Looking for others in the 1200 calories goal range



  • marinemomx2
    marinemomx2 Posts: 143 Member
    Feel free to add me (or anyone else)! I have lost 66 lbs and eat at 1200 plus my exercise calories. I have not found it difficult at all and love finding meals that are healthy.
  • Roseisadreamer
    count me in!
    i'm 5'6ish and 166lb's. looking to get down to atleast 130 eventually!
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    The 1200 is meant to be a minimum. At that intake, it is important to eat back at least some of your exercise calories.
  • sbudrdow
    did you lose anything yet, after 10 days?
  • Joanieshook
    I'm here...1200 calorie range too. And it is proving challenging for me. I like to add exercise, if for no other reason I can add a few more cals to the equation ;)
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    i didnt pick 1200, mfp did. i want to lose 2 per week, and mfp put me at 1200, still saying ill only lose 1.7 per week. i then spoke with my dr about this, seeing what she thought during my last physical, where i was weighing in at 246, and she thought it was fine for short term (up to 6 months), however, i upped my cals to 1250, because at 1250, i can fit 3 meals, 2 snacks, and my multiple cups of coffee per day. im at 196 after 4 months, feel great, and still closing constantly. i do give myself 1 day every 15 days where i have a 100% complete free day, but i still log... i go about 100% over what my maintenance cals would be... it all averages out throughout the month to 1400 cals a day. i love it, because i plan around these 2 days per month, it fits my lifestyle, having a large family and lots of outings...

    I would suggest reading the link others have posted about finding out your numbers, have you been told what your TDEE is? Setting your general settings to a manual setting allows you to change the number MFP gives you everyday. That number is determined by your height, weight, sex, other factors so give it a look and see if you need to eat more, I'd wager you most likely do. I find it personally much simpler to have a solid number to hit everyday.

    I also want to note that a healthy weight can be determined by your BMI as many people know but even this number can sometimes be irrelevant. I know many ladies who would qualify as "overweight" because the scale says so but if you saw them in a bikini you would think otherwise. These ladies lift heavy (and are not bulky mind you don't get me started on that) and have a great BF%. I say this because the ultimate goal should be FAT LOSS and not necessarily WEIGHT LOSS.

    PM if you have more questions, I'm happy to help.

    no thanks, im good. my dr is very happy with my progress, and so am i :)
  • Ashleyleverett
    Ashleyleverett Posts: 6 Member
    me too!
  • kitty_764
    Thank you!
  • kitty_764
    You probably can eat more than 1200 calories in a day. That is the minimum that is recommended for a woman. I would suggest finding out your BMR and TDEE and eating between those. Good luck!

    Does MFP have those calculators?


    You can get your BMR here. Don't eat below this number.

    Also, read this thread: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/654536-in-place-of-a-road-map-2-0-revised-7-2-12

  • EsthefanyViruez
    I am on the same and I want to lose 6 Kilos
  • peachy0987
    peachy0987 Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks!! I added you :) Happy to see it has worked for you. Definitely good inspiration.
  • peachy0987
    peachy0987 Posts: 30 Member
    Wow, you've done great!
  • buckleten
    buckleten Posts: 205 Member
    Hi, I am also on 1200 cals or a bit under sometimes, feel free to add me! :-)
  • blancapwaterman
    Just joined today and I'm in the 1200 calorie range.
  • ElizMurphy69
    ElizMurphy69 Posts: 61 Member
    Just joined this past weekend. Struggling with the whole calories/exercise thing because somewhere in my mind I felt it would be good to try this INSANITY workout also. I am 5'3, 225ish and hoping to get down to 150. I was always thin but 4 degrees, 3 kids, and 2 divorces later, I am what I am. I am aiming for 1200 goal, but think I will need more with this workout. I did my Fit Test and half of the abs workout last night and thought I was going to die, but feel pretty good this morning. I am NOT giving up and NOT giving in. Every person I have met has told me I will not make it the 60 days but I REFUSE to give up! I have to do this. I am pre-diabetic, can't breathe, and my body looks like CRAP! (the girl with the pretty face...UGH!) If anyone is in a similar situation I would love to become friends and work together to do this!!!
    Good luck!
  • Salll123
    I'm on 1200cals too 5"6 i've lost 21 pounds so far just another 20 to go add me if u like :)
  • sandradev1
    sandradev1 Posts: 786 Member
    Just in case anybody missed the link:


    Yes you can just eat 1200 and lose weight, the point is that you do not need to. You can eat just 20% less than you TDEE and still lose weight.

    I choose to do this the easy way. 12 lbs lost in 12 weeks. Eating above my BMR. Body is healthy and I am happy.
  • Iloveeyore78
    Iloveeyore78 Posts: 75 Member
    Please feel free to add me as well. 5'4". 1200 calorie range. Mom to a 20 month old. 70 lbs down and hoping for another 50 to go. :)
  • beckyrichey
    Please add me, I'm in the 1200 calorie range as well. I'm 5'4 and currently weigh 135.
  • MoonGypsyQ67
    MoonGypsyQ67 Posts: 121 Member
    I sent you a request. I am 5' 4'' and started this journey towards a healthier lifestyle in August at 178 lbs. Anyone can feel free to add me as well. :happy: