statements that I never use....



  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    "what should I eat if I'm going to a restaurant?"
  • bodiva88
    bodiva88 Posts: 308 Member
    "It's a lifestyle change"
    "It's a journey"
    "It's not a diet"
    "Eat more to lose more"
    "You must lift heavy"
    "Small weights do nothing"
    "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels"
    "More than 30 min of cardio is a waste"
    "Weights are more important than cardio"

    But it IS a lifestyle change. And I'm really happy to have made it.
    It is NOT a diet. Diets end. This won't. And I'm glad.

    The rest I'll sign on for.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,321 Member
    mfp settings are wrong... let me tell you how....
  • FitnSassy
    FitnSassy Posts: 263 Member
    I'll try...
  • bodiva88
    bodiva88 Posts: 308 Member
    This salad is so delicious!


    Can you please give me more avocado?

    I have said them. But the first two, not often.
  • aross001
    aross001 Posts: 237
    Bacon jokes. May as well smash a watermelon while you're at. IT'S NOT FUNNY ANYMORE, PEOPLE! :angry:

  • hearthemelody
    hearthemelody Posts: 1,025 Member
    I just want to watch you work out.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    "It's a lifestyle change"
    "It's a journey"
    "It's not a diet"
    "Eat more to lose more"
    "You must lift heavy"
    "Small weights do nothing"
    "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels"
    "More than 30 min of cardio is a waste"
    "Weights are more important than cardio"

    But it IS a lifestyle change. And I'm really happy to have made it.
    It is NOT a diet. Diets end. This won't. And I'm glad.

    The rest I'll sign on for.

    I have no intention of ending my diet. I'd starve to death if I did. Besides, I've been on my current diet for 25 years (give or take) so why stop now?
  • Chelebgood
    Chelebgood Posts: 5 Member
    No,I don't want to go to Cheesecake Factory this evenining and you can keep the rieslings!!
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    "I was good/bad yesterday."

    This is the statement I hate the most!

    There is no good/bad..... it seems like people shame themselves when they use statements like this!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I'll try...

    LOL I say this one all the time. I always seem to think I won't be able to do something hard, no matter how many times I prove myself wrong.
  • NatashaShen
    NatashaShen Posts: 295 Member

    "It's a journey"

    "Small weights do nothing"

    Mainly these. I'm not on no journey...:grumble:
    I use 1-2lb weights and it works!
  • "I don't feel like having sex"


    Or ... "We probably shouldn't have sex again today / tonight."
  • DP325i
    DP325i Posts: 677 Member
    "Why of course i love shin splints!"
    "Sure I'll have some of that ___ (insert seafood here)" :sick:
  • doggiesnot
    doggiesnot Posts: 334 Member
    Great topic.

    "I've reached my goal weight, so I'm done!"
  • hmadrone
    hmadrone Posts: 129 Member
    Ones I won't say:

    “Sure I've gained weight, but it's all muscle.”
    “I want to lose 28 pounds by Valentine's Day.”
    “I'm giving up chocolate.”

    “I'll try” means “No.” I was involved with a guy who said that all the time. That was his Get Out of Jail Free card. He didn't like it when I started calling him on it, either.
  • HealthyBodySickMind
    HealthyBodySickMind Posts: 1,207 Member
    "I'm bored."
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    "I can't eat that."

    "I don't feel like working out."
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    "[YOUR FAVORITE CELEBRITY'S NAME HERE] has my dream body! I would be happy if only I looked like her!"
  • dawnkemp58
    dawnkemp58 Posts: 34 Member
    "I hate to hear someone say...
    "I thought you were on a diet!" It doesn't matter that I might have saved up my calories for a treat, or recently lost 50 pounds. Whenever someone says that to me, it takes the fun out of whatever I was going to eat."

    ***This gets to me also!