Need to get this off my chest



  • msmil
    msmil Posts: 9 Member
    Girl! Seriously!? Just go get a new dude! Hell, go get a few of them! And make sure they're really intimidating, like an MMA figher or in a motorcycle gang... I'm sorry, I'm kidding (mostly) and I don't mean to be brash, but I'm looking at this as a mid thirties, married, three kids who are all CRAZY (and wonderful) and my husband is a workaholic and I'm just a meager houswife so that is constantly being held over my head. I mean, I'm not complaining, I have it pretty good, but my years of being a hot commodity on the meat market are done and gone. At my peak I was a juicy, black angus filet, but 13 yrs and 3 kids later, I'm 80/20 ground chuck. Frozen. So I look at someone like you, and you're not stuck, you're just choosing to dwell on this. And I don't get it becuase you're so lovely, and smart, and you have your whole life ahead of you to live any way you want to, you are bound to absolutely nothing! So why do you pin your heart to this moron, who clearly has bad taste and women, and just is a jerk in general. I mean, really? WHO CARES what he's up to, go be you, go do your own thing. I just hope you realize how much you have going for you. You're the kind of chick I worry about my husband leaving me for one day.:noway: So, quit wasting your time cyberstalking your ex already. Put on your hooker boots and smash those boobies together and strut your ****. Bcz I tell you what... it will be gone in a flash.
  • wmoomoo
    wmoomoo Posts: 159 Member
    Don't compare yourself with anyone. You are beautiful the way you are. It's his lose for not treasuring you.
  • srcardinal10
    srcardinal10 Posts: 387 Member
    To go along with your rant...

    I'm pretty sure that my boyfriend of a year and three months and I are on the verge of breaking up and it is killing me. I moved away in August for a job and now we are in a long distance relationship. I'm only an hour and fifteen minutes away but that distance has really strained our relationship. I have done everything that I can to be a good gf. I am constantly driving to go see him and he has only been to where I live 4 times (two of which were to attend office functions with me). He says it's because he's busy (he has a few jobs and is starting up a business). I feel like he loves me but he isn't in love with me...and this comes from the fact that he never says, "I love you." I think I've heard it a handful of times but in response to me having already said it. We have been arguing and arguing for the last month (never had one fight while I lived in the same city) so this is unlike us. It always stems from the fact that I just want him to call me sometimes (which he never I'm not exaggerating) and to come see me once and a while. Since he doesn't I call/text him and I'll admit, it's too much, but it's because he won't respond or call me back (like he says he will) so it's caused me to become insecure about the relationship...which doesn't help since I don't feel like he is in love with me. I don't know what to do because he is the best bf I've ever had...up until the last month/two. It just makes me feel like I'm not worth the little time/effort.

  • symkat
    symkat Posts: 70
    some people (men and women) will just never change. we all have handicaps some are physical, some are mental and some are emotional. it sounds like your ex has serious self eteem and control issues himself. there are alot of people out there who play it off like they are super self confidant but deep down they are very scared and very insecure. men like this will always pick a woman who they percieve as weak and they think that these woman are too undesireable to get anyone else so he doesn't have to worry about them leaving or cheating and they know that they can control these woman. they need to be in control because it makes them feel less scared. then they want to change these woman, thinking that even when the woman is all made over and looking hot she will still have the same crappy self esteem so she wont leave cuz she's still too insecure and unfortunately all too often he is right. it's the best of both worlds, he gets a super hot girlfriend with no self esteem so he doesn't have to worry about her leaving and he can still control her and treat her like dog poo under his feet. I would look at this breakup as a compliment. it just means that you have grown and are too secure in yourself for him to control anymore. the only thing that you should feel for him is pitty and for whoever this new victim of his is. he is not good enough for you, you deserve better. if I offered you a hundred dollars you would take it right? well if I ripped it in half would you still want it? of coarse you would. you would grab some tape and tape that **** back together lol. just because something is not perfect doesn't mean it's any less valuable. none of us are perfect and that is what makes us unique, interesting and fun. you can't get self esteem or self approval through someone else. it has to come from within. you can't love youself because other people do, you have to love yourself even if nobody else does. no matter what it is that you don't like about yourself there is always someone else who has the same problem only worse. if you met that person would you tell them they were ugly or fat or whatever? would you expect them to hate themselves or have a crappy life because of it? no. you would expect them to get over it and have a wonderful happy life so why are we always nicer to others than we are to ourselves? we should treat ourselves just as nicely as we treat the person we love the most like our best friend or our kids. I hope that you find your ultimate strength, the strength to love yourself no matter what anyone else thinks and to overlook you faults and flaws because we all have them. I hope you learn to love respect and forgive yourself because that is the happiest most free feeling in the world. good luck with your struggle and God bless.
  • KRobertson36
    KRobertson36 Posts: 25 Member
    Sounds like he picked another girlfriend he could pressure and belittle. After you, he wasn't looking for the best he can get, he's looking for a victim. You grew put of it, and hopefully his new girlfriend will do the same thing.

    Absolutely. Nothing ends a relationship faster than one partner getting healthy. Bleak but often true.

    I hadn't thought about it like that but can see this now. Seeing my wife of 12 years left me for an old boyfriend. I understand where you are is a great idea to get those people who love you around you and when you feel down listen to them because they love you regardless of what you think about yourself.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Girl! Seriously!? Just go get a new dude! Hell, go get a few of them! And make sure they're really intimidating, like an MMA figher or in a motorcycle gang... I'm sorry, I'm kidding (mostly) and I don't mean to be brash, but I'm looking at this as a mid thirties, married, three kids who are all CRAZY (and wonderful) and my husband is a workaholic and I'm just a meager houswife so that is constantly being held over my head. I mean, I'm not complaining, I have it pretty good, but my years of being a hot commodity on the meat market are done and gone. At my peak I was a juicy, black angus filet, but 13 yrs and 3 kids later, I'm 80/20 ground chuck. Frozen. So I look at someone like you, and you're not stuck, you're just choosing to dwell on this. And I don't get it becuase you're so lovely, and smart, and you have your whole life ahead of you to live any way you want to, you are bound to absolutely nothing! So why do you pin your heart to this moron, who clearly has bad taste and women, and just is a jerk in general. I mean, really? WHO CARES what he's up to, go be you, go do your own thing. I just hope you realize how much you have going for you. You're the kind of chick I worry about my husband leaving me for one day.:noway: So, quit wasting your time cyberstalking your ex already. Put on your hooker boots and smash those boobies together and strut your ****. Bcz I tell you what... it will be gone in a flash.

    Agree! You don't need to be looking at him, go look at the other ones out there. There are too many fish in the sea to be wasting your time with one that is swimming away from you. Go have a fling, or 2 or 6. You dont' have to even think about a serious relationship, just go have some fun!!!!! Life is too short. You can do it, I know, you just have do it!