Help Evaluate My Diary!!!



  • xRedHeaterx
    xRedHeaterx Posts: 37 Member
    You are losing 1-1.5 lbs a week? What is it you want to change?

    I agree with this, and pretty much what everyone else has said.

    1-1.5 pounds a week is pretty much an optimal rate of weight loss. It sounds like the diet is working for weight loss, although you may be setting yourself up for other problems with some of the rubbish you eat. I do like the way you are eating plenty of protein.
  • cedarghost
    cedarghost Posts: 621 Member
    Are you making a documentary or a book on how to eat fast food and still lose weight?

    My arteries contracted a bit looking at your foods.

    I did spy some lean pork in there so well done.

    If the OP is serious about some diary help - try making up a batch of morning muffins (you can do it - if you can make coffee you can make muffins) with bacon or ham, tomato, cheese etc and freezing them. Night before work put a couple out the defrost. Heat 10-20 secs in your microwave and BAM. Instant breakfast.

    If not serious and just wanted to show off your doughnuts, KFCs and McWhatevers then troll away.
    Very serious. And thanks for the Muffin idea! I could make them at night and just grab them on the way out.

    @Robin, thanks!
  • victoriannsays
    victoriannsays Posts: 568 Member
    Your diary is filled with terrible food. and SO much fast food.

    The excuse that you don't have time in unacceptable. Im a single mom who goes to school full time and works a part time job and I find time to make healthier choices. How about grabbing an egg white turkey sausage flatbread at dunkin donuts in the morning instread of eating 2 donuts???? EASY AND TAKES THE SAME AMOUNT OF TIME.

    Take fruit with you. Eat nuts. Make trailmix. Skip the burgers.

    If you continue eating this way you put yourself at risk for heart disease and strokes, not to mention an endless list of other things.
  • As was said already, if you want to be healthy, you should eat better foods. If you want to lose weight, you just need to consume less calories a day than your body burns a day, on average. I'm surprised that you have a daily goal of 3000 calories..that seems like a lot for someone who is trying to lose weight. Is this the number MFP suggested for you, and did you adjust it when you lost weight?
  • psifi73
    psifi73 Posts: 3 Member
    First of all well done on the weight loss so far.

    I'd echo the other replies about reducing the amount of processed and fried food. Switching even one of your current daily meals to something that has a high proportion of fresh fruit and veg will help keep you on target and broaden the variety in your diet. Fruit and veg are less calorific than the donuts and KFC, so you can go for big portions of these - think about large salads (without dressings), or hearty soups or curries. If you feel the urge to snack, go for low calorie, low salt options - having a supply of rice crackers and dried fruit keeps me away from too many chips and cookies. And keep track of your fluid intake as it's easy for the brain to mistake thirst for hunger.

    The best of luck to you!
  • Sir,your diary is filled with absolute crap..have you ever heard of a vegetable? your sodium levels are through the roof,and most importantly,you had poptarts the other day. poptarts are a dirty,dirty food. Shame.
    But they were fruit flavored Pop Tarts.
    just because they r fruit flavored doesn't mean they r good for u or mean they r fruit. Its pure sugar. I'm up at 4 am in the morning and still eat breakfast every morning. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Oh ya get rid of the pop diet or not its not good for u. If u need the caffiene then try green tea. It has natural caffiene and it Provence to help u loose weight naturally. Also snack wise add so fresh veggies it cuts out some of your sugars. I cant my diet and started working out about 3.5 weeks ago then about a week ago started using this app again to help track my food better. I'm down 19 pounds so far and I'm far from starving myself I eat healthy and space my eating all through the day. Plus I added vitamins to my daily diet I feel so much better and I have way more energy. I lost 7 more pounds since I stared tracking on here and planning my food for the day before hand.
  • AsrarHussain
    AsrarHussain Posts: 1,424 Member
    You are not eating any breakfast, need to kick start your metabolism.

    How much water are you drinking?

    How much exercise are you doing?

    Avoid any thing out of a packet that has more than 2 ingredients because it will be so refined that your body will absorb it too quickly

    thats a myth eating breakfast wont kickstart motablisim no meal will do this its all total colloric intake
  • cedarghost
    cedarghost Posts: 621 Member
    As was said already, if you want to be healthy, you should eat better foods. If you want to lose weight, you just need to consume less calories a day than your body burns a day, on average. I'm surprised that you have a daily goal of 3000 calories..that seems like a lot for someone who is trying to lose weight. Is this the number MFP suggested for you, and did you adjust it when you lost weight?
    No. the 3000 is my TDEE. My actual goal is 2300. I set it manually because I like to be able to see "You have xxx amount of calories left" and know the absolutely most I can have and still lose weight.
  • timmemin
    timmemin Posts: 72 Member
    Maybe you aren't logging veggies because of their low calorie count, but from what I am seeing, you are missing something very important from your diet. Switch to lean meat, eat more veggies and fruits, and try to cut some of the starches. Of course, exercise is super important too!
  • All I did was look at one day at the macros and noticed...

    1) your sodium. Way to high. I guess everyone has different opinions on sodium but I dont like sodium. To me sodium means more processed. I keep my sodium under 1200 a day. A good way to avoid sodium, avoid packaged/canned foods.

    2) WAY too much sugar (my goal is 24g!)

    3) even more WAY to much fat. (my goal is like 30g)

    4.) CRAZY amount of carbs. I try to keep mine under 150.

    As for kellogs, try some thing whole grains like oatmeal. White carbs are not nearly as good for you as brown carbs...

    The weigh watcher bars... all that weight watcher/skinny cow stuff is crap! Look at the ingredients! so processed.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Yes you could eat a little healthier but I'd like to say good on you for eating a decent amount of calories unlike so many that ask for help and are starving themselves. Just get more fruit, veg, protein and fibre so you get fuller for the same amount of calories and get the benifits from the vitamins, minerals and fibre etc... yes you can keep losing eating the way you are of course and no you do NOT have to eat breakfast at all, you can save those calories up to eat more later in the day if you'd prefer. it's an old myth about it kick starting your metabolism.
  • First of all well done on the weight loss so far.

    I'd echo the other replies about reducing the amount of processed and fried food. Switching even one of your current daily meals to something that has a high proportion of fresh fruit and veg will help keep you on target and broaden the variety in your diet. Fruit and veg are less calorific than the donuts and KFC, so you can go for big portions of these - think about large salads (without dressings), or hearty soups or curries. If you feel the urge to snack, go for low calorie, low salt options - having a supply of rice crackers and dried fruit keeps me away from too many chips and cookies. And keep track of your fluid intake as it's easy for the brain to mistake thirst for hunger.

    The best of luck to you!
    Processed foods are the worst. Have u watched the 5 foods to avoid if not u should it truely makes sense and gives u a lot of good information to help here's a link to one and here's a link to the other Hope these help u good luck to you
  • Being honest you need to start being serious with yourself, you know eating whole packets of weight watchers ice creams is excessive and eating sugar filled stuff is not healthy. You just need to sit down and think about what you are eating. You sir are on track to die young if you continue this path of excess food and very high levels of salt. I'm no saint but the biggest part of losing weight is the life change that goes with it. I wish you every bit of luck and I suggest if you require specific diet instructions you see your doctor as they can provide the best advice possible.
  • starspeckled
    starspeckled Posts: 313 Member
    What store is having a sale on Weight Watchers giant fudge bars? Clearly you bought the entire store...? Just going back to Monday you went through 4 boxes of them.
  • kamiAK
    kamiAK Posts: 100 Member
    your eating to much fast food and you aren't drinking any water....start there
  • jenmarie2012
    jenmarie2012 Posts: 180 Member
    To much unhealthy sugar and sodium....yeah you are staying with in your cals but you will notice a difference i you lower your sodium unless if you drink tons of water to flush the sodium out your just gaining the water weight with sodium it just makes you bloated. And try to add natural sugars instead of candy sugar like fruits.
  • duckdani
    duckdani Posts: 30 Member
    There is a lot of bad food in here! Even if you are losing weight with the calorie deficit - -you will not help your body. You must get a lot of sugar lows and highs with these types of foods. Cereals like cookie crisp etc are pure sugar and will not help with your bloods. Even if you lose weight you don't want to have problems like diabetes or other illnesses. What I do when I feel "hungry" is make myself eat fruit and a glass of water and see how i feel then - nine times out of ten i will forget about the junk food. I like the idea about the breakfast muffins mentioned above - might try them myself!
  • RobinC37
    RobinC37 Posts: 242 Member
    HOLY COW your sugar and sodium are red EVERY DAY. Sodium by thousands. You have to change that.

    I'd like to see a precise recipe for these breakfast muffins. Even "healthy" muffins can be high in sugar and cals.
  • susanprows
    susanprows Posts: 10 Member
    You are losing weight because your caloric demand is greater than the net calories you are consuming. BUT... You're doing just about everything wrong, nutrition-wise. Your diet -- which is way too high in animal/saturated fat and sodium/salt and way too low in certain essential vitamins and minerals and fiber -- is putting you at risk for cardiovascular disease, hypertension (high blood pressure) and certain cancers.
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    Sure, you COULD eat your calories in nothing but processed food with high sugar and sodium contents, and lose weight...but if you want to be thin AND healthy, then Istart by really examining what you're putting into your body. The high levels of sodium and sugar can and will lead to health issues, whether you are 300 lbs or 112 pounds. You need to eat EVERYTHING in moderation.

    MFP does a great job of "teaching" all of us what our daily intakes should be, and I tend to rely on this as a way to guide me. However, the one thing I don't monitor to the degree I should is fat, because the fat I eat is what I consider to be "healthy fat" (nuts).

    Ever since I cut out the high levels of sodium in foods served at some of the chain restaurants (McD's included), I can't even stomach the idea of eating them any more. It's all I taste.

    Lastly, I follow a wheat and grains free way of life. I'm sensitive to gluten and grains...well, if you want to read something alarming about grains, check out something called "Leaky Gut Syndrome". The health community recommends eating whole grains to help with "regularity", but ever since I stopped eating grains, I've been MORE regular. Seriously, look up that syndrome I mentioned. It makes good sense and stopping grains did improve my intestinal functioning.:smile:
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