I don't want to turn my house into a gym..



  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
    Personally I don't find the need to have expensive machinery in the house. I used my Wii and the EA Sports Active Personal Trainer program. Once you learn the routines, you don't even need that. :) Stick with the DVDs and that should do it!
  • robinsnest02
    robinsnest02 Posts: 14 Member
    Buy a yoga dvd. You use your own body weight as resistance and it works every muscle group in the body.
  • jesindc
    jesindc Posts: 724 Member
    I have very little equipment (a few sets of dumbbells and a resistance band), and my muscles are WAY more developed and I am so much stronger than I ever was when I belonged to a state of the art gym. The big thing is doing exercises regularly. I have a few work out videos that I find make strength training more fun. There are 2 strength training videos as part of the Turbo Jam package that I really like.

    I also do something every morning that I call the morning warm-up. Every morning (before the kids wake up) no mater what else I have planned for the day, I do the following:
    150 crunches
    1- 60-second plank
    20 reps of shoulder presses with 7 lb dumbbells
    20 reps of shoulder presses with 5 lb dumbbells

    The thing that really amazes me is that at this time last year, my shoulders were burning with 3 lb dumbbells and now 5 lbs is starting to feel easy (which is why I moved one set up to 7). If you're just starting out, you can use a couple of water bottles as weights, and I could barely hold a plank for more than 20 seconds. It's really encouraging to be able to look back at progress like that. You also don't need any equipment to do squats or lunges.

    So for cardio, when I'm not walking or jogging outside, I like to do zumba or cardio kickboxing. They are both great calorie burns and I don't need a machine or anything else that takes up space. I purchased a few DVDs, but you can also find some excellent workouts on youtube.

    Good luck!
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Check out Youtube!

    Lots of great workout videos! Anything from serious cross fit to yoga.

    With a little research, you can find a few great ideas to get you started with body weight exercises that require no equipment!

    As you get comfortable the possibilities are limitless with simple household items things like chairs, sofas, pails etc. , etc.
  • jdooks
    jdooks Posts: 91 Member
    Dumbbells. You don't even need a bench really.
  • chic_25
    chic_25 Posts: 1 Member
    I have an elliptical in the master bedroom because I don't have a spare room and the weather is too extreme to work out in the garage during winter & summer months. It fits because we have a fairly big master, but not everyone is that lucky. Other than that I have been dancing with wii dance and doing DVD's as well. I cut down calories and watch how much starch and carbs I eat. It's actually working!
  • JenGranzow
    JenGranzow Posts: 116 Member
    If you have access to On Demand programming from your cable provider, most of them have free exercise options. Time Warner has it under Sportskool, and there is a decent variety so you can see what sort of things you like before spending $ on dvds and equipment. Check your library, too.
  • successgal1
    successgal1 Posts: 996 Member
    I use a step box. My original jane fonda low impact VHS, and The Firm Cardio sculpt from about 6 years back. This is the step with the Cardio Sculpt DVD only $60, and there are ab sculpt and body sculpt DVD's still floating around the internet.


    The two step heights nest into each other, and with your hand weights slide right under the bed.

    I still use my old 1990's set of weights, 3 and 5 lbs and added 8lbs. You can pick up weights at walmart fairly cheap.
  • nicolamoonbrains
    nicolamoonbrains Posts: 72 Member
    I am in the process of building up my work out equipment in the home but it is so very confusing! A big factor for me is having virtually no space for anything big and bulky as much as I would adore a cross trainer of my own or something!

    I have been considering getting an exercise bike, seems so convenient and you can even get ones that fold up smaller to save space! You can get pretty cheap ones on amazon but some of the reviews have left me skeptical.

    Then you have all of the mad gimmicks out there! The shake weights and such rubbish! How are you really supposed to know what will work and what will be a total waste of money?

    I already have a jump rope I love doing jump rope! I am investing in a hula hoop also as a cheap and fun way to exercise and to mix up my routine. I am also thinking of getting an Ab Wheel to improve my core strength as they are a simple and small piece of equipment.

    If you don't already have dumb bells maybe think of getting a range of those in different weights so you can hold those whilst you do your home work outs just to create some more resistance.

    I feel your pain though! It's difficult when you have to rely on home methods and with so many different types of equipment out there!
  • BamBam125
    BamBam125 Posts: 229 Member
    Are there any rooms in your place that you can use modular/movable furniture or a "Murphy" bed or desk to create a more flexible space? For example a guest room with a modern Murphy bed might be a good home gym, if the gym can be equally folded away when you need to put the bed down. I actually think many of the modern Murphy beds look really nice. I've slept in them before and they are both comfy and easy to set up and put away. I wouldn't hesitate to put a fold away "wall" bed in guest room or a child's room. For a kid's room, I think they are great for creating more play space during the day, without having toys escape to take over the house.

    If not a fold away bed, perhaps a fold away table would get you some floor space back.

    My treadmill folds up but even when folded it still takes a lot of space. It can cut it's floor space foot print in half when I fold it up, but it's never going to fold up and slide into a closet or under the bed.
  • successgal1
    successgal1 Posts: 996 Member
    You don't need any equipment to do cardio, remember aerobics? There are good low impact ones, also tae bo and other kickboxing style workouts, no expensive bulky equipment needed.
  • Yogi_Carl
    Yogi_Carl Posts: 1,906 Member
    Honestly... Buy a jump rope.... you want cardio?? there ya go! :)

    That and a pullup bar and a set of resistance bands and your own bodyweight and that's all the gym you need.

    Sorry I can't spend your money for you on larger stuff you will end up re-selling anyway!
  • littlepinkhearts
    littlepinkhearts Posts: 1,055 Member
    I would LOVE to turn my apt into a gym :sad: But my daughter lives with me and she's not totally for it, but i'm still working on it :tongue:

    EDIT: I should add, I have a treadmill, dvd's, jump rope etc and still building my weight set...but I want MORE damnit!!
  • successgal1
    successgal1 Posts: 996 Member
    Also just started watching this DVD (always watch it through before trying it!)


    Someone gave it to me, it looks to be a good all over workout, Self has a whole bunch.

    I will probably give this one a try in a few weeks.
  • khrys1
    khrys1 Posts: 444 Member
    I have a treadmill that folds up- when folded, it only takes up 2feet by 2 feet or so... I have also tried Supreme 90 day- it's 10 workout DVDs for $20, and only requires a yoga ball and some weights. Similar to P90X, but WAY cheaper. I happen to be blessed with a spare room in my house, so I also have an elliptical. I love it, and it burns tons of calories. If you're sticking to DVDs, I recommend checking out www.collagevideo.com They have TONS of workout DVDs with reviews, you can watch clips, and even call for advice. Good luck!
  • successgal1
    successgal1 Posts: 996 Member
    Honestly... Buy a jump rope.... you want cardio?? there ya go! :)

    That and a pullup bar and a set of resistance bands and your own bodyweight and that's all the gym you need.

    Sorry I can't spend your money for you on larger stuff you will end up re-selling anyway!

    Jumping jacks are killer too!
  • Thats AWESOME
    I would so do that !
    I just sucked it up and have an elliptical on my bedside! I live in an 800 sqft apartment so I understand the lack of space but if you want, and will use a fitness machine than I say put it wherever it will fit and enjoy!
  • NiSan12
    NiSan12 Posts: 374 Member
    Just pick the machine that you can see yourself doing the most. That's the one you will stick with. Working outside or with a DVD is good. I have incorporated all those with mine so that my body won't get use to it.
  • kekpron
    kekpron Posts: 38 Member
    I am in the process of building up my work out equipment in the home but it is so very confusing! A big factor for me is having virtually no space for anything big and bulky as much as I would adore a cross trainer of my own or something!

    I have been considering getting an exercise bike, seems so convenient and you can even get ones that fold up smaller to save space! You can get pretty cheap ones on amazon but some of the reviews have left me skeptical.

    Well, anything you get/do is better than nothing obviously, but really a bike is very targeted as to what muscles it works. As was suggested a rowing machine works more of your body (including your core which you mentioned was one of your target areas) and is likewise compact and cheap (as far as fitness gear is concerned).

    Really though as has been suggested a few times, you are going to get a better burn / hour just doing some of the body off-set workouts available. Yoga, Insanity, P90/P90x and a wealth of others have very proven results.

    Most important though is just finding something you enjoy because it makes it much easier to stick with it when it feels less of a chore!
  • deerdelight
    I am a SAHM and couldn't always get out so I started with Zumba then went on to Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. All you need is a mat and some dumbbells. The fitter you get you just try harder workouts to keep you motivated. I had a C section and the exercise strengthens your core so there shouldn't be anything to worry about. f it is hurting that much you might want to see a Dr. Good luck finding something you enjoy and can stick to.