Advice on coffee and Diet Coke??

I am a self confessed coffee addict! I drink about 12 cups a day.
QUESTION: is this going to affect my weight loss?

2nd Question: is diet coke REALLY that bad? i have basically cut out sugar but i do need a can of this heavenly mixture now and then... how bad is this? (i know diet coke has no 'sugar' but it has sweeteners which really are just as bad!)


  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    I am early in the game, but I drink coffee and/or diet coke daily with no adverse effects.With the coffee the key is to take into account and milk or cream or sugar/syrups into your overall intake. Sweeteners are not as bad as sugar. Sugar has caloric value that sweeteners do not have. The argument against sweeteners is that they are not natural and may have unknown health consequences or that they may cause an increase in hunger.

    Myself, I have not experienced those with sweeteners and they have only helped with compliance with my plan.
  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
  • mamamc03
    mamamc03 Posts: 1,067 Member
    <<<still drinks coffee and diet coke. Now check the ticker below. ;)
  • CupcakeDefeater
    CupcakeDefeater Posts: 113 Member
    Ahh i should have said, i drink my coffee black with no sugar, but people keep telling me its a really unheatlhy think to drink :S
  • Danni1585
    Danni1585 Posts: 250 Member
    I have cut out soda drinks and genuinely feel better, and have switched to decaf. The positive for decaf coffee or tea is that you can count it to your water allowance. Just do whats best for you, and good luck. Its all about trial and error and finding your right fit, Good luck
  • CupcakeDefeater
    CupcakeDefeater Posts: 113 Member

    Both What?
  • CupcakeDefeater
    CupcakeDefeater Posts: 113 Member
    <<<still drinks coffee and diet coke. Now check the ticker below. ;)
    WELL DONE!!! xxx
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    Drink them. If they aren't causing you to stay up at night and go over in calories, then you should be fine.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    I am a self confessed coffee addict! I drink about 12 cups a day.
    QUESTION: is this going to affect my weight loss?

    I doubt it.

    2nd Question: is diet coke REALLY that bad? i have basically cut out sugar but i do need a can of this heavenly mixture now and then... how bad is this? (i know diet coke has no 'sugar' but it has sweeteners which really are just as bad!)

    If you do not suffer from PKU and you do not get headaches from it, AND if it doesn't cause you any other personal problems (such as making you want to eat more, or expose yourself to a group of nuns) then I wouldn't worry about it.

    There is a TON of alarmism on diet soda so expect to see several posts about using soda to clean the toilet, or aspartame cancer, or claims about aspartame that use rat studies with doses that aren't realistic, etc. etc.

    EDIT: I DO believe it's bad for tooth enamel.
  • Awesome! I love coffeeee!!!
  • reh1089
    reh1089 Posts: 21
    12 cups is a lot of coffee. I would consider the effects it has on your heart health or your teeth and cut back a little bit. in terms of weight loss, you're probably fine though.

    I'm trying to cut back on diet coke because all the aspartame makes me nervous -- I try to use splenda, which is more natural, when I sweeten things!
  • jillmarie125
    jillmarie125 Posts: 418 Member
    I drink coffee daily. Usually 3 to 4 cups a day. I also love diet coke, but I have cut back on that. I cut back on diet coke because I then would crave junk food. For me, neither one is bad for you. But there will be plenty of people who will tell you how bad it is. It's totally up to you. If you are losing weight while drinking it, then I say keep drinking.
  • CupcakeDefeater
    CupcakeDefeater Posts: 113 Member
    I am a self confessed coffee addict! I drink about 12 cups a day.
    QUESTION: is this going to affect my weight loss?

    I doubt it.

    2nd Question: is diet coke REALLY that bad? i have basically cut out sugar but i do need a can of this heavenly mixture now and then... how bad is this? (i know diet coke has no 'sugar' but it has sweeteners which really are just as bad!)

    If you do not suffer from PKU and you do not get headaches from it, AND if it doesn't cause you any other personal problems (such as making you want to eat more, or expose yourself to a group of nuns) then I wouldn't worry about it.

    There is a TON of alarmism on diet soda so expect to see several posts about using soda to clean the toilet, or aspartame cancer, or claims about aspartame that use rat studies with doses that aren't realistic, etc. etc.

    EDIT: I DO believe it's bad for tooth enamel.

    well i cant promise anything about the nuns, but everything else seems to be fine, i dont drink booze so when my mates go on about diet coke i remind them of this fact (as they are all big drinkers - probably why they love me, designated driver!) but they refuse to accept that i should drink it, but i love it!
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    I am a self confessed coffee addict! I drink about 12 cups a day.
    QUESTION: is this going to affect my weight loss?

    I doubt it.

    2nd Question: is diet coke REALLY that bad? i have basically cut out sugar but i do need a can of this heavenly mixture now and then... how bad is this? (i know diet coke has no 'sugar' but it has sweeteners which really are just as bad!)

    If you do not suffer from PKU and you do not get headaches from it, AND if it doesn't cause you any other personal problems (such as making you want to eat more, or expose yourself to a group of nuns) then I wouldn't worry about it.

    There is a TON of alarmism on diet soda so expect to see several posts about using soda to clean the toilet, or aspartame cancer, or claims about aspartame that use rat studies with doses that aren't realistic, etc. etc.

    EDIT: I DO believe it's bad for tooth enamel.

    well i cant promise anything about the nuns, but everything else seems to be fine, i dont drink booze so when my mates go on about diet coke i remind them of this fact (as they are all big drinkers - probably why they love me, designated driver!) but they refuse to accept that i should drink it, but i love it!

    Current ADI's for aspartame are VERY high, meaning that the amount determined to be "safe" is so far beyond what any normal person would drink that I would really not worry about your very minimal soda consumption.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    How can you sleep if you drink 12 cups of coffee a day?
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    1. I love coffee. Every once in awhile I eliminate it just for fun. I have not noticed that coffee causes me any problems.

    2. By the way you word this question, tells me that you love your Diet Coke and are not open for information that doesn't support your current belief. In my experience, many MFP members share this trait (wanting only info that supports, not challenges, existing ideas) and if I present info that goes against that, I will be attacked and ridiculed. Do your own research, experiment with your own body.
  • slimfitnessmoms
    slimfitnessmoms Posts: 206 Member
    I only drink mainly green tea, water and one cup of coffee. Ive been able to keep my weight off.
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    I drink coffee throughout the day. The real killer for me was the flavored non-dairy creamers, I'd drink 1/2c - 3/4c a day (that's over 200 cals and a ****load of fat) so I now drink 3-4 cups with a total of 1/4c milk plus 1-2T heavy sugar free cream and it's perfect.

    I still drink diet cola at times (mainly when I go out and don't want to drink alcohol) and I'd still losing weight.
  • I have no problem with either; it's either normal coke or diet coke for me, at this stage I can't give up fizzy drinks completely, so I choose diet coke and maybe when I've sorted the rest of my diet out I will be able to worry about it.
  • CupcakeDefeater
    CupcakeDefeater Posts: 113 Member
    How can you sleep if you drink 12 cups of coffee a day?

    i used to work 14 hours a day 6 days a week (2 jobs) and had coffee basically on tap in both jobs. to stay awake through the day i used to just drink continuously. when i got home i was knackered! so the coffee really had no effect.
    i have since stopped working to that extent because i developed IIH and the dr told me i should cut back. But i guess the coffee habit kind of stayed with me, i can drink a mug of coffee right before bed and it wont make any difference to my sleep and i always feel well rested in the morning.
    im just used to it now i guess lol