New and 100+ to lose

Hello MFP! I have been logging on for about a week now and have just plucked up the courage to say hi. I am a mum of three boys and work full time.

I have tried various groups to lose weight before but get so despondent at the scales. I have decided that 2013 is the year I am going to succeed!

I've thought about attacking this weightloss thing differently - I am not going to weigh my self regularly (maybe once in a while!); instead I have measured all of me with a tape - hips, bust, under bust, waist, upper thigh, wrist etc and I am going to remeasure myself that way. Hopefully, I'll see the differences in inches and stop focussing on the pounds and ounces.

Anyway, thanks for reading. Hope everyone else has a successful 2013! Kabx


  • VP72
    VP72 Posts: 89
    Good luck to you! I had 74lbs to lose - am weighing in every week, but also measuring to see the reduction in size - am on week 2 & lost 7lbs.
  • Beanie008
    Beanie008 Posts: 63 Member
    Good luck! Feel free to add me!
  • Kabijots
    Kabijots Posts: 218 Member
    Good luck to you! I had 74lbs to lose - am weighing in every week, but also measuring to see the reduction in size - am on week 2 & lost 7lbs.

    Thanks for replying. Its great to see other people achieving their goals - its been really motivating.

    Well done on your loss so far and good luck this year. Kabx
  • Kabijots
    Kabijots Posts: 218 Member
    Good luck! Feel free to add me!

    Thanks, I just did :happy: Kab x
  • elliev30
    elliev30 Posts: 20 Member
    You can do it.. and although not every week will be stellar weight loss... just stay focused and be patient. Feel free to add me.. we are all fighting this fight together ! Good luck !!!!
  • nightengale7
    nightengale7 Posts: 563 Member
    I too used to despair of the scale, but I have decided this is the year to push through it :) Feel free to add me.
  • Kabijots
    Kabijots Posts: 218 Member
    You can do it.. and although not every week will be stellar weight loss... just stay focused and be patient. Feel free to add me.. we are all fighting this fight together ! Good luck !!!!

    Thank you! I need all the help I can get! Good luck to you too. We can get there....Kab x
  • Kabijots
    Kabijots Posts: 218 Member
    I too used to despair of the scale, but I have decided this is the year to push through it :) Feel free to add me.

    Thank you, that's so kind. I'm overwhelmed by the lovely support people have already offered. Kab x
  • Iceman420
    Iceman420 Posts: 195
    Hello MFP! I have been logging on for about a week now and have just plucked up the courage to say hi. I am a mum of three boys and work full time.

    I have tried various groups to lose weight before but get so despondent at the scales. I have decided that 2013 is the year I am going to succeed!

    I've thought about attacking this weightloss thing differently - I am not going to weigh my self regularly (maybe once in a while!); instead I have measured all of me with a tape - hips, bust, under bust, waist, upper thigh, wrist etc and I am going to remeasure myself that way. Hopefully, I'll see the differences in inches and stop focussing on the pounds and ounces.

    Anyway, thanks for reading. Hope everyone else has a successful 2013! Kabx

    Nice to meet you. I used to fear the scale but now I use it every morning. It helps to keep me on track. Good luck!
  • 1KiwiChick
    1KiwiChick Posts: 479 Member
    Good luck feel free to add me too :)
  • Kabijots
    Kabijots Posts: 218 Member
    I don't actually own scales! :embarassed: I think I was burying my head in the sand!

    My only experience with them was at weightloss clubs and I felt so despondent when it didn't go down even when I tried really hard during the week.

    But onwards and upwards. I might buy some this year and as you say, its easy to keep on track. :happy: I just don't want to get obsessed with a number. I haven't got a final weight in mind yet (its been so long since I have been anywhere near a goal weight I don't know what i would look like!)

    So for now I just want to know I am changing, for the better.

    Good luck and thanks for replying. :smile:
  • Hiya! I'm new here too. Wish you all the best.

    Feel free to add me. I could do with some friends on here, hehe. :)
  • 0408boys
    0408boys Posts: 72 Member
    I am fairly new as well and I have 100lbs to lose. Please feel free to add me.
  • Hi there im newly active on the site and i too have at least 100lbs to go id love to have a new friend. Best wishes
  • I812
    I812 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello MPF! I understand the shyness, I am as well and spend a lot of time reading but not posting. I get inspired to read that there are so many people who the feel the same as me and that I don't really don't need to feel ashamed. Best of luck to you -what has worked for me (28 lbs down) is a low carb plan and journal, journal, journal my food and beverage intake. Warm regards, I812
  • Kelsey143242
    Kelsey143242 Posts: 2 Member
    I also have 105lbs to lose, feel free to add me :)
  • anyone who wants can add me.
    you are smart to take apart what DIDNT work for you in the past & try something else.

    I havent done well in the past. whats helping this time?
    1) MFP
    consistantly logging food
    constantly logging exercise
    increasing my calorie burn
    2) some friends & I have weight loss contests here we are super communicative via email & the contests run like 5-10 wks
    so we concentrate on being good for a very short time. then start over. it makes the "diet" a finite amount of time. weird cuz
    we start back up again in about a week & are good in our "off week" but having an end date seems to work for us.
    best of luck!
  • charman99
    charman99 Posts: 88 Member
    50 pounds to shed here...keep the faith. Feel free to add me....
  • Helenov
    Helenov Posts: 56
    Nice to meet you, feel free to add me! I've also got a fair bit to lose
  • Jeffdawn64
    Jeffdawn64 Posts: 8 Member
    I have 150#'s to loose. Started Weight Watchers 5-2-12 and logged the first 50#'s lost. I plateaued for 9 weeks and it was not until I started here 2.5 weeks ago that I showed a loss again. I have followed and continued to follow the WW tracking everything but........ Look forward to finding some friends :)