Hi from UK

My name's Daisy, I'm 20 and live in the South East. I've been using MFP for just over a week now and I'm finding it so easy and sensible as a method of dieting. this is my first time using the forums as I've been a bit scared! Still not quite sure how everything works, so hoping you might be able to help me! I'm looking to meet some people for advice and support along the way.
Hope you're all having a nice day,
D xx


  • Iron_Pheonix
    Iron_Pheonix Posts: 191 Member
    Hi Daisy! I was born in Kent, now live in west midlands. Great job on starting on MFP. You need some friends girl! MFP is all about support and friendship :) welcome x
  • shellux
    shellux Posts: 164 Member
    Hi Daisy. I live in East Anglia. Have found this web site so supportive so feel free to add me, can never have too many friends :)

  • sarieah
    sarieah Posts: 12 Member
    Hi Daisy, I'm from the midlands but need some more friends on here for support so feel free to add me as well. Good luck with your journey! x
  • DaisyAliceB
    DaisyAliceB Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks girls, so lovely to get replies! What are your goals? x
  • Hi Girls,
    I live in Northampton. I am a goal oriented person so have signed up to do Tough Mudder in May ..... feel so far away from being able to do it at the moment!! I want to lose an=bout 35lbs and to fit into my old clothes, i want to feel better about myself and be a lot fitter and healthier!
  • DaisyAliceB
    DaisyAliceB Posts: 17 Member
    That's amazing! I'd love to do a Tough Mudder, I'm always using my asthma or my busy shift schedule as excuses for not signing up to any long term fitness goal. I didn't go to the gym yesterday because I didn't have a clean sports bra for goodness sake! I really need to work on motivation! :p
  • karolynnc411
    karolynnc411 Posts: 25 Member
    Welcome to MFP! Good luck on your journey :)
  • That's amazing! I'd love to do a Tough Mudder, I'm always using my asthma or my busy shift schedule as excuses for not signing up to any long term fitness goal. I didn't go to the gym yesterday because I didn't have a clean sports bra for goodness sake! I really need to work on motivation! :p

    I have been the same in the past! Last summer i was doing really well and exercisig lots and eating better ... then i got injured and used it as an excuse to sit back and do nothing! You do get to a stage though where you feel you must go to gym / run / exercise so you dont let yourself down. Takes a while but stick with it! Maybe just try to do something (even just 20 min walk) every other day and go from there!
  • BTW friend requested you! I find checking out what my MFP friends have been doing really motivating too! All my friends know to shout at me if i start to slack!!
  • DaisyAliceB
    DaisyAliceB Posts: 17 Member
    That's amazing! I'd love to do a Tough Mudder, I'm always using my asthma or my busy shift schedule as excuses for not signing up to any long term fitness goal. I didn't go to the gym yesterday because I didn't have a clean sports bra for goodness sake! I really need to work on motivation! :p

    I have been the same in the past! Last summer i was doing really well and exercisig lots and eating better ... then i got injured and used it as an excuse to sit back and do nothing! You do get to a stage though where you feel you must go to gym / run / exercise so you dont let yourself down. Takes a while but stick with it! Maybe just try to do something (even just 20 min walk) every other day and go from there!

    Yeah, that's a good idea, I'm trying to get in the gym three times per week but I did three night shifts this week, which pretty much knocks four days off and it's ballsed everything up! Please feel free to shout at me if I look like I'm slacking!
  • thisgirlhere
    thisgirlhere Posts: 27 Member
    Hi I'm from West Mids and I need to lose a couple of stones (oh to be able to say stones on here). I'm a UK size 16 and want to be a 12. I've been around here reading forums for ages but only just started tracking food a few weeks ago.

    Good Luck and add me if you want.
  • I have already lost 9lbs in 2 weeks. I used to use this but gave up now I'm back and going to reach my goal. Good luck x
  • 2muchchocncrisps
    2muchchocncrisps Posts: 176 Member
    Hi all, I'm Pam, 52 and live in the south-east. I eat too much and although I would like to blame stress, insomnia and anything else for my eating, the fact is nothing in my wardrobe fits and my joints ache under the strain! I love anything sweet and I have forgotten where the gym is. Help!
  • Hi Daisy,

    I'm Mel from Manchester, feel free to add me! I need a good push also, only been on here for 3 days and already gone over my calorie allowance :( xx
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
  • Hey, good luck on your journey, I am Zoe from Cheshire. I think this is so much easier when you have friends on here who can support, cheer and motivate, Feel free to add me xx
  • sophiesummerdiet
    sophiesummerdiet Posts: 84 Member
    Hi all,

    Anyone who has posted feel free to add me - I would love to have more UK friends, especially with open diaries so I can get inspiration!
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Hi Daisy, I'm also in the south east, not that far from you actually!

    My diary is open - feel free to add me!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,602 Member
    Hi I'm from Hampshire and I've been on a healthy regime since June 11th when I felt so really miserable at my brother's 60th. Nothing fitted any more including my knickers! I have now lost 2st 4 lbs and am doing an hour's exercise almost every morning, using up 400 calories which I definitely eat back! My mobility is now so much better, my ankles are no longer swollen and I don't snore any more. Can walk downstairs like a normal person instead of one step and feet together because my knees were shot. Funnily enough I have yet to brave the shops to buy new trousers as I can still fit into the smallest of my old ones. I think I have gone from a ' kidding myself I was a large 16 ' to 'am I really a 14 ?' I have bought tops on line but I am still a 16 in clingy things. At least I can now wear clingy things!
    By the way I am 63, but by no way feel it. I do yoga one day a week on the day I am not doing my 400 on machines.
    I eat really well and have one alcoholic drink a day. Do a lot of Hairy Dieters recipes and that sort of thing. I don't feel deprived and my husband is very supportive. Only time I feel hungry is late afternoon, when I have slice of bread and Marmite. No butter!
    Christmas was a bit of a trial and I find myself not so keen on going out for meals, though I have been having two starters. No pudding of course! It is all more than worth it. We are going on holiday next month and I want to be 11 st 7lbs , the same weight as I was when I met my husband ten years ago. Since then I have had breast cancer, chemo etc. which put the weight on, then my knees went and exercise was difficult so I took up baking and bingo! I still have a way to go to my ideal weight, but I reckon it should take me 5 more months. Then watch out for me in skinny jeans! 1
    Lovely to hear from all you Brits. Keep up the good work.
  • hi everyone!! I'm from south Wales, been logging on now for over a year and have lost 2 1/2 stone. This site has been a god send!! Don't think I would of managed without it!! If anyone would like to add me please feel free! Having friends on here is a great motivator!!