Dizzy Spells...



  • weidner
    weidner Posts: 127
    I don't want to be mean here, but you are a bright intelligent young woman in LAW SCHOOL - put 2 and 2 together; 500 calories a day is not cutting it!!!!:huh:

    You have people on here worrying about you :sad: and also working very hard to achieve weight loss and are very, very serious about it!!!!

    MFP gives you the tools to lose the weight; just follow the guidelines and you will be fine and not dizzing or anything else. Eat what you are suppose to and you will be fine!!!!!!
  • themethod
    themethod Posts: 257
    How about taking the food you're already eating and increasing your portion size? Half a laughing cow wedge with one thin slice of ham and one small piece of bread or some crackers is not much of a meal. If you're getting full from all of that it may be because you've already done some significant damage to your metabolism and your digestive track. Try eating suggested serving sizes instead of fractions of them. And you don't need to be buying "light" or "diet" food if you are having trouble making your calories. With your intake now, as it is around 500 calories, you're at risk of developing the same side effects that anorexics do: loss of menstrual cycle, increased body/facial hair, permanent organ damage, weakened bones, loss of muscle tissue, etc.

    Pick it up, girl! You're a student, you know the value of educating yourself on these issues. I would definitely say you are probably dehydrated, your iron levels are probably very low, and your blood glucose and blood pressure are probably also dangerously low. And those things will all cause dizzy spells.

    I frequently get dizzy upon rising from a seated position, or even when walking after standing still for a long time, if I haven't eaten recently as I have low blood pressure and I go through hypoglycemic spells. When this happens I immediately drink a glass of milk, eat some cottage cheese, or a banana or apple with peanut butter.

    You're here to get healthy, and we're all here to support you and we don't need your next post to be from the emergency room. We all want the best for you. :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • melville88
    melville88 Posts: 137
    I don't want to be mean here, but you are a bright intelligent young woman in LAW SCHOOL - put 2 and 2 together; 500 calories a day is not cutting it!!!!:huh:

    You have people on here worrying about you :sad: and also working very hard to achieve weight loss and are very, very serious about it!!!!

    MFP gives you the tools to lose the weight; just follow the guidelines and you will be fine and not dizzing or anything else. Eat what you are suppose to and you will be fine!!!!!!

    I know, I'm so sorry if I've worried anybody, that wasn't my intention at all I promise. I just wanted to know if anybody else had that problem (so it IS related to diet) or not, (some other possible brain issue?). I didn't realise the way I am eating is wrong, even though the total calories/fat is low at the end of the day, because quantity wise, my dinners are always big.

    P.S. I don't do Law, lol, i do english lit and drama- maybe not so clever afterall :P xxx
  • kajaknowers
    kajaknowers Posts: 113 Member
    I experienced dizzy spells and fainted on easter day eating 1200 cals but that is rare.....its worrying you are eating that low, your body will be dealing with it like an anorexic which could potentially damage your heart and you will eventually stop losing weight.....I'm studying for my final year exams but I just have things like nuts and fruit or even a sandwich if I don't have enough time to cook....EAT MORE....your diet is potentially dangerous and long-term success cannot be sustained this way

  • melville88
    melville88 Posts: 137
    How about taking the food you're already eating and increasing your portion size? Half a laughing cow wedge with one thin slice of ham and one small piece of bread or some crackers is not much of a meal. If you're getting full from all of that it may be because you've already done some significant damage to your metabolism and your digestive track. Try eating suggested serving sizes instead of fractions of them. And you don't need to be buying "light" or "diet" food if you are having trouble making your calories. With your intake now, as it is around 500 calories, you're at risk of developing the same side effects that anorexics do: loss of menstrual cycle, increased body/facial hair, permanent organ damage, weakened bones, loss of muscle tissue, etc.

    Pick it up, girl! You're a student, you know the value of educating yourself on these issues. I would definitely say you are probably dehydrated, your iron levels are probably very low, and your blood glucose and blood pressure are probably also dangerously low. And those things will all cause dizzy spells.

    I frequently get dizzy upon rising from a seated position, or even when walking after standing still for a long time, if I haven't eaten recently as I have low blood pressure and I go through hypoglycemic spells. When this happens I immediately drink a glass of milk, eat some cottage cheese, or a banana or apple with peanut butter.

    You're here to get healthy, and we're all here to support you and we don't need your next post to be from the emergency room. We all want the best for you. :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    That's really kind, and again, I'm sorry to have worried anybody. Yes, after standing up that's when I get it! Also when I go from a dark room into a strongly lit room. I'm going to buy some peanut butter tomorrow or monday and will definitely try and up my calories. I've done a preliminary entry for tomorrow (i just put one piece of bread in lunch so far because I intend to eat this with a good dollop of peanut butter but obviously don't know the calories/fat of the brand I'll get yet). I normally do follow portion sizes, always with breakfast and larger than portion size for dinner. I don't really eat much for lunch because, like I said earlier, I sleep a lot so I normally have breakfast around 2, then 'lunch' at 6 and dinner at 9/10. Then i go to bed at 4 or 5 am. But I will start buying better things, but as I hate wasting food, I'll use up my flora light spread etc first.

    Thank you again everybody for your help, and I apologise profusely if I have upset anybody or worried anybody with my behaviour.
  • kajaknowers
    kajaknowers Posts: 113 Member
    I'm sorry I may have sounded a bit negative in my last post.....I just looked at your profile and I see you've done an AMAZING job so far.....you literally look like a completely different person so keep it up but eating plenty lol

  • melville88
    melville88 Posts: 137
    I'm sorry I may have sounded a bit negative in my last post.....I just looked at your profile and I see you've done an AMAZING job so far.....you literally look like a completely different person so keep it up but eating plenty lol


    Thank you so much, that's very sweet of you. Luckily I haven't plateaued yet, but I'm thinking this dizziness thing is a worse sign than a plateau if I'm not eating enough. You didn't sound harsh at all, I appreciate your time in helping me. I will eat more, even if it takes me a couple of weeks to get to the recommended level. Just looking at your signature, my next goal is to be classed as 'over-weight' too :-D. 2 more BMI points to go! We both will get there soon! x
  • beloggins1
    Try and find raw peanut - nut butter instead of processed peanut butter it's lower in calories, no added sugars and better for you It's basically fresh ground peanuts. Health food stores are best place to find a store with a machine.
  • bebhinn
    bebhinn Posts: 198
    Darling! My sister was doing the same thing.... of course she lost lots of weight. Then she had a blood test and her sugars were 1.2.... the doctor told her that if it happened again, he would have her drivers licence revoked because she is considered impaired.

    She's had two accidents that we're now curious about whether or not they were caused by her coming home from work at night with low sugars and zoning out/dizzying.

    EAT. Eat well. I eat a TON every day.... I graze all day and I'm losing about 2lbs a week give or take. You're barely eating to cover your exercise calories! Bottom line is that your body is like a car - it doesnt run without gas and maintenance - and when you don't maintain it properly or gas it up it stalls or worse, crashes.

    Do some research on good fats and forms of protein.... Hell, have a handful (1oz) of almonds once a day, theres 160 calories of goodness right there....

    Being thin is not worth making yourself sick over. Its much better to be healthy and thin - your progress has been fabulous so far, focus on the journey not the destination :)
  • melville88
    melville88 Posts: 137
    Oh gosh- for someone on a diet I have no idea where there's a health store in Glasgow!!!!! Would Organic peanut butter be ok do you think? I'll read labels and go to the expensive supermarket rather than the cheaper one. I'll get almonds too.

    bebhinn, luckily then I don't drive- I would hate to think I caused an accident from eating too much salad!!!! My preliminary plan for tomorrow brings my total up to 880, which if I add a few nuts/ peanut butter to should get me over 1000 hopefully. I know, I never wanted to end up ill and hopefully these dizzy spells will go away when I start eating more. I'll try a week at 1000 then hopefully up to 1200 or something! xxx
  • twilight1542
    I'd be willing to bet you're dehydrated & malnourished. You should be eating no less than 1200 net calories (calories eaten - calories burned through exercise) per day. If you don't change you're eating & drinking habits you run the risk of doing damage to your body. You don't have to eat huge meals or guzzle water you just need to make the time throughout the day for it. Do that consistently for a few weeks & you should feel better. If you don't you need to see a doctor.....I speak from personal experience :(...I couldn't workout for a week following minor surgery & while I was good about diet I wasn't about water & ended up in the ER after having 2 fainting spells in a row while at a client's home...Turned out I was dehydrated, but I ended up feeling like crap for a couple days & wasting almost an entire day at the hospital!
  • Mom2Emery_Liam
    I have dizzy spells as well, even when I was eating over 2000 a day while not dieting. Usually it happened when I went more than 3 or 4 hrs before meals/snacks. I've learned my body functions best when I eat small amounts frequently...I rarely let myself get to that really dizzy point anymore b/c it causes me to overeat b/c I'm "starving". Also, make sure you're drinking enough. Dehydration can cause dizziness when standing and spots in your eyes.
    It's something I've always dealt with, genetic really since my mom and sister have the same problem. Now that I'm on a 1300 cal diet, I just make my meals smaller and eat low calorie snacks every 1-2 hrs inbetween lunch and dinner. No more dizziness!
  • twilight1542
    I can't help but notice that you mention "huge dinner" several times but make no mention of other meals. You should be eating at least 3 meals per day...better to have 3 meals & 2 snacks! You shouldn't have any problem hitting 1200 doing that. Also, your body can only digest soo much food in 1 sitting...I forget the exact number but it's 500-700. So don't think you can eat 1200 cals in 1 meal & be good. You need to eat throughout the day to keep your body energized a functioning properly.

    I haven't had a chance to check out your diary but I saw mention of salad. If you like salad try adding garbanzo &/or kidney beans to it...They're yummy, good protein source, & around 100 cals per serving. I also like to add chicken to my salad :) I just dice a breast & throw it in a pan over medium heat. Once it's cooked through & a little brown (5-10 mins) I add a little terriyaki sauce. Also great source of protein & will add calories :))
  • twilight1542

    Having now looked through ur food diary for the last few days I can't believe that your dinners leave you feeling "stuffed" & that you're even able to function. You are doing soo much harm to yourself eating soooo little. You really should print a copy of your diary & then go see a doctor or nutritionist & show them it. Not only is your diet not well balanced, you're basically starving yourself. I hate to be the one to bring this up.....but your diary makes me think of a good friend from high school who ate very similarly.....But it wasn't long before she ate less & less and eventually became anorexic :( By the time she admitted she had a problem & sought counseling she was severely underweight & is still paying the price for it....She has a lot of digestive problems that are a direct result of her anorexia! I really hope that you re-evaluate how you're eating & that you do it sooner rather than later :))
  • jennylee75
    500 cals is not a healthy calorie intak for the day. You should mnost likely be eating around 1500 to be healthy depending on your diet needs. This could be a sign of diabetes or another problem. Go to a doctor!
  • AprilChampion
    AprilChampion Posts: 184 Member
    I just flipped through your diary glancing at every day back to the start of April and I think I only saw one day that you even ate 1200 calories. And maybe two more that you were even at 1000 calories. I would say a big YES the dizzy spells are probably related to how you are eating.

    I know that you posted about eating a very low number of calories and you have already heard peoples' opinions about that but.... seriously, if you are getting dizzy, I think you definitely need to EAT more! I think you mentioned that you have been so busy studying that you just haven't had time to eat, but I don't know how you can concentrate on so little food. I find myself getting dizzy some days on 1200 calories so I typically eat 1400 or more. I have been losing just under a pound a week -- 10 lbs so far. So, just in case you need a bit of extra push, you CAN eat more and still lose weight. Don't make yourself sick!

    i completely agree with this!!! i scrolled through your diary for the last four days and you NEED to eat MORE. i understand wanting to be thin, we all do, but being thin and HEALTHY is the key, not thin and SICK which is where youre going to end up...the dizzy spells are a WARNING sign from your body saying, BEGGING "FEED MEEEEEEEEE!!!!!" please please eat more.
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    Based on your food log, you need more calories. If you're having a hard time taking them in, try to get them in a small, dense, energy-packed form like nuts, energy bars, eggs, dairy. They're easy and portable and work well as snacks.
  • dj_stevie_c
    dj_stevie_c Posts: 270
    A good few years ago when I decided to go on what I now call a 'mental' diet I had so many physical problems it wasn't even funny.

    I had dizzy spells
    I was lethargic (but forced myself to work out)
    I had the shakes
    I had nasty headaches

    Most of this was down to the fact that I was eating:

    1 wholemeal roll with sliced chicken/ham and salad (no butter, no sauces)
    4 or 5 Ryvita crispbreads with marmite and cucumber

    And, that was it.

    That's a sparse diet for a mouse let alone a rather large man.

    A long time after the diet I spoke to my doctor about it. Aparently most of my problems were due to my blood sugar levels going crazy and I was very lucky I hadn't developed diabetes. He also said that I wasn't getting enough food to repair my system so was probalby heading towards liver and kidney damage as well.

    I was an idiot then. I was basically on a six month crash diet, sure I lost 10 stone on it (yes, mental hey?) but I almost killed myself doing it.

    If you're starting to get problems a short while in I really do suggest you consult your doc, it could be something underlying or it could be that you're just not eating enough. Don't rush your weight loss, take your time and make it something you can do for life not something you can do for a short time before 'going back to normal' (which is eventually what I did hense me being back on here) and stay safe!!!
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    also, can people suggesting more calories give me some ideas of small but high calorie healthy foods I can eat- as honestly, I'm already full so if I need to increase my calories, I need them to be from things that aren't gonna make me feel i can't move from fullness. xxx
    Try whole, unroasted almonds. They have about 160 calories for 1/4 cup and have the healthy fat your body needs. Your suppers look good, but you probably need more added to lunch. Add a piece of chicken or tofu to your soup and have a nice salad on the side.
    Would it be easier to have 5 to 6 small meals throughout the day? This way, you won't feel stuffed with one meal, and your metabolism will be forced to work harder to burn the small meals all day long?
  • mlove1307
    mlove1307 Posts: 151
    From reading a few posts here and taking a quick glance at your profile and food diary.... I would say.

    Quit the excuses and stop starving yourself.

    Your "huge" dinner of a SMALL chicken breast and some veggies is a pathetic child-size portion. If you are getting honestly FULL off that, then you need to see a doctor. There are several medical conditions and psychiatric conditions that make women-especially feel full when they haven't eaten much. One consideration of your doctor will probably be cervical cancer, so really, go get checked out if you haven't already.

    I hate to sound so mean because I get dizzy spells as well, but I have a genuine medical reason of being very tall and having a naturally low-low blood pressure. (My resting heart rate ranges from 39-45) Unless you are very athletic AND not eating enough you really should not be getting so dizzy that you're smacking yourself on walls.

    To me, and to several others, it seems as if you are starving your body. Please do something to help yourself.