Foot Pain....Help!



  • thelaurameister
    thelaurameister Posts: 689 Member
    Ok I have foot pain often (currently I'm sure I have a stress fracture and no insurance either).

    I wear inserts in my shoes b/c I have a really high arch. Also maybe try lacing your shoes for your foot type. See link below.

    Thank you!! I will try this, too!
  • thelaurameister
    thelaurameister Posts: 689 Member
    I tend to get foot/shin/knee pain when I need new shoes! when I first started working out, I used my everyday tennis shoes during my workouts (you know the ones you wear daily) and I started getting terrible shin splints. My trainer told me that shoes are only meant to last about 6 months. I refused to believe it was the shoes because they looked too clean and too "new" for that to be the case....I kept going until I finally got a stress fracture from the shin splints....So I tried getting a new pair of shoes, and viola, the pain went away. I can now tell when I need new shoes because either I'll get weird foot pains or knee pains (oddly, I havent had shin pains since the first time). Now, I only use my workout shoes, for workouts, so they'll stretch a little longer than the 6 months...and if money really gets tight, I buy a new pair of insoles for about $13 to stretch it even more. Dont let the outside look of the shoe fool you! Most of my "old" shoes look brand new!

    I actually didn't know that about shoes. I honestly don't think the age of my shoes is an issue, though. I got the shoes in July 2012 and used them strictly for workouts (except the first few days I had them so I could break them in a bit). I used them through August, then switched back to my older shoes for a month when the pain started getting worse. I was horrible about the gym from Sept-January so they really haven't been worn that many times. I will chuck my old shoes out the window though, thank you!
  • thelaurameister
    thelaurameister Posts: 689 Member
    I get this a lot of times too only after having plantar fasciitis. Completely different area of the foot though. I had PF in both feet, and the pain is localized to the heel area. When I do too much jumping around, I get throbbing horrible pains in my feet just south of the portion of the ball of my foot under my big toe (if that makes sense). I have flat feet as well, and it's right about where your arch would start, I guess. The only thing I can do to get it to subside while I'm working out is to get off my feet.

    I talked to my podiatrist about this pain and he suggested shoes that were more padded up front. They didn't help. I have custom orthotics from my PF treatment - those were no help. The only thing that's helped is to stretch my feet out A LOT, all day long, before, after, and sometimes during my workout. Otherwise my feet will end up cramped, and I'm pretty sure the gym doesn't want me frightening all of its patrons with my screaming. It still doesn't stop it from happening, but the stretching has lessened it to a degree.

    This actually sounds almost exactly like my pain. There is one focal point of the pain but it seems to branch out to the entire arch from that spot beneath the ball of the foot where the arch should be. How exactly do you stretch the foot correctly?
  • sportyredhead01
    sportyredhead01 Posts: 482 Member
    What kind of shoes do you have? And are they designed for what you're doing?

    When I first started a Spin/Lifting class I was just wearing cheap running shoes, which caused my feet to hurt.
    I went and got a NB cross-trainer shoe with a firmer sole which made the pain go away the next time I was on a bike.
    It taught me the obvious...Running shoes are that, running shoes. And cheap shoes aren't good for my feet.

    Make sure the people measure you for shoes. Your size or width can change. Also different shoes brands are built on different lasts, or models of the foot. Also what kind of socks are you wearing? I switched from a crappy thin sock to Thor-los if I'm running, lifting, Zumbaiing or cycling. They are kinda expensive but worth every penny and last nearly forever.

    I'm no doctor but these are the things that helped me and maybe will help you.. Hope you find a solution to your foot pain. :)
  • thelaurameister
    thelaurameister Posts: 689 Member
    Exactly where in the feet is the pain?

    It is in the arches. My feet are quite flat, which I'm sure is part of the reason for my pain. I never had an issue with foot pain while playing sports in high school, though....You'd think if it were just my flat feet causing the pain that it would be a problem my whole life, you know? (or am I wrong? I really don't know much about feet lol)

    I'm not a doctor either (nor have I played one on TV. I haven't even stayed at a Holiday Inn :)). Sounds to me like plantar fasciitis. I have plantar fasciitis myself. What has helped me is using a foot wheel to stretch out the plantar fascia each morning. After exercising, i will roll my foot over a frozen water bottle as well.

    Usually, walking around being physically active on your feet will help stretch that ligament and the pain decreases. I have had plantar fasciitis for a while now, but the pain is less as i have lost weight and stretch the ligament more regularly. I don't know if it will ever go away completely but it can better.

    This article describes the issue and has a good graphic on what is going on. I don't know about "curing" the problem though.

    That is a great article, thank you! I am starting to think that it is plantar fascitiis as well. If it turns out I don't have it, would using the water bottle/foot wheel (what is that?) do any harm? I can't imagine it would but I would hate to self diagnose myself and make matters worse. Thank you!
  • Luvmesumkenny
    Luvmesumkenny Posts: 779 Member
    I actually have no arches either.. Very flat feet. I have what's called pronated ankles. A condition that runs in my family and is actually pretty common.
    I wear orthotics and wrap my ankles really good when I work out. I do very extensive Cardio 5 days a week. I just listen to my body and only do what I can.

    GOOD LUCK!!!
  • Thesoundofwolf
    Thesoundofwolf Posts: 378 Member
    Cut them off, they are weak. Replace them with stronger feet.

    Inserts, good shoes as recommended by a doctor and take it easy- my two cent advice.
  • thelaurameister
    thelaurameister Posts: 689 Member
    What kind of shoes do you have? And are they designed for what you're doing?

    When I first started a Spin/Lifting class I was just wearing cheap running shoes, which caused my feet to hurt.
    I went and got a NB cross-trainer shoe with a firmer sole which made the pain go away the next time I was on a bike.
    It taught me the obvious...Running shoes are that, running shoes. And cheap shoes aren't good for my feet.

    Make sure the people measure you for shoes. Your size or width can change. Also different shoes brands are built on different lasts, or models of the foot. Also what kind of socks are you wearing? I switched from a crappy thin sock to Thor-los if I'm running, lifting, Zumbaiing or cycling. They are kinda expensive but worth every penny and last nearly forever.

    I'm no doctor but these are the things that helped me and maybe will help you.. Hope you find a solution to your foot pain. :)

    I am not sure what type of shoe it is at the moment, I'm not wearing them. But I know they're not cheap. They are very bulky, they add a good 2 inches to my height. They are hideous, ugly things that I'm actually kind of embarrassed to wear, but I bought them hoping it would help. I specifically told the lady the types of exercising I do and she seemed so certain that those shoes were the answer...Remind me not to trust sales associates anymore :) lol
  • gailmelanie
    gailmelanie Posts: 210 Member
    What you're describing sounds a lot like a neuroma to me. That's an inflamation of the nerve(s) that run along or between the bones in your feet. With pressure and extra wieght or vigorous activity, it gets aggravated. I recommend acupuncture, which is the least invasive thing and probably the least expensive thing to do other than orthotics and lacing your shoes differently. Physical therapy requires going to a doctor to get a prescription for it, but I really swear by podiatrists for foot problems, if you could pay for one visit. I would avoid going to an orthopedist. They are brutal. Otherwise acupuncture can be very effective as long as you understand that you will not get immediate results and that it takes up to 10 treatments for the problem to be nearly, if not completely, resolved.
  • wildfirediva
    I have pretty flat feet myself and other foot/ankle issues I have been working with for years. If you plan to continue with traditional work out/running/walking type shoes you may need an insert to support your arch and potentially a heel cup or other orthotic support to compensate for your feet/ankles turning out or in. Also look at going to a professional running shoe place to have a shoe fitting. Even if you don't buy a pair now you will have an idea of your foot needs.

    If all else fails those dr schol's type inserts they sell at most big box stores (i.e target or walmart) may provide some relief between shoes or drs visits.

    I personally use those shoes less and less as I have started turning more to the barefoot style shoes (i.e. VibramFive Finger). I have less ankle or foot pain the less shoe I wear the more structure they have the more I hurt. [Toes fall asleep on long walks or on the elliptical, bad ankle feels like I have a shard of glass in the joint. space.]

    PS if you are using those WalkFit style of shoes they can often do more harm than good. I had to donate mine after a week when my bad ankle started giving me fits.
  • morielia
    morielia Posts: 169 Member
    I get this a lot of times too only after having plantar fasciitis. Completely different area of the foot though. I had PF in both feet, and the pain is localized to the heel area. When I do too much jumping around, I get throbbing horrible pains in my feet just south of the portion of the ball of my foot under my big toe (if that makes sense). I have flat feet as well, and it's right about where your arch would start, I guess. The only thing I can do to get it to subside while I'm working out is to get off my feet.

    I talked to my podiatrist about this pain and he suggested shoes that were more padded up front. They didn't help. I have custom orthotics from my PF treatment - those were no help. The only thing that's helped is to stretch my feet out A LOT, all day long, before, after, and sometimes during my workout. Otherwise my feet will end up cramped, and I'm pretty sure the gym doesn't want me frightening all of its patrons with my screaming. It still doesn't stop it from happening, but the stretching has lessened it to a degree.

    This actually sounds almost exactly like my pain. There is one focal point of the pain but it seems to branch out to the entire arch from that spot beneath the ball of the foot where the arch should be. How exactly do you stretch the foot correctly?

    I'll stand on the stairs for a few minutes with my heels hanging off (as if to do calf raises, but just sit there). I also do lightning pose but with my weight on my toes rather than on the tops of my feet (I don't know if there's a name for that). This is the one thing that actually stretches the part that hurts the best. The first stretch was recommended to me by my podi for my PF, so with both of these, you should get your whole foot stretched out. I've also done some garland pose on my toes rather than with my feet flat and shifted my weight so it stretches my feet big time. Can try that as well.
  • levicrouch
    Exactly where in the feet is the pain?

    It is in the arches. My feet are quite flat, which I'm sure is part of the reason for my pain. I never had an issue with foot pain while playing sports in high school, though....You'd think if it were just my flat feet causing the pain that it would be a problem my whole life, you know? (or am I wrong? I really don't know much about feet lol)

    I'm not a doctor either (nor have I played one on TV. I haven't even stayed at a Holiday Inn :)). Sounds to me like plantar fasciitis. I have plantar fasciitis myself. What has helped me is using a foot wheel to stretch out the plantar fascia each morning. After exercising, i will roll my foot over a frozen water bottle as well.

    Usually, walking around being physically active on your feet will help stretch that ligament and the pain decreases. I have had plantar fasciitis for a while now, but the pain is less as i have lost weight and stretch the ligament more regularly. I don't know if it will ever go away completely but it can better.

    This article describes the issue and has a good graphic on what is going on. I don't know about "curing" the problem though.

    That is a great article, thank you! I am starting to think that it is plantar fascitiis as well. If it turns out I don't have it, would using the water bottle/foot wheel (what is that?) do any harm? I can't imagine it would but I would hate to self diagnose myself and make matters worse. Thank you!

    This is the foot wheel ( I wouldn't think that the foot wheel would cause any harm as you would control the pressure.

    That said, if you are concerned about self diagnosing and getting advice from random people on the internet, you should check with a licensed physician first.
  • curlygirly80

    This is a possibility, but I have never had issues with my legs/calves so I'm not so sure. The electrical/burning feeling is really accurate, though. Something to look into deeper, thank you!

    I work for a podiatrist and a burning feeling of the feet could mean neuropathy. Are you a diabetic?
  • marmar2903
    marmar2903 Posts: 13 Member
    I have very flat feet and over pronate. I don't know if going barefoot works for flat feet. I've had to do a lot of reading to try to find out what shoes to wear to help my feet. If you are flat footed, they say that your feet have a tendency to be over flexible and that's why they recommend shoes with stability in them. To keep your ankle from over twisting, etc. Just be careful, I diagnosised myself with the plantar fascitiis (sp) and was totally wrong. I kept putting off going to the doctor and the pain kept getting worse. I hurt in my arches and up the inside of my foot. Turned out I had messed up the tendon that holds your arch up- one was almost completely torn in half and the other had started fraying (like a rope coming undone). Ended up having surgery on both of my feet this year and it has been the pits. Just be careful. I wish that I had listened to my feet alot sooner.
  • tam8374
    tam8374 Posts: 270 Member
    I thought the pain issue was just me. I am commenting to say thank you to all of you who have offered wonderful info (Plus I"m bumping this without saying "bump"... LOL)
  • Docmahi
    Docmahi Posts: 1,603 Member
    I read the first few responses - it sounds like you have pain in the arches of your feet that doesnt change with footwear and is exacerbated by exercise? Is that a good summary

    Have you tried NSAIDS before or after (aspirin/aleve)
    Does the pain occur when you are walking? and is your usual cardio of choice the treadmill?
    is it the same in both feet?

    It doesn't sound like a foot strengthening issue - vibram shoes (which i wear) more address anterior muscle pain like in shin splints if you are having pain right in the arches of your feet and its the same in both feet it sounds like plantar fascitis to me - you will hate my suggestion but you do need to see a doctor/physical therapist of some kind to deal with that - if that IS what is going on.

    after reading a bit more and seeing the burning - neuropathy could also be an issue - especially the bilateral nature, either way it is an issue that needs medical attention - neuropathy could be cause by anything from diabetes to a B12 deficiency so nobody on this message board will be able to give you a decent answer on how to stop it/treat it
  • EmilyJackCO
    EmilyJackCO Posts: 621 Member
    You're in the Denver area, I'd say forget the Boulder Running Company and stop in at Good Feet.... or even Runner's Roost (Runner's Roost's advice has been trusted for DECADES!) and talk with them for a few minutes about what's going on - they may be able to recommend some adjustments for you. I have a lot of issues with cramping in my metatarsals, and thought I had PF, but I've found that the lighter New Balance trainers in the proper size and laced right helps tremendously. And they aren't stupid expensive....