Where does your energy come from?

I'm a full time student and I work part time. I usually don't go to bed until 12AM. After work I come home and I have homework to do and i even try to fit in a workout. I take b-complex supplements but that hasn't improved my energy. Are there any pills or shakes that I can take to give me a boost. I am in desperate need of energy. I was hearing how hydroxycut gives you a lot of energy


  • bdamaster60
    bdamaster60 Posts: 595 Member
    Eat food.

    Could try a pre-workout supplement.
  • SavedByAmazingGrace
    I eat a lot and I'm still tired
  • bdamaster60
    bdamaster60 Posts: 595 Member
    What do you mean by a lot? I mean I could eat 5000 calories in one sitting which is not a lot to me. Are the foods that you are eating causing you to be tired? High fatty, processed foods will lead to an insulin spike and crash and makes you feel tired afterwoods.
  • stfuriada
    stfuriada Posts: 445 Member

    Or maybe you can take one of those power nap things before you work out or before you do homework.
  • SavedByAmazingGrace

    Or maybe you can take one of those power nap things before you work out or before you do homework.

    I drink so much coffee and tea and it still doesn't do anything. I have no time for a nap, if I do take I nap I won't be getting back up
  • enoughofdreaming
    I'm a full time student too. Last semester I noticed I had severe fatigue despite eating enough and sleeping enough. I went to the doctor and found out that I had an iron and vitamin D deficiency. I'm on some vitamins now and have my energy back. If you are getting enough sleep and eating pretty good you might want to consider a visit to the doctor.
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    Hydroxycut probably does give you energy (so would methamphetamines). That doesn't mean its a good decision to start using either. It sounds to me like you need sleep. I know you are short on time, but it is so important to get adequate rest. Lack of sleep can be very detrimental if you are trying to lose weight.

  • SavedByAmazingGrace
    I'm a full time student too. Last semester I noticed I had severe fatigue despite eating enough and sleeping enough. I went to the doctor and found out that I had an iron and vitamin D deficiency. I'm on some vitamins now and have my energy back. If you are getting enough sleep and eating pretty good you might want to consider a visit to the doctor.

    I'm going to my doctor next week so ill explain to her my lack of energy
  • SavedByAmazingGrace
    Hydroxycut probably does give you energy (so would methamphetamines). That doesn't mean its a good decision to start using either. It sounds to me like you need sleep. I know you are short on time, but it is so important to get adequate rest. Lack of sleep can be very detrimental if you are trying to lose weight.


    I understand that but it is seriously impossible to get a full 8hrs of sleep.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    What sort of food do you tend to eat regularly?
  • diodelcibo
    diodelcibo Posts: 2,564 Member
    I sleep the optimum amount and have the optimum nutrient intake always.
  • Sheer....determination.

    I'm a mom of two little kids and I haven't had a decent night's sleep in over 6 years. Being tired is all in your mind. You can overcome it if you DECIDE to. Hydroxycut is useless crap. Waste of money IMO. It used to have ephedra in it, which would definitely wake you up--it might also kill you but you'd be WIDE awake!! lol... Now it's just useless crap like most supplements. Try a B-complex vitamin instead. :)
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    I used to be so tired all the time. Then, when I went to bed, I couldn't sleep. Finally just changed my diet to 100% whole natural foods, and I don't have the problem anymore at all. I eat zero processed foods. I used to say that, but it wasn't true. Now it is. It's made all the difference.
  • ElaineRochelle
    Drinking extreme amounts of coffee can actually cause tiredness .. You could also take a multivitamin. I was suffering from extreme tiredness and went to a compounding pharmacist, had my blood tested and had a multivitamin that targets everywhere I'm deficient. Since doing that I've had tons of energy!!
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Hydroxycut probably does give you energy (so would methamphetamines). That doesn't mean its a good decision to start using either. It sounds to me like you need sleep. I know you are short on time, but it is so important to get adequate rest. Lack of sleep can be very detrimental if you are trying to lose weight.


    I understand that but it is seriously impossible to get a full 8hrs of sleep.

    It is not seriously impossible to get a full 8 hours of sleep... You need to manage your time better.

    I work two jobs, go to school two nights a week for 2 hours each time, do homework, fit in workouts, socialize with friends and get 8 hours of sleep each night.

    I'm sure there are lulls in your day where you could workout instead of waiting until late at night, or lulls where you could do homework. That way once you get home, then you can go straight to bed instead of staying up till all hours.
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
  • PhearlessPhreaks
    PhearlessPhreaks Posts: 890 Member
    I'm a full time student and I work part time. I usually don't go to bed until 12AM. After work I come home and I have homework to do and i even try to fit in a workout. I take b-complex supplements but that hasn't improved my energy. Are there any pills or shakes that I can take to give me a boost. I am in desperate need of energy. I was hearing how hydroxycut gives you a lot of energy

    Properly fuel yourself. I can't tell you how much better I feel, even while being pregnant (read: tired, occasional morning sickness, ligament pain) and what's more, I am so excited about the changes I'm making, because I feel my body reacting differently than it ever has before. I find myself reaching for healthy foods and wondering what combination of food I my body needs, rather than just eating.

    If you do nothing else, properly fuel your body with real food- you will notice a difference.

    (Edit) Might I add, there is a HUGE difference between eating a lot and eating properly for your body. You can take in 3000 calories of processed crap (even the supposedly healthy processed crap) or you can take in 2000 (or less!) of real, proper nutrition (vegetables, fiberous foods, fruit, protein, fats, healthy carbs) that satisfy your hunger AND make you feel better.
  • HarlCarl
    HarlCarl Posts: 266 Member
    Maybe the quality of the sleep you are getting is a problem. Ask the Dr about the sleep apnea test.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Hydroxycut probably does give you energy (so would methamphetamines). That doesn't mean its a good decision to start using either. It sounds to me like you need sleep. I know you are short on time, but it is so important to get adequate rest. Lack of sleep can be very detrimental if you are trying to lose weight.


    I understand that but it is seriously impossible to get a full 8hrs of sleep.

    Then there is probably not a whole lot you can do...without the appropriate amount of sleep you're going to lack energy. Personally I think that's crap....if something is important then you make the time. Exercise is important to me and I make the time. Sleep is important to me and I make the time. Eating well is important to me and I make the time to cook. Time management is key...the craziness doesn't end when school does...it only gets crazier.
  • GdeVries
    GdeVries Posts: 235 Member
    My workouts give me energy! The more I workout the more I want to workout the more energy I have. It's awesome! I do try to make sure that I get all my necessary nutrients and take some supplements - multivitamine and cranberry and folic acid