Coconut oil in my coffee- making me RAVENOUS



  • I had the same problem mixing it in my coffee. So I started eating a tablespoon straight and it made me so nauseous I wasn't hungry for hours :-)
  • vicyvix
    vicyvix Posts: 47 Member
    Can I be the one to say that coconut oil isn't particularly good for you! It's got one of the worst fat profiles of all the oils and is really high in saturated fats (that can lead to an increase in cholesterol etc)
    I've heard a lot about the reputed health benefits of coconut oil and my mum even tried it a few years ago but I worry its just one of those fads with not much scientific evidence (but feel free to contradict me if you've read any scientific papers about it!)
    Maybe those 140kcal would be better spent on a banana or some sort of filling and nutrient-rich food as well as using a healthier fat like rapeseed oil for cooking.
  • Sailorwind
    Sailorwind Posts: 158 Member
    Can I be the one to say that coconut oil isn't particularly good for you! It's got one of the worst fat profiles of all the oils and is really high in saturated fats (that can lead to an increase in cholesterol etc)
    I've heard a lot about the reputed health benefits of coconut oil and my mum even tried it a few years ago but I worry its just one of those fads with not much scientific evidence (but feel free to contradict me if you've read any scientific papers about it!)
    Maybe those 140kcal would be better spent on a banana or some sort of filling and nutrient-rich food as well as using a healthier fat like rapeseed oil for cooking.
    This link has a compendium of medical studies done on CO: Research-Coconut Research Center.pdf

    Now, to be fair, I have liberal arts degrees, so reading these things often feels like I'm back in high school algebra doing word problems in one of THOSE dreams, but from what I can tell the general gist seems to be the effect on cholesterol does not seem too bad but that it seems to be upping the metabolism and working on waist circumference fat. I figure, if it doesn't work a few weeks trial shouldn't damage my cholesterol too badly. I've never been prone to high cholesterol, though.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    When I was using coconut oil in my coffee, it was keeping me satisfied so I could wait 2 hours before eating. Worked well for me.

    haven't heard of it giving the opposite effect, weird.

    This is my experience also.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Can I be the one to say that coconut oil isn't particularly good for you! It's got one of the worst fat profiles of all the oils and is really high in saturated fats (that can lead to an increase in cholesterol etc)
    I've heard a lot about the reputed health benefits of coconut oil and my mum even tried it a few years ago but I worry its just one of those fads with not much scientific evidence (but feel free to contradict me if you've read any scientific papers about it!)
    Maybe those 140kcal would be better spent on a banana or some sort of filling and nutrient-rich food as well as using a healthier fat like rapeseed oil for cooking.

    You can also be the one that is WRONG.

    Coconut oil is one of the healthiest, if not the healthiest fat on the face of this earth.

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with saturated fat.

    Please educate yourself with some scientific evidence. People have been using every part of the coconut for thousands upon thousands of years and most of these people are way healthier than the average American with their low fat and PUFA infused way of eating, which is very unhealthy.

    Canola (rapeseed) oil is among the worst due to oxidation and being rancid before it ever makes it to the store shelves.
  • Sailorwind
    Sailorwind Posts: 158 Member
    Try not to be too harsh. I have a feeling most people have a hard time with the same transition I had a hard time with once I started actually researching food a bit more seriously. We are ingrained to believe fat (especially saturated fat) and sugar are "bad" and low fat and low sugar things are "good" and that it's all about the calories. But in reality, a calorie is not just a calorie, a fat is not just a fat, and low-fat, low-sugar usually means they substituted in something else, often alchohol sugars which are processed the exact same way as ACTUAL sugar without having to be reported as sugars except that they also raise the carbs. It takes a lot to be able to finally come to terms with the fact that all calories are not created equal, neither are all fats and that there IS such a thing as a "good" fat, in fact there are many, and that the ingredient list is at least as important as the nutrition label. A month ago, I'd have agreed that coconut oil is the WORST kind because it's all saturated fat. At that point I had never even heard of an MCT or LCT or that oil oxidezes when heated and what that does to it, and my opinion would have been based on reading that saturated is worse than unsaturated.
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    I refuse to believe a spoonful of coconut oil does a damned thing.
  • jeh123
    jeh123 Posts: 5
    I know it has been a while since you posted this, but I think your problem with using the refined instead of the organic natural unrefined. It should taste like coconut. And if it is in liquid form already I wouldnt use it. I hope this helps and hopefully you are still well on your way to your goal.
  • jigsaw44
    jigsaw44 Posts: 1
    I love coconut oil in my coffee and it does keep me fuller longer. Make sure you are using Virgin coconut oil. :smile:
  • Raffi526
    Raffi526 Posts: 1
    1400 calories a day is not good. Instead of counting calories, you should stay away from processed foods, meats, and plant-based grain (wheat, barley, rice, etc.). For more information, you should take a look at the paleo diet. It has done wonders for me. And to answer your question about CO in coffee it's actually beneficial as you will get all your necessary fats (MCT: medium chain tryglyceride) and vitamins. Also, you should add a tablespoon of grassfed unsalted butter and mix it in the blender. This coffee will keep you on your feet with tons of energy without the horrible crash of coffee and it won't give you the jitters. This concoction is called "Bulletproof Coffee". Look into it, it's super good for you, and most of all it's so delicious. If made correctly, it will taste like a late. Mmmm.
  • It's supposed to be 1T coconut oil and 1T grass fed unsalted butter.