I need some MFP friends



  • I'll happily be your friend! I'm new here as well and I'm GOING TO SUCCEDE this time :) I can use any support I get and I'm willing to give it right back :)
  • Welcome! I'm looking to lose 20-30 pounds. My name is fibergurl if you want to friend me! This is a great program.
  • Lo39
    Lo39 Posts: 17
    Feel free to add me! :smile:
  • aguilay
    aguilay Posts: 2 Member
    Hello there. Feel free to add me. I am also fairly new and would love the support. My name is aguilay. Good luck on your journey.
  • Awesome! I have the same goal. I'm adding you!
  • Its great how supportive people are on here!

    I'll add you as I'm new too!

    I'm Lauren, 24yrs old (no children unless you count my long term partner!) and looking to lose around 20lbs but mainly need to get fit for a charity trek I'm doing :)
  • I'm always looking for more friends to help support each other. It feels great to get those "way to go" comments and helps keep you motivated. I have 2 kids, and the 2nd one was the catalyst for me now needing to lose 80 pounds!
  • shannishan05
    shannishan05 Posts: 119 Member
    I am overwhelmed by the replies!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!!