That's it it's over



  • LeggyAmericanGirl
    LeggyAmericanGirl Posts: 285 Member
    I really get tired of people poking fun at the fact that losing weight is hard. There are lot of people on here that are actually truly struggling and for some IDIOT to make a bogus post like this b/c shes bored is digusting.
  • LavenderChamomile
    I was about to smh and reveal you for the troll you are but...
    Then I died from this
    Why would you call me crazy? One person calling me fat and now you call me crazy? I thought this was my fitness PAL

    Carry on.
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    To winner victor, no I am giving an explanation to a question that the op seemed to struggle with as an adult. Do you have a problem with my answer?
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    To winner victor, no I am giving an explanation to a question that the op seemed to struggle with as an adult. Do you have a problem with my answer?

    i have a problem with your inability to distinguish between deadly serious subjects like that, and light-hearted humor on a weekend afternoon (and the OP's profile).

    i shall now go and open a gift card account for you on Amazon where you can buy yourself a funny bone.

  • jenbenefit
    jenbenefit Posts: 75 Member
  • nancycaregiver
    nancycaregiver Posts: 812 Member
    You're either giving up or you're not. If you really wanted to end this whole weight loss thing, you wouldn't be posting on here. So you screwed up. You think you're the only one who had a bad day? Put on your big girl panties and start doing it right. Big flipping deal if you gained 2 pounds. It's not the end of the world! Would you rather start doing right and get back to losing or stuff your face and see how fast you can gain 20? Quit whining and start logging and eating right. When you wake up in the morning, your diary is reset to zero.
  • RedHeadDevotchka
    RedHeadDevotchka Posts: 1,394 Member
    I really get tired of people poking fun at the fact that losing weight is hard. There are lot of people on here that are actually truly struggling and for some IDIOT to make a bogus post like this b/c shes bored is digusting.

    fat, crazy, and an idiot. You people are so not supportive!
  • diodelcibo
    diodelcibo Posts: 2,564 Member
    I really get tired of people poking fun at the fact that losing weight is hard. There are lot of people on here that are actually truly struggling and for some IDIOT to make a bogus post like this b/c shes bored is digusting.

    fat, crazy, and an idiot. You people are so not supportive!

    Come on that's a little far...
  • RedHeadDevotchka
    RedHeadDevotchka Posts: 1,394 Member
    To winner victor, no I am giving an explanation to a question that the op seemed to struggle with as an adult. Do you have a problem with my answer?

    I like to pass out candy to children and I want a van, what's the issue? Although an Icecream truck would allow me easy access to treats.
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member

    i fixed it for you. "quote" my reply to see the image code tags used to display images.
  • successgal1
    successgal1 Posts: 996 Member
    You are awesome. Cookies are awesome. Just go exercise. You did not gain 2lbs from 2 cookies and a milky way. It was either new muscle, water or the stars and planets aligning just right.

    I prefer not to diet too much so I exercise more. I have been doing this since about Jan 2 and I have sort of stayed in my calorie goal, I have exercised way more than usual. I have only lost 4 lbs, which means 2 was water. I have however found my arm muscles again, and my waist and hips are almost 2 inches smaller.

    Next time you want 2 cookies or a milky way, go do 45 minutes of cardio. Then have one of those, not both. You can eat them, just have to balance it out. 2 days of "falling of the wagon" is not the end of a life long journey.
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    To winner victor, no I am giving an explanation to a question that the op seemed to struggle with as an adult. Do you have a problem with my answer?

    i have a problem with your inability to distinguish between deadly serious subjects like that, and light-hearted humor on a weekend afternoon (and the OP's profile).

    i shall now go and open a gift card account for you on Amazon where you can buy yourself a funny bone.


    Thanks for your gift card, but what gives me greater pleasure are the 4 pms that I have had about this thread suggesting that the the OP and yorself are a little off the scale:wink:
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I really get tired of people poking fun at the fact that losing weight is hard. There are lot of people on here that are actually truly struggling and for some IDIOT to make a bogus post like this b/c shes bored is digusting.

    fat, crazy, and an idiot. You people are so not supportive!

    You're right. I'll try to be more supportive. When you eat your cookie, maybe try to have a glass of breast milk with it :) I heard it can be pretty good for you...or something like that.
  • nfrewin
    nfrewin Posts: 73 Member
    No offence but so far I haven't seen anything that requires support from others - your initial statement didn't invite support it was a statement giving up - YOU are the only one who can decide whether to continue making an effort or not

    Weight loss is simple - it is not easy but it is simple: you will try, you will fail - you pick yourself up and KEEP ON TRYING!
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    To winner victor, no I am giving an explanation to a question that the op seemed to struggle with as an adult. Do you have a problem with my answer?

    i have a problem with your inability to distinguish between deadly serious subjects like that, and light-hearted humor on a weekend afternoon (and the OP's profile).

    i shall now go and open a gift card account for you on Amazon where you can buy yourself a funny bone.


    Thanks for your gift card, but what gives me greater pleasure are the 4 pms that I have had about this thread suggesting that the the OP and yorself are a little off the scale:wink:

    Wow...messed up Poodle ..messed up.. :noway:

    He's disagreeing you bringing pedophilia into this conversation and you go basically goad him and try to bash him by saying what you did? Uncool :grumble:
  • successgal1
    successgal1 Posts: 996 Member
    To winner victor, no I am giving an explanation to a question that the op seemed to struggle with as an adult. Do you have a problem with my answer?

    I like to pass out candy to children and I want a van, what's the issue? Although an Icecream truck would allow me easy access to treats.

    My dad owned a Dairy Queen. I became very thin working there. One reason was the amount of walking, the other was that I didn't have to deny myself, and I could make a very tiny sundae in a spoon. :-)
  • jenbenefit
    jenbenefit Posts: 75 Member

    i fixed it for you. "quote" my reply to see the image code tags used to display images.

    Cheers! :drinker:
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    To winner victor, no I am giving an explanation to a question that the op seemed to struggle with as an adult. Do you have a problem with my answer?

    I like to pass out candy to children and I want a van, what's the issue? Although an Icecream truck would allow me easy access to treats.

    On that note I am of here!!!
  • RedHeadDevotchka
    RedHeadDevotchka Posts: 1,394 Member
    To winner victor, no I am giving an explanation to a question that the op seemed to struggle with as an adult. Do you have a problem with my answer?

    I like to pass out candy to children and I want a van, what's the issue? Although an Icecream truck would allow me easy access to treats.

    On that note I am of here!!!

    Don't go, I think I love you!
  • pjmortim
    Don't blame the weight loss. Blame the cookie and lack of exercise. I had 6 Oreo cookies and I still lost 4 pounds. The secret for me was to walk three to four miles at least 5 days a week. If you don't have that kind of time, walk for about 15 minutes a day. Don't give up, I'll send you a friend request and we can motivate each other.
This discussion has been closed.