the ideas expressed in the book Intuitive Eating, which rejects the diet mentality and encourages you to honor your body and your self if you'd like to check it out.

    She just said she was a size 8.... Your advice is good but your assumption that she has body image issues and might not "honor her body or herself" is kind of unnecessary.

    I was attempting to prove the point that weight, size, and numbers in general are often irrelevant in indications of one's fitness.

    I've had a lot of personal experience with body image issues, so whereas you may see it as an assumption on my part I see "WHY AM I STILL FAT :(" as something I have often thought to myself, even at a healthy weight given my height - which incidentally, is the same as the OP's.

    I don't mean any ill-intent; I'm only trying to provide what might be a more helpful response to the debate going on in the thread concerning body image. I apologize to the OP if I've disrespected her in any way.
  • Emma_Problema
    Emma_Problema Posts: 422 Member

    She just said she was a size 8.... Your advice is good but your assumption that she has body image issues and might not "honor her body or herself" is kind of unnecessary.

    I was attempting to prove the point that weight, size, and numbers in general are often irrelevant in indications of one's fitness.

    I've had a lot of personal experience with body image issues, so whereas you may see it as an assumption on my part I see "WHY AM I STILL FAT :(" as something I have often thought to myself, even at a healthy weight given my height - which incidentally, is the same as the OP's.

    I don't mean any ill-intent; I'm only trying to provide what might be a more helpful response to the debate going on in the thread concerning body image. I apologize to the OP if I've disrespected her in any way.

    Sorry. I may have been a little harsh. I'm sure you had no ill-intent. It's just frustrating to see people assume that a certain height and weight means that a person doesn't need to lose weight. In my eyes that's not really their decision and it's hard to know the circumstance, especially when the OP has no body pics and like you mentioned before, weight, size, and numbers are irrelevant.

    And I totally understand wanting to reach out to others when you've had body image issues. I'm recovery ED, so I am right there with you. It's just kind of difficult on a site like this where you don't actually know people and it can be frustrating to hear a bunch of people on the internet tell you that you have issues, especially if you don't identify with those issues, so that kind of advice is rarely helpful.

    But your head and heart are in the right place. You seem like a genuinely nice person and I'm sorry if I made you feel bad by being snippy. :flowerforyou:
  • cuterbee
    cuterbee Posts: 545
    How did you lose the weight? You may have lost a lot of muscle mass and ended up with a higher body fat %. Weight is not a good indicator of fitness.

    And I think the "go see a shrink" responses are quite rude. And pretty damn silly given the lack of information necessary to make that judgement call.

    Actually, it was the fact that she added the descriptor "disgusting" that made me wonder if she's having problems with body image (which some people do after weight loss -- it takes time for your head to catch up to the change in body).