Eat Clean Experiences



  • pfgaytriot
    pfgaytriot Posts: 238 Member
    The term clean eating could vary from person to person. The term for me means a paleo diet. True, there are times that I veer off from the diet while traveling, etc., but eating clean, for me, mean only eating meats, fruits and veggies, but no grains. I started with Whole30, which is basically paleo, but stricter. If you'd like to learn more about Whole30, check out
  • Calantorntain
    Calantorntain Posts: 172 Member
    I find the label of "clean" eating to be a bit silly, but some people are happier when they can label their habits.

    I suppose that I eat "clean." I mostly eat veggies, I prepare almost all of my food from scratch, and I rarely buy processed food (cereals, snack foods, frozen dinners, etc). I haven't bought fast food in months. But I don't do it to "avoid preservatives" or "avoid HMO" or any silliness like that. It's cheap, delicious, and makes it harder to overeat (it's easy to munch on a box of oreos. But when given the choice between chopping up some veggies and dipping them in hummus, or going through the tedious process of baking cookies, I'll pick the veggies any day!)
  • If you make a conscious effort to eat clean (lots of veggies, protein, good carbs/beans/sprouted whea) and minimize the processed foods, fast food, etc. I think you'll feel better and have an easier time meeting your weight loss goals. I follow the 90/10 rule and enjoy the occassional non-clean treats. My diary is open to friends if you're looking for inspiration!
  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,290 Member
    Best way to get into it is to start by substituting a candy bar for a piece of fruit or pita chips for regular chips. You can take it as slowly as possible, but you'll notice a difference in the way you feel as you go along. The cleaner I eat, the clearer my brain feels and the more willing my body is to do my Insanity workouts.

    A great magazine to grab for inspiration is Clean Eating. Awesome food ideas and substitutions for your fav meals.

    At the end of the day, it really is Calories In vs. Calories Out that help you lose weight. I just feel better and it's easier to stick to my caloric limits when I eat nutritionally dense foods.

    Good luck! :flowerforyou: