Number of calories for Breakfast



  • cymills
    cymills Posts: 133 Member
    ..under 200 calories. i found it fascintating to see the many responses. It very much depends on so many variables - where you are at your perceived "breakfast time" and what options you have available.......what you are doing that much you wish to lose....etc. So many different people on MFP with so many different goals- not to mention different life styles. Bottom lone - find what works for YOU!
  • LongMom
    LongMom Posts: 408 Member
    260 calories on weekdays! I have a yogurt within the first hour and then at work I have a package of Oatmeal and two clementines :)

    One the weekends I'll have the yogurt and then usually an egg beater omelet!
  • snorker88
    snorker88 Posts: 179 Member
    I usually have between 300-400 calories :smile:
  • Sparksfly
    Sparksfly Posts: 470 Member
    300-400 but I have been trying to increase my calories gradually. My body is responding better to more calories = more weight loss.
  • LongMom
    LongMom Posts: 408 Member
    So far it goes between 700 and 1100 calories and is most of the time the biggest calorie meal for me.

    I just looked at your diary. Your daily goal is 3,220 calories!!! :noway: That seems extremely HIGH and I do not think you are going to see weight loss or a change in your body if you are consuming that many calories and especially breakfasts at 700-1100 calories :noway:

    I write this out of concern for you and your health.

    How do you know how much she has to lose? Everyone's calorie goals are different :(

    Please trust this system!
  • aedfit
    aedfit Posts: 65 Member
    I stay right around 300. I never used to eat breakfast and once I started, the weight started falling off. Try to add in some protein to keep you full. My new favorite balanced breakfast is:

    1 egg (organic, cage-free/omega 3) or 1/2 cup liquid egg whites with one cup baby spinach
    1/2 cup blueberries (gotta get those antioxidants)
    1/2 Thomas Whole Wheat mini-bagel w/ 1 Tbsp all natural peanut butter

    This is just under 300 cals and a great mix of carbs, protein, fiber. Also counts as two servings of fruits/veggies. Keeps me full for quite a while.
  • mtremmel
    mtremmel Posts: 2
    MIne is below 200 but I have snacks before lunch.
  • leslie626
    leslie626 Posts: 12
    I try to keep it under 400. My coffee is what kills it...120-150 calories with my FF flavored cream. Can't cut it out, but sometimes I cut it down. I find that if I don't have enough for breakfast I am STARVING the rest of the day. No matter what I have (big or small) I have to eat within 2 hours after breakfast!!
  • I usually have 2 boiled eggs on dry 7 grain toast for a breakfast slighty over 300 cals and then i have a some fruit a couple hours later. Eating something small and healthy every coulple hours keeps me going all day and gets my metabolism going :wink:
  • MrsSmith2010
    MrsSmith2010 Posts: 225 Member
    Mine depends. It's usually around 300-400. I try to eat a heavier breakfast because it keeps me full and energized throughout the day. I honestly think I burn it all off! haha I'm trying to make my dinners be smaller meals, that's where I'm suffering.
  • allykat8
    allykat8 Posts: 237
    So far it goes between 700 and 1100 calories and is most of the time the biggest calorie meal for me.

    I just looked at your diary. Your daily goal is 3,220 calories!!! :noway: That seems extremely HIGH and I do not think you are going to see weight loss or a change in your body if you are consuming that many calories and especially breakfasts at 700-1100 calories :noway:

    I write this out of concern for you and your health.

    How do you know how much she has to lose? Everyone's calorie goals are different :(

    Please trust this system!

    That is very true, however, in my opinion close to 3,500 calories a day is extreme - that would be more for an elite athlete (marathon runner, etc.) and also body builders.
  • MrsSmith2010
    MrsSmith2010 Posts: 225 Member
    So far it goes between 700 and 1100 calories and is most of the time the biggest calorie meal for me.

    I just looked at your diary. Your daily goal is 3,220 calories!!! :noway: That seems extremely HIGH and I do not think you are going to see weight loss or a change in your body if you are consuming that many calories and especially breakfasts at 700-1100 calories :noway:

    I write this out of concern for you and your health.

    I don't really think that this is your place to say anything or judge her about. You don't know how much she weighs or has to lose. Please be respectful of others. Everyones body and lifestyles are different.
  • I usually have between 300 - 400 calories with high protein, keeps me full and satisfied longer.
  • So far it goes between 700 and 1100 calories and is most of the time the biggest calorie meal for me.

    I just looked at your diary. Your daily goal is 3,220 calories!!! :noway: That seems extremely HIGH and I do not think you are going to see weight loss or a change in your body if you are consuming that many calories and especially breakfasts at 700-1100 calories :noway:

    I write this out of concern for you and your health.

    How do you know how much she has to lose? Everyone's calorie goals are different :(

    Please trust this system!

    That is very true, however, in my opinion close to 3,500 calories a day is extreme - that would be more for an elite athlete (marathon runner, etc.) and also body builders.

    That site doesn't take weight into account. Check the BMR tool and you'll find someone (just as an example) 5'6" or so in their 20s weighing 425 pounds needs like 2700 calories just to carry out daily bodily functions, taking no movement into account.

    If MFP designated that number based on her input, I wouldn't mess with it. It may seem high to those at a different stage of weight loss, but it may be right for her.
  • allykat8
    allykat8 Posts: 237
    Did I say I was passing judgement? No, I do not believe I did. All I did ws offer my opinion and concern. This is a public forum and we are all on here for support and to talk to others. If your feelings get hurt, well then I am sorry.
  • Mellie13
    Mellie13 Posts: 424
    About 200-250. I eat about 1200 for the day and eat 6 times a day. I usually eat a healthy cereal with 1% milk.
  • andy_drouin
    andy_drouin Posts: 18 Member
    I try to keep it under 400. My coffee is what kills it...120-150 calories with my FF flavored cream. Can't cut it out, but sometimes I cut it down. I find that if I don't have enough for breakfast I am STARVING the rest of the day. No matter what I have (big or small) I have to eat within 2 hours after breakfast!!

    It's the coffee that gets me too! But I can't (won't!) drink it black and I can't have aspertame or other sweetners.
  • Dreya
    Dreya Posts: 12
    I have about 200 or less. I used to eat more believing it to be the most important meal of the day but I have found that I do better eating 4 hours after waking when I am truly hungry, so usally about 12pm which I count as my breakfast time seeing as it's breaking the fast etc... And I usually have fruit or a protein shake. If I eat too early I get ravenous throughout the day and I have found eating only when hungry is best for me and I am never hungry when I wake. This is working for me but of course it's different for everyone.
  • I eat an average of about 400 calories for breakfast, some days are way lower like 175 and some days are much higher like 600, but on an average day it's right around 400 which is 1/4 of my daily allowance for calories. I read a quote that said "Eat breakfast like a King, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper". Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and I think it should be your biggest and halthiest meal. It just kick starts your day in the right direction.
  • I stay right around 300. I never used to eat breakfast and once I started, the weight started falling off. Try to add in some protein to keep you full. My new favorite balanced breakfast is:

    1 egg (organic, cage-free/omega 3) or 1/2 cup liquid egg whites with one cup baby spinach
    1/2 cup blueberries (gotta get those antioxidants)
    1/2 Thomas Whole Wheat mini-bagel w/ 1 Tbsp all natural peanut butter

    This is just under 300 cals and a great mix of carbs, protein, fiber. Also counts as two servings of fruits/veggies. Keeps me full for quite a while.

    Yum!!! This sounds delicious!!!
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