I hate to exercise -



  • cargilb
    cargilb Posts: 116
    My idea of a good evening is a warm fire and a good book. I spend a lot of time staring at the exercise bike but not much time on it. Any suggestions for getting motivate to work out?

    you may want to try fast walking. It burns a good amount of calories and if you know some places with nice scenery you can go and enjoy yourself too. take a camera with you.
    I do the same thing with a bicycle.
    look into using a bike to commute if possible, that way you are not really exercising, but your methosd of transportation helps you burn calories. Put a basket on a bikle and use it to go to the supermarket and get supplies. Be creative.

    the key to staying the course is never over do it. Always exercise lightly or moderately at worst. To many people preach the no pain no gain mentality and it is so untrue.
  • I have the same problem! I have no motivation. My friend and I started going to water aerobics last week! It is awesome!!! It's 2x a week and the other days we can go and do laps if we wish.
  • Do one half-hour session right before bed. Make it part of the routine "just this one last thing before bed"
    If I exercise in the day I'm really hungry and *****y and sore. If I do 30 minutes before bed I just take my evening shower, go to bed and forget about it. I'm not as sore either because I go straight to sleeping so nothing is irritating my muscles all day like a morning workout would have. Also my sleep has been a lot better quality than before I started doing this.

    Or if you have a stationary bike you could try books on tape? Or find some national geographic shows about traveling to watch while you pedal.

    My ultimate motivation was to try to add up how many minutes per day I had uncomfortable thoughts based on my level of fitness. It was way more than 30 minutes a day I was fretting over how things fit or how I looked. So I said to myself "fix it, or shut up about it!" If I can waste all that energy thinking negatively than I can at least carve out a measly half hour to begin fixing the problem. I just don't want to feel the way I do anymore and I know I'll have to put forth effort and it wont always be a fun process. But for me, it's either fix it or stop whining because I can't listen to my negativity anymore.
  • __RANDY__
    __RANDY__ Posts: 1,036 Member
    just imaging if you don't you'd be staring at the walls from the inside of a hospital room
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    So don't exercise.


    Exercise is good for you, because it makes you healthy.

    But if your goal is to lose weight, you will be much farther ahead of the game to not eat calories as opposed to trying to exercise them off.

    As they say, you can't out train a bad diet.

    Focus on the diet.

    This for real. You don't have to. If you do this to the extreme your going to end up as the skinny fat, but I think that's better than being the overweight fat. Set realistic goals, for you working out isn't one right now, so why beat yourself up over it when you could be eating better.
  • Find something that you love! For me it was yoga and hula hooping.

    Yoga is good because it will both help your mental state and strengthen every part of your body. When you're relaxed, everything in your life is easier. If you're looking for a way to burn more calories in less time, try hot yoga.

    For a 150 lb woman, hot yoga will burn about 653 calories for every 60 minutes.

    Hooping is also good for your head and body. It is a pretty intense workout if you're doing it right, and will both give you a cardio workout and tone your abs, chest and legs. Part of the appeal is that all you need is a cheap hula hoop and some space.

    For a 150 lb woman, hooping will burn about 400 calories for every 60 minutes.

    Whatever you do, make sure that you work out while losing weight. My first major weight loss was 40 pounds in about 4 months. I looked skinny, but I was very unhealthy. I had to quit swimming because the muscle in my shoulder had basically disintegrated from it. The doctor said it was basically “skin on bone.” I got sick all the time and ran out of breath walking from class to class. No matter what anyone says, skinny is not necessarily healthy; especially if you get that way without taking care of your body.

    **TLDR: Find what you like. Yoga and hula hooping are good. If you're losing weight, work out of you will feel awful.**
  • After years of struggles I learned that the only way it was going to work for me was to find something I enjoy. That turned out to be outdoor activities. Hiking, Mountain Biking and Kayaking. (Mostly hiking). I can go on a 2 hour hike and burn over 1000 calories. So far I have lost 40 pounds this way. Of course watching what I eat as best as I am capable of also. My point is that you have to find someway to excercise that you like so it is not such a huge chore to complete it.
  • mandyneedtolose
    mandyneedtolose Posts: 398 Member
    Grab your favorite book, and jump on your exercise bike. Read while you peddle. Put on your favorite TV show and jump on your bike!! Just get up and get moving!! You can do it! :)
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    Get a dog, all my exercise is walking my dog :) Very enjoyable

    This is exactly how I was able to lose 50 lbs. I had my little walking buddy with me and he needed to lose a few pounds too, so we dieted together. Then, he became my personal trainer - every day during meal times, he would sit next to me and watch me eat. Then, I swear as soon as I put my fork down, he'd jump up and start wagging his tail furiously at me, knowing it was time for our evening work out. Granted, I didn't just "walk", I added some aerobics and a little dancing into the mix. He'd patiently walk by my side as I did my thing, then I'd let him do HIS thing on the local trees. We were quite the pair. Sadly, my boy died a couple years ago, so I don't have him. But, he whipped me into shape and took me from couch potato to exercise lover. All for the price of a biscuit when we got home. I miss him dearly.m We have a new dog now, that hasn't mastered the leash and is a total spaz. She is useless as a personal trainer, as it is all about "HER" on these walks. Selfish little girl.
  • LizardQueen4PointOh
    LizardQueen4PointOh Posts: 245 Member
    I HATE exercise. The only time, up until now, that I have exercised on a regular basis was when I was in the army and I had a drill sergeant breathing down my neck. I've found that if I can at least find the motivation to get in my workout clothes, then I figure I'm already dressed for it, I might as well do it. The feeling of accomplishment afterward is worth it. :bigsmile:
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