Seeing a lot of rude comments about 1200/cal....



  • mochalishious
    mochalishious Posts: 97 Member
    Do what works for you bump everyone else. 1200 seems fine to me. You earn more calories by working out anyway. I don't get what the big deal is. I think 1200 is basic beginning calories start
  • tutti777
    I'm 60 years of age and 5' 3"..I too am on the 1200 calories per day. I only started about 3 weeks ago. One thing I can say, this has helped me be more accountable to myself. Like others, some days I'm under, other days I'm over with my calories as well as protein. I do know I feel better and I "look" better in some of my clothes. I lose very slow but as least the scale is going in the right direction. Like others have stated, I think 1200 is a good starting point and you can always make adjustments as you go further with your weight loss journey. Best of luck to you!
  • Amber__E
    Amber__E Posts: 8 Member
    I have been on 1200 calories since I started here. You're on this site for guidance to succeed. Do what MFP is suggesting and you'll accomplish your goal. Don't worry about what other people's plans consist of. Also, ignore negative comments. Make good friends who are supportive and understand what you need to do.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Take a look at the tickers....the majority of the people truly hating on the 1200 calorie people either don't have tickers or have lost less than 20 pounds. The majority of the people who say use 1200 as a guideline and adjust it from there are the ones who have lost truckloads of weight. Guess who I believe?

    This is a pretty ridiculous statement. I don't have a ticker mainly because I don't want. Does that mean I didn't lose the weight I needed to?

    1200 calorie people irk me. but i know some day they will see the light.

    *makes out with my ticker*
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    anything under 1200 cals a day is considered starvation mode. food for thought.

    Cite, please.

    Here you go!
  • Fr3shStrt
    Fr3shStrt Posts: 349 Member
    i'm also a 1200 calorie person, it it takes a lot of work to eat all those calories. i find myself full and i am not even reaching my 1200 goal. it just goes to show how much bad stuff and excessive calories i was taking in by not watching what i ate. let the haters hate- if it works for you, stick with it! your body will let you know when things are working out right.

    Do you mind me asking - what are you eating? I am never full on 1200 calories, so I really am curious what is making you full.
  • htolen
    htolen Posts: 28
    Well, I was initially doing 1200 calories, and it worked well at first. But I was always tired, lacked energy in my workouts, and after a month or two I plateaued and could not move the scale. So I started doing so research, AND I bought myself a Body Media armband. That's when I discovered that on workout days, I burn as many as 3300 calores each day. A 1200-calorie diet was giving me a 2100 calorie deficit. That explained everything. So I upped my net calories to 1650, and it made all the differnece. My energy came back, and I started losing weight again.

    I'm sorry about the mean comments you are getting--some people are just unable to be constructive, I guess. But do what works for you. Pay attention to your body. If you have energy, feel good, and are losing weight at 1200 calories, then keep it up! But if you hit a plateau or find that your energy is low and/or your mood is angry or depressed, then you might want to add 100-200 calories to your limit and see how you feel. Keep adding calories until you find that balance where you are losing weight, but have energy and feel good. That's how it works. :-)
  • 0Karina0
    0Karina0 Posts: 131 Member
    Lifecycle of an MFPer

    1. Start out at 1200 calories
    2. Complain about how you're "stuffed" at 1200 calories and don't understand why everyone wants you to eat more
    3. Make a post calling out the mean people
    4. Gradually up your calorie goals when you grow tired of being "stuffed" on asparagus spears
    5. Realize that you're still losing weight and feeling much better
    6. Try to help 1200 calorie people
    7. Get called an arrogant ahole one too many times
    8. Retreat to chit-chat forum more or less permanently, only occasionally emerging to lay down a burn

    9. ??
    10. Profit
  • LoriannMM
    LoriannMM Posts: 6 Member
    Ignore the haters. I lost 138 pounds with 1200 calories (took 2 years) and I was overseen by my doctor and two personal trainers! I have hypothyroidism and I kind of have to stick around 1200-1300 calories to maintain, for me. Go by what works for you and your body. 1200 calories and eating every 2 - 3 hours does not make you hungry. Just be careful not to go below 1200 you don't want to go in starvation mode. Keep Positive. Stay positive. Stay Fighting. Stay Brave. Stay Amitious. Stay Focused. Stay Strong. and Stay away from Haters!
  • evdenapoli
    evdenapoli Posts: 164 Member
    Something they don't understand is when we're short (I'm 5'3") we naturally need less calories.

    That's right! I'm 5"2 and I have a job where I am often sedentary. MFP set me at 1240 cals/day to loose 1.5 lbs / week ( at least till I get to within 30lbs of my goal weight) .. most days i'm ok with it.. if I want to eat more I make sure I get enough exsersize.. in to cover the extra calories.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Who got BINGO from the ZOMBIE?
  • tndejong
    tndejong Posts: 463
    everyone on here is going to have an opinion. and you will see everyone has a different fitness level and goals. me personally i have mine set at 1500 calories. i do exercise an hour or more a day. i started at 265. so i have a lot of weight to lose. but this is what is working for me. i have lost on average a pound a day. you have to customize your plan to your needs. listen and learn from others. but dont take it to heart. everyone has a different day to day life. i am not working and at home with no kids and distractions. so its easy for me to workout on my elliptical. for others they have jobs and kids to make it more difficult. what works for me is not ideal for others.
  • UseToBeHot
    UseToBeHot Posts: 28 Member
    They're just jealous that you are smaller than they are.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
  • kaitlynelkins9
    kaitlynelkins9 Posts: 26 Member
    When I am cutting, I typically aim for around 1200 net calories; however, because I am short and relatively lean, that is only about 260 calories below my basal metabolic rate, which is not a large deficit at all. I think that the higher your basal metabolic rate and the consequential caloric deficit created by eating only 1200 calories, the greater the risk of creating an unwise health plan. But everyone should tailor their plan to the results that they get. If 1200 calories provides satisfactory weight loss comprised primarily of body fat reduction without any substantial decrease in lean muscle mass, then by all means, carry on. If it doesn't, reevaluate. Your fitness plan should never be static, or your results will never be optimal.
  • metacognition
    metacognition Posts: 626 Member
    My doctor recommended 1200 calories as a goal. That worked for a while.

    Then my weight loss stalled for two months because I found myself hit with intense cravings after a large meal, even when I was within calories for the day. I logged it all and I was eating up to 3,000 calories once or twice a week, which required hard deficits later to maintain my weight. I was still losing a bit of muscle mass each week, according to my scale.

    I eat more now, and my weight loss is no longer stalled.

    Staying off the hormonal see-saw has been a god send for my progress.

    I have no major cravings and I slam through high intensity exercise and weights without a problem.

    My intake is staggered between 1240 and 1580 per day, depending on activities.

    For the first time, my muscle mass went UP on the body fat scale, and my body fat went DOWN along with my weight.

    So no, if you are nearer to your goal weight and very active, I think 1200 calories per day is counter productive. Your body can probably handle it at first, because you are probably not very active at the start of a program.
  • flarge
    flarge Posts: 47 Member
    12,000 calories

    Im jealous

  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    Maybe they are struggling and it makes them feel better to make others feel worse. Sorry for their comments. We should be encouraging one another. I also have a 1200 calorie diet. Today is my 1st day but not my first time losing weight. This isn't my first rodeo. I hope you keep up the good work, you should be proud of yourself.

    I'm losing at 1800 a don't think that those of us that try to educate the newbies that 1200 isn't the end-all, be-all when it comes to daily calorie goals are just miserable b!tches. I can't think of ONE person on my FR that is on 1200 a day, and every, last one of them is reaching their weight-loss and fitness goals.

    You know what they say about assuming...
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    I see it from both sides and honestly if it works for you for the time being then let it work but at some point you will have to up your calories because you are upping workouts, your body will feel sluggish without those extra calories so you will end up eating more whether you planned on it or not.

    It's all about your body and how it reacts, if you are eating regularly under 1200 cals and working out then you will see your body react differently than you had hoped.

    I have tuned my goals at my personal TDEE - 20% (sedentry) as my minimum for daily calories and I eat back at least 1/2 my calories burned back as often as I can so that while I lose weight (or fat) my body will not have a chance or reason to be starved.
  • cm196250
    I also am on a 1200 Cal a day, but thats what this program put me on to reach my goal, but if you extercise you can earn more Cal back, like yesterday after extercise it added 920 to my 1200 goal for the day which is great bc but i didnt even finish them all.and never felt hungry.