Any 40 somethings out there?



  • blendapang
    know exactly how you feel im in the same boat have also put weight on and cant get motivated for execiseing could use all the help iam 49
  • bluemagic33
    bluemagic33 Posts: 284 Member

    Feel free to add me as well, I am 47 (48 in August) 2 grown boys and married for almost 26 years in April. I still have a ways to go I lack in the exercise department to since I work 12 and 24 hour shifts. The worse for me is getting started. My goal is 144 weight wise, but more important than what the number on the scale is, I have a pair of jeans I want to get back into. I am actually hoping to get a bowflex tonight if all goes well :) I know I need strength training, I lost a lot of weight in 2008 92lbs and gained 30 back through injury and illness and then I just got lazy not going to lie about it.. But I don't like how I look now and I am not comfortable in my clothes.. Vacation is two weeks in Jamaica in August and I must be bikini ready.. Getting started is the hardest part. Come on we can do this..

    So nice to see so many in my age group in one place.. :D
  • V44V
    V44V Posts: 366 Member
    42 in April, have gone from 203lb to 188lbs, another 18lbs to go...
  • jackifeijoo
    There's nothing like trying to lose weight in your 40's! It is not an easy decent down the scale but I know we can all do it with the help of each other through motivation. I am 46 soon to be 47 and need to lose at least 30 lbs. Would love to add you as a friend and you are welcome to add me into your cheering section as well! Many Blessings on your fantastic fitness journey with your husband!
  • scoutfinchie
    scoutfinchie Posts: 39 Member
    I'm 44. Gained weight thru very similar circumstances! You can add me!
  • mojd80
    mojd80 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi, I am 49 and just started the journey, AGAIN!! I've been a yo-yo dieter most of my adult life but this time is different! I am borderline diabetic, borderline high cholesterol, just became a grandfather for the second time and about to have a 3rd any week! I want to be around for my grand kids a bit longer than my grandfathers were so I am on my journey. I am looking to lose around 100 lbs though so my battle will be years in the making!

    Best wishes to you!! Add me if you'd like.

  • bbrown5
    I am 42 soon to be 43 in about 3 months I was 230lbs in Oct 08 but by Sept 09 I was 155 lbs. Kept it off for 2 years in the last six months really been stressed so I gain 20 lbs but I am back at it again hoping to lose the 20lbs by my Birthday in April...
  • Tennolina
    Tennolina Posts: 2,413
    42 here! Working on those last 10 pounds. :)
  • FammaMel
    FammaMel Posts: 293 Member
    I turned 40 on September 11th of last year. I'm back with a vengence on MFP and have lost 5 pounds since my return on December 28th. If anyone would like to add me, that would be fantastic! Also, does anyone else find it harder to loose weight in your 40's???

    Absolutely! It's so unfair!


    Yes and completely unfair! I'm just thankful it doesn't stop me from working hard and moving forward regardless of the scale.

    I'm 41 and I pick things up and put things down. Lol! I no longer watch the scale as often as I watch and work for PRs on my lifts. StrongLifts, 5/3/1 and split session lifting has changed my outlook and my composition.

    Anyone is welcome to add me.
  • marywoodringlepera
    H, I'm in, I'll be 49 next month. I just completed my first week, and so far I have moved down and then back up on the scale but I'm feeling really good and
    looking forward to dropping at least 50 pounds in the next year. My oldest son is getting married and I refuse to go to his wedding in
    a dress any bigger than a 10!
    Carbs are my enemy, I know this for a fact but no matter what I do.... I still find them in my mouth! I have replaced candy with SF candy, I have replaced most breads in my house with low carb and now I think it's just time to cut them down to maybe 50 or 60 a day and see what happens. It's probebly not the right thing to do, but maybe it will motivate me to watch them?
    Well good luck to all of us.
  • carollane
    carollane Posts: 39 Member
    I am 46 and looking to loose about 70-80 pounds. I joined in 2011 lost about 40 pounds but got off track and know I am back and determined!!!!:happy:
  • RAF_Guy
    RAF_Guy Posts: 230 Member
    Just joined the 40s club, happy to support anybody who wants it.
  • Luvmichnata
    Luvmichnata Posts: 186 Member
    47 here! Just made it in to 130's by the skin of my teeth but haven't seen that number in such a long time. Awesome to see it finally and I give credit to MFP and all my friends! Glad to join this club and help others reach their goals. Add me please!
  • Fatguy2Fitguy
    Fatguy2Fitguy Posts: 129 Member
    I'm 40 later this year, which I still cant quite believe if I'm honest. Having issues with that but lot's of seem to rave about it so maybe I should just get over it!

    If anyone wants to add me please feel free, I need a helping hand into the 40's lol
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    I'm 48 and did exactly like you. Was wearing a size 5/6 working out looking and feeling good - then came along my husband - lol. We have a great life but the eating habits and our schedules have left my with a few extra pounds. Now trying hard to get them off. You are lucky your husband is on your journey too. Mine tries to be supportive but is younger and doesn't have to worry about the weight so it makes it a little tough for me - but I'll get there. I'm on a healthy journey and trying to lose and tone up doing lifting and working out and eating right. Feel free to friend me - I'm very active on the boards and love new friends.
  • Luvmichnata
    Luvmichnata Posts: 186 Member
    Think of your age as a state of mind rather than a number. I still feel like a 20 something-though the body aches do sometimes tell you otherwise! The 40's is a fun time-let go of all your hang ups and just have fun! Add me as a friend if you'd like.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    I am 41,,, anyone can add me.
  • Kayakgirl72
    Turned 41 yesterday =) Feel free to add me. I still have a ways to go!
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    feel free to add me i'm 40. my first goal is 15 pounds and my second goal will be another 15 (i broke them up so i don't get discouraged)
  • kg047
    kg047 Posts: 95 Member
    I'm 47 and I am trying to lose 58 pounds and tone up. I am finding MFP to be a great tool in helping with the accountability area. You can add me.