Looking for Some Friends

Hey Everyone,

As the Subject suggests, looking to make some new friends that I can learn from but also help to motivate on their weight loss journey.

21 from Ontario, hopefully I get some replies.


  • bump.
  • Michelle_J
    Michelle_J Posts: 362 Member
    I'll be your friend.
  • rsjohnb
    rsjohnb Posts: 215 Member
    Always looking for new friends mate, feel free to add me.
  • Will send out those adds!

    thanks, I really want to hear other people's stories, learn from them and see what I can take away from it.

    Someone as well to ask how I'm doing with it and whatnot.
  • 1117kristina
    1117kristina Posts: 3 Member
    i would like to add friends too,got no one :) hope u will add me my name is kristina from uk:)
  • Feel free to add me as well... I'm 31 and from Ontario, Canada...
  • neiljbrady
    neiljbrady Posts: 41 Member
    I just started but I know it is better to have someone, such as a gym pardner to "answer" to. An example is we went to the movies today and I ALWAYS get candies (2 boxes) today I thought about MFP and declined to have any. It's because I would be responsible for cheating.
  • Neil it really is, that is a struggle of mine.
    If I go to Tim Horton's, always tempted to get that *extra* thing on top of a bagel and coffee when I'm on the run, hate it.
  • Always looking for friends too!
    Feel free to add. (:
  • What would everyone on here say is there favorite workout routine?
  • 30Purple
    30Purple Posts: 252 Member
    I am always looking for new friends :)
  • neiljbrady
    neiljbrady Posts: 41 Member
    What would everyone on here say is there favorite workout routine?
    TRX Suspension Training and Rush Fit DVD George St. Pierre MMA
  • Dee_31
    Dee_31 Posts: 10 Member
    Im 31 from KY, you can add me if you'd like.. My favorite workouts would be, Pilates, and Taebo!
  • JPRobocker
    JPRobocker Posts: 74 Member
    I'm always looking for friends. Feel free to add me. 24, from Washington (State, not DC haha).
  • Everyone I've met on here has been very supportive! I'm always looking for good friends. To answer your question my favorites are Zumba, walking my puppy and lots of Wii fitness games. I'm looking forward to getting an eliptical machine soon as well.

    Feel free to add me if you would like another friend.
  • thanks everyone for the adds! can't wait to hear from you.

    Yes, I love playing a workout game from Kinect, tracks all my progress and is very useful.
  • olsondre
    olsondre Posts: 198 Member
    Request sent!
  • I will also be your friend. Had weight loss surgery 5 weeks ago. Started exercise class yesterday. So far so good
  • My favorite thing to do is run! Just strap on the iPod and let go! Anything high energy and keeps me busy so I won't stare at the clock and just give up. Zumba is a blast also.
  • That is what I started was Zumba. LOVE IT