Looking for others in the 1200 calories goal range



  • DrMim1
    DrMim1 Posts: 2
    Add me please...:) I am searching for food diaries and meal planners to help me keep within this range
  • mmowery31
    mmowery31 Posts: 23 Member
    i'm here and in the same boat. shooting for 140 and have 1200 daily
  • CoCoSheaCurls
    CoCoSheaCurls Posts: 6 Member
    I'm in at 5'4" and 171lbs. Just started today, so I'm looking for all the support I can get.
  • Hi i just started a few days ago im inthe 1200 calories as wellbeen putting down evrything down. Wish u all good luckans stil here addme
  • sdelloso1
    sdelloso1 Posts: 2 Member
    You can add me too! Five foot four and 1200 calorie range. :smile:
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    i eat 1250 per day, and its been very easy! i use alot of the lean cuisines or smart ones, and add to them... i add lots of fresh spinach, steamed cabbage... extra veggies and jalepenos on pizzas, and i also make alot of my own meals as well, such as spagetti using squash as the noodles, home-made p[izzas, huge turkey meatballs stuffed with veggies, and alot of others... it gets really easy after a few weeks, just have to play around with different foods and combos...
  • MidwestAngel
    MidwestAngel Posts: 1,897 Member
    You probably can eat more than 1200 calories in a day. That is the minimum that is recommended for a woman. I would suggest finding out your BMR and TDEE and eating between those. Good luck!

    Hmmm...eating more and still losing weight? This sounds like a great idea to me!
  • gabegrammy
    gabegrammy Posts: 147 Member
    I'm in the 1200 calorie also. I'm 5'2" and want to lose 60 lbs. I walk on the treadmill for an hour a day. Could always use motivation as well as give it. Add me and we can help each other.
  • Hello, I'm in the 1200 calorie range and I feel horrible about going over my calories yesterday. I've lost 8 lbs in approximately 2 weeks and I agree some days are definitely challenging. I want to reach my goal of 170. I'm 5'2 and working out makes me feel so much better, but I need to be pushed hard this week.
  • peachea
    peachea Posts: 92 Member
    You probably can eat more than 1200 calories in a day. That is the minimum that is recommended for a woman. I would suggest finding out your BMR and TDEE and eating between those. Good luck!

    Hmmm...eating more and still losing weight? This sounds like a great idea to me!

    hmmm, I'm 5'4 and eat 1700+ cals a day and have lost 22 lbs in 4 months, plus I exercise and lift heavy weights. I eat all day long. You can add me if you like but I dont think I'd be a good influence since youre looking for lower cal deficit friends :)

    ps. I'm 195 lbs
  • I sincerely hope you have not just picked 1200 calories as the fit all number, as lots of women tend to do. This is a misleading number that is not a "be all fit all". Find out what your BMR and your TDEE are, those are the numbers you need to know. Never net below your BMR and it is more beneficial to eat at a small appropriate deficit of your TDEE. This eliminates your need for "eating back exercise calories" and gives you a single solid number to know.

    Please take the time to read this link so you can get some more info. I eat right at almost 2000 calories a day which is a little less than my TDEE. I am also 5'3" and weigh 126 lbs. Less food is not always the answer! :smile:

  • I'm in the 1200 range too. 5'6" and 204 pounds. I've lost 120 in the past but have put back on 60 pounds of it when I developed medical issues and couldn't lose and then gave up. Add me I need the encouragement of a people who are in this with me!
  • hht94
    hht94 Posts: 6
    I would love the encouragement. I am like you, 5'4, 172lbs, highest I've been in several years and I would love to see 150. I'm not doing a great job of staying in the 1200 range but need to.
  • Hbazzell
    Hbazzell Posts: 899 Member
    I changed to wanting to lose 2lbs a week (before I was at 1.5) and that put me at 1200 calories a day. I lost 5 lbs an about two weeks but gained 2 back recently and I only went over calories once and not by much. So I think I needed a stricter plan. That is why I reduced.
  • MidwestAngel
    MidwestAngel Posts: 1,897 Member
    I sincerely hope you have not just picked 1200 calories as the fit all number, as lots of women tend to do. This is a misleading number that is not a "be all fit all". Find out what your BMR and your TDEE are, those are the numbers you need to know. Never net below your BMR and it is more beneficial to eat at a small appropriate deficit of your TDEE. This eliminates your need for "eating back exercise calories" and gives you a single solid number to know.

    Please take the time to read this link so you can get some more info. I eat right at almost 2000 calories a day which is a little less than my TDEE. I am also 5'3" and weigh 126 lbs. Less food is not always the answer! :smile:

    Thank goodness, another person of reason :flowerforyou:
  • peachea
    peachea Posts: 92 Member
    I sincerely hope you have not just picked 1200 calories as the fit all number, as lots of women tend to do. This is a misleading number that is not a "be all fit all". Find out what your BMR and your TDEE are, those are the numbers you need to know. Never net below your BMR and it is more beneficial to eat at a small appropriate deficit of your TDEE. This eliminates your need for "eating back exercise calories" and gives you a single solid number to know.

    Please take the time to read this link so you can get some more info. I eat right at almost 2000 calories a day which is a little less than my TDEE. I am also 5'3" and weigh 126 lbs. Less food is not always the answer! :smile:


    ^ this
  • you can add me
  • KCoolBeanz
    KCoolBeanz Posts: 813 Member
    I sincerely hope you have not just picked 1200 calories as the fit all number, as lots of women tend to do. This is a misleading number that is not a "be all fit all". Find out what your BMR and your TDEE are, those are the numbers you need to know. Never net below your BMR and it is more beneficial to eat at a small appropriate deficit of your TDEE. This eliminates your need for "eating back exercise calories" and gives you a single solid number to know.

    Please take the time to read this link so you can get some more info. I eat right at almost 2000 calories a day which is a little less than my TDEE. I am also 5'3" and weigh 126 lbs. Less food is not always the answer! :smile:


    ^^ All. Day. Long.
  • tageekly
    tageekly Posts: 3,755 Member
    You probably can eat more than 1200 calories in a day. That is the minimum that is recommended for a woman. I would suggest finding out your BMR and TDEE and eating between those. Good luck!

    Hmmm...eating more and still losing weight? This sounds like a great idea to me!

    It is! Since I started MFP I've eaten 1,500-1,800 most days and I'm still losing, so eating works! I agree with figuring out your TDEE and at least your BMR.


    Be healthy and good luck to you all!

    Edited to put this link here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/654536-in-place-of-a-road-map-2-0-revised-7-2-12
  • I changed to wanting to lose 2lbs a week (before I was at 1.5) and that put me at 1200 calories a day. I lost 5 lbs an about two weeks but gained 2 back recently and I only went over calories once and not by much. So I think I needed a stricter plan. That is why I reduced.

    The human body can fluctuate about 5 lbs a day, so try not to rely on that as an indicator of loss/gain. The scale is less your friend as the tape measure is. Eating at such low calories will eventually put your loss at a stall because your body will realize it is not getting adequate nutrition and will hang on to the stores of energy (fat) that it has and will be less likely to relinquish them. (LOL listen to me talk like this is a mighty battle in our bodies! Haha well it kinda is) Eating enough and fueling your body properly aids tremendously in weight and fat loss. Take a look at your numbers and see if you are eating enough and you may see a change :)