Jillian Michael's 30 day shred



  • WhoIsAmber
    WhoIsAmber Posts: 161 Member
    Also, I had to modify some moves because the ceiling in my room is only 6ft high so, I can't lift my arms straight up over my head. So, I did punches instead of jumping jacks and didn't lift the weights to full extension with the squat+shoulder press.

    You think that's alright? I mean, at least I kept moving.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Yes, it is fine to substitute moves on the cardio. On the shoulder presses, can you try them while squatting? This will be more challenging. Or sit on the edge of a chair.
  • MissJanet55
    MissJanet55 Posts: 457 Member

    2 days body shred, 1 day cardio, 2 days body shred, 1 day rest.

    Thanks for this, it's super helpful and I'm going to mix in my spin class. I'm about to start day 5 of level 1, and am beyond tired. I start and want to die, but when I finish I walk around the house flexing my biceps. I know I'll feel better at the end.

    Part of me wishes that when you're 55 you get more rest days. A big part.
  • Going to do day 5 today. Had to take a rest day on what would have been day 3. I couldn't feel my behind (literally).. but feeling stronger and I see a tad bit difference in my tummy already. need to take before pics..
  • louisenash12
    louisenash12 Posts: 11 Member
    Good morning fellow shreddies :D today is day 8 :) I can already feel a difference in the tone of my muscles, my stamina has increased and my energy levels :D I feel I have also kicked the sugar demons butt :D no fizzy drinks or sugary snacks. I am still unable to do the press ups and continue to do these on my knees, but boy do I feel them! In a few more days I start level 2 which I am excited about, bring it onnnnnnn :)
  • ingeh
    ingeh Posts: 513 Member
    Im on day 7 level 1 today. about to do workout 7 now, once the kdis are quiet that is! I might take a day off eveey 10 days but im not sure, if I do il probably not re start it lol
  • bratty12
    bratty12 Posts: 1 Member
    How is everyone entering their exercise when doing the 30 day shred? I thought for sure it would be in the MFP database somewhere but it's not. Do you enter it as cardio, strength?
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    General circuit training. Under cardio section.
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    I am going to do day 7 today. I had to take a rest day after day 2 because I couldn't move my arms. It is getting much easier but I still can't do push ups either! how do you do them against a coffee table? Im not sure I understand how that works!
  • capriqueen
    capriqueen Posts: 974 Member
    I'm on Day 14 today and I love it. I mix it with Banish Fat Boost Metabolism and I can't believe how much I love exercising, when doing BFBM. It's great for getting results quick---the kind of results I got in 13 days took more than a month when I was going to a lowly neighbourhood gym(no strength training). I had to take days off in between for cramps and horribly sore knees, but I'm proud I could do it even after getting home late from work--like 10 pm in the night.

    It does wonders to my appetite- my urges to eat impulsively or eat in the midnight are almost 20%. After kicking your *kitten* so hard you won't even want to binge! That said, yesterday was the biggest holiday of the year for us, so yeah I went over my calories, but today I'm ready to kick some butt!

    Wish you luck!
  • BamaBreezeNSaltAire
    BamaBreezeNSaltAire Posts: 966 Member
    That's what I'm going to do is knee push-ups the best I can...

    I've done both 30DS and her RI30 and I STILL have to finish the push ups on my knees. Don't give up, her training works! Kudos for trying and even more for sticking to it!
  • jharb2
    jharb2 Posts: 208 Member
    What size weights does everyone use? No info that I can find on the DVD about what weight to use? I have 5lbs ones but hers look smaller
  • allysonvb
    allysonvb Posts: 236 Member
    Thinking I may do the 30 day shred prior to starting Insanity! I'm going to try level 1 this evening. Thank you, YouTube!
  • capriqueen
    capriqueen Posts: 974 Member
    What size weights does everyone use? No info that I can find on the DVD about what weight to use? I have 5lbs ones but hers look smaller

    She asks us to start at 3 lbs and move upto 5 lb ones. I use 4.4 lbs (2 kg) because I find 3 lbs pretty easy (I used them on Days 1 and 2). Perhaps you would like to start lighter?
  • plynn54
    plynn54 Posts: 912 Member
    I ve completed the whole 30 days and used 5 lbs weights, Im on day 4 of my second round and think im going to up my weights for most of the moves to 8 lbs definately not for the lateral arm raises lol
  • jfauci
    jfauci Posts: 531 Member
    I am on day 4 of level 1 and I LOVE it!!
  • Jday71
    Jday71 Posts: 39
    I just started level 2 today!!! Love the results.
  • holli0224
    holli0224 Posts: 6 Member
    I have 3 more days of level 1 and my endurance and strength levels have gotten so much better! I've been using the 30 Day Shred for years now (off and on). After I had my daughter in 2009, it helped me to drop about 80 pounds. Well, I've gained a lot of weight back so I had to dust the DVD off again lol. I highly recommend this workout. Even if you can't do the moves.... try. You will only get better and stronger each time.
  • SkinnyShaSha
    SkinnyShaSha Posts: 9 Member
    Tonight was the last day of level 1. Is there quite a difference between levels? Still find the cardio in circuit 1 difficult. Hate those jumping jacks.
  • Sure hope your all getting great results, as for me barely getting started today. Hoping that on this try I can keep it going.