Drinking Water



  • xmradio123
    Get a good purifier system. Good, purified water tastes a lot better. Also a lemon or lime can help too!
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    Make a rule for yourself, to have a cup of anything you need a cup of water first. Keep a recyclable or glass water bottle nearby and keep it full, take sips whenever you look at it. Those sips can add up pretty fast.

    I keep 2 330 mL and 1 591 mL bottle filled with water at my desk and 2 591 mL bottles next to my bed and next to the couch in the living room. I drink them without even thinking about it, if I drink ALL the water I have in each bottle once then I have had 14.5 cups of water in a day and with the exercise I have been doing in the last week I definitely need 14 cups lol.
  • CrazyDaisyMom
    CrazyDaisyMom Posts: 79 Member
    I get the big water cups with a straw that hold 3 cups of water. If I have a straw I can drink water faster, and the 3 cups never seems like 3 cups. If that makes sense. I make myself drink at least two of those at work and I'll have water with dinner. Now if I don't have a lot of water during the day I feel crappy.
  • appelsiinipuu
    appelsiinipuu Posts: 97 Member
    You might just have to find, what is the best way for you to drink water... i mean, what kind of water bottle, what temperature water you like etc.
    I like my water about room temperature, filtered (I use a Brita jug) and I just bought a really nice water bottle (600ml). I have the bottle next to me all day and keep sipping the water. Four bottles is pretty much 10 glasses, so that's what I aim for.
  • MiguelX66
    MiguelX66 Posts: 24 Member
    I keep hearing that we should drink 64oz to 100oz per day. Where do those numbers come from? Why so much? Is there any research behind those recommendations?
  • RadioactivePirate
    Tea is water.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I carry around a 750ML bottle pretty much everywhere I go and refill it often.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Any of you who didn't drink a lot of water before die from it? Anyone who did please raise your hand? No? No one?

    You need fluids for your body to work. You don't need to drink 64 oz or any other number of oz of "water" per day to stay hydrated. Any fluid goes toward your body's hydration. Tea, coffee, juice, milk, soup, soda, fruit (an apple is 85% water) and the rest of your foods.

    If your urine is pale yellow then you're fine. Don't sweat the water issue.
  • DMW914
    DMW914 Posts: 368 Member
    I'm not too good at getting all the water I need either. The bulk of my water get's drank during my workouts. I have a squeezeable, Deer Park sports water bottle that I will squeeze extra water out of to force me to drink more & refill before my workout ends & I bring two bottles to work. I try to get in 10-12+ a day so that may mean up to 5+ pints a day.
  • hikr00
    hikr00 Posts: 38 Member
    If I'm not drinking water I'm drinking Diet Coke which is so not good for me. I got an app for my iPhone (water your body) which is a water tracker. You customize it to what size glass / bottle etc you drink and when you finish one you tap the table and the bottle appears. the app keeps track.

    It sounds silly but that's what it took to get me going on the water...I wanted to fill the tables with my water bottles : ) I have four 24 oz sport bottles and I rotate those through the day.

    Like others have said it's just finding a trick to get you to drink more whether it's flavoring the water, a fun water bottle, trying different temps, a water tracker app or just making sure you get enough with your other fluids.
  • Annieapple12
    Annieapple12 Posts: 122 Member
    I have always drunk a lot of water and I still got fat!
  • olDave
    olDave Posts: 557 Member
    If you'll do some research, you'll find that drinking almost ANY LIQUID will keep one hydrated. Coffee, tea, diet soda....whatever you ENJOY. Don't fret just because you don't like to drink water.
  • MsJayeKaye
    MsJayeKaye Posts: 155 Member
    During the day I have a 24 ounce cup with a straw that I use for my water. I fill it up 2-3 times a day to get my water intake in. It's easier to drink with the straw at work. I use the 16.9 oz. bottles of water when I work out. I easily get 8-10 cups in every day. It helps that I love water :drinker:
  • lisadiane41
    If you are a tea drinker just try hot water with lemon that way you are getting water; it is just hot, minus the tea bag That might help.
  • feliciajonesmejia
    I know they say you are supposed to drink 8 glasses a day. This is just too much for me! I would never get out of the bathroom! I have two cups of coffee and then to add all that water. I drink 2-4 16 oz waters a day , it helps if its cold. I love sliced orange, lemon or limes in the water. I also love crystal light diet peach tea.
  • piste9
    piste9 Posts: 8
    I carry a 1.25L bottle everywhere I go, even if it fits in my bag I carry it in my hand. Means I drink all the time as opposed to when I can be bothered getting my bottle out. Also, the more I drink, the lighter to carry it gets.
  • Nmira09
    Nmira09 Posts: 88 Member
    Thanks everyone! I added fruit to my water and that helped! I also started drinking it with a straw the way some of you recommended. (=
  • Nmira09
    Nmira09 Posts: 88 Member
    :drinker: I love my tea (= Thank u for the feedback! (=
  • mirabelk
    mirabelk Posts: 8 Member
    Just a caution...after drinking MiO I ended up with a sore throat and lost my voice for three days. Many people online have experienced similar reactions. Take it easy on the MiO...