Help, how do i get rid of foppy belly



  • flatbellybella
    flatbellybella Posts: 303 Member
    Run, planks and strength train focusing on your core.
    crunches do almost nothing if you have a layer of fat there....

    and as far as the skin.. it's probably not all just skin... unless it it like paper thin and you can really pull it (:noway: )
    the only way to get ride of "that type of skin" would be surgery or some miracle cream
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    ooh ignore button! fun stuff.
  • Bobtheangrytomato
    Bobtheangrytomato Posts: 251 Member
    Time, and if that doesn't work surgery. I don't think anyone has said this yet, but it tightens faster if you're young (teens, 20s. Sorry to be the bringer of bad news). I'd just wait it out for awhile.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Nope, just sick of you people who think you know what you're talking about when you HAVE NO IDEA. I'm a certified personal trainer, health and welness coach and certified in nutrition. My advice was real and will help improve overall belly fat and loose skin. Don't like my advice? Ignore it. Pretty simple.

    soooo, you're just here to tell everyone else what to do then? You're just a peach, congrats on being a hardcore certified personal trainer.
  • samanthabernardo
    samanthabernardo Posts: 9 Member
    I lost nearly 80 pounds a few years ago, my "apron" from three big pregnancies and csections never fully went away. It did diminish significantly, but never went away. I hate the way clothing fits because of it: heavy or smaller I dislike it. The only way to fix the problem is to have surgery. Not doing that, I do not do vanity surgeries. So, I suck it up and be as happy as I can in my skin. Besides, I have this because I was blessed with three BIG pregnancies.
  • Nope, just sick of you people who think you know what you're talking about when you HAVE NO IDEA. I'm a certified personal trainer, health and welness coach and certified in nutrition. My advice was real and will help improve overall belly fat and loose skin. Don't like my advice? Ignore it. Pretty simple.

    soooo, you're just here to tell everyone else what to do then? You're just a peach, congrats on being a hardcore certified personal trainer.

    How was I telling? Did I force her to do anything? She asked for advice, I gave my advice. Someone didn't like it and came back with a rude, snappy response. Aim, shoot and fire.
  • Ok well thankyou all for your answers and thoughts to my post. Its a shame most of you are more interested in having a go at each other. So to just answer some of the questions in some of the replys. It is very squishy not like normal fat, more like soft jello. I do cardio 6 days a week, i eat 80% clean, i drink a low cal whey protein shake with every vitamin going in it plus digestive enzymes and pro biotics. I guess il have to just keep at it and hope it tightens. If i lose to much more weight i will look yuk. My bum is already flat and im trying to fix it with squats. Surgery is not an option. Thanks all.
  • :noway: that makes no sense at all, i dont go to coffee houses. i do watch my calories, how do you think i lost over 80 lbs ? i do weights but for toning.
    First, tell your belly to stop worrying so much about its frilly clothing. Second, tell it to stop going to coffee houses to sip coffee, listen to poetry, and dream of aristocracy.

    Third, try lifting weights and watching calories: key ways to lose body fat, as others said, you can't spot reduce, and belly's generally the last place to go.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    dont worry about toning or defining as some people call it - the best thing to do is get a harder weight program, to create a real burn that will last all day. Tighten up your nutrition as you see fit and make good decisions, but lifting heavy weights even once or twice a week instead of your normal cardio plan will help. This is what it did for mine...


    and now at 158 = (ps that is a sports bra and pj booty shorts not iddle panties - so please dont report me for trying to show body changes from a routine and workout change - i dont have a swimsuit that fits anymore - it looks indecent - thanks :smile:)


  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    I don't think you can get rid of it until your body decides it's time to burn the belly fat. I however do a lot of crunches and i hold my belly in at work. I can feel it getting toned up underneath the layer of fat there. I think that will help you feel like you have some kind of control over it.

    I do all different kind of crunches and leg lifts. Side, diagonal, tradidtional, double, backwards.. When you feel the strength under the fat you will feel bettter about the belly being there until one day it's gone.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Nope, just sick of you people who think you know what you're talking about when you HAVE NO IDEA. I'm a certified personal trainer, health and welness coach and certified in nutrition. My advice was real and will help improve overall belly fat and loose skin. Don't like my advice? Ignore it. Pretty simple.

    soooo, you're just here to tell everyone else what to do then? You're just a peach, congrats on being a hardcore certified personal trainer.

    How was I telling? Did I force her to do anything? She asked for advice, I gave my advice. Someone didn't like it and came back with a rude, snappy response. Aim, shoot and fire.

    Yoovie has lost a bit over 100lbs...I think she knows what she's talking about..just saying.
  • dhiammarath
    dhiammarath Posts: 834 Member
    dont worry about toning or defining as some people call it - the best thing to do is get a harder weight program, to create a real burn that will last all day. Tighten up your nutrition as you see fit and make good decisions, but lifting heavy weights even once or twice a week instead of your normal cardio plan will help. This is what it did for mine...


    and now at 158 = (ps that is a sports bra and pj booty shorts not iddle panties


    I'm aiming for this type of results! I just got the New Rules of Lifting for Women book (after reading so many posts on how good it is! I read it in one day and the intro was pretty convincing!). My husband's told me he'd support me in whichever workout program I drag him to! Now I'm just trying to pick which gym (we have a membership to a "main" one, but people can judge so much in gyms -- especially around the new year and all the "new" people that seem to cause so much ire) I want to start this at. I'm thinking until I get things right, I'm going to use my work's gym -- at least there, my co-workers know me and know what I've done all this past year! They'll be kinder!

    I've always done a combination of machines + cardio and over the summer we left the gym entirely to do everything outside / outdoors. Mountains are awesome. Now I just wanna get some good results, and cut the fat. I'm looking at YOU body fat percent of 36!

    YEAR ONE: No more weight!
    YEAR TWO: No more flab! Anywhere!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Hey!!! My bf% was 36% in that pic of me at 220 (April of 2010)! It only got down to 30% using cardio over the course of 2010 & 2011. In 2012 I switched to weights and - I got down to 20.9 this week!!! YOU CAN DO ITTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    start where you're comfy and then go dive into a new gym and making your training batcave headquarters!!
  • I am listening to what everyone is saying and thankyou. The gym isnt an option at the moment as i have to be with my husband all the time while he waits for the call that will be his liver transplant. I dont want to be perfect i just want to look good for my age. I am 59kg, about 128lbs. Bmi is 24. I will most likely join the gym when my husband is well again and i will be doing the zumba they have as well as toning
  • george29223
    george29223 Posts: 556 Member
    in lost weight by making my profile picture smaller and smaller i firgure in 6 months my picture will look like this
    > . lol then i will say i reached my goal
  • in lost weight by making my profile picture smaller and smaller i firgure in 6 months my picture will look like this
    > . lol then i will say i reached my goal
    love it :D
  • BeyondTrouble
    BeyondTrouble Posts: 62 Member
    I am listening to what everyone is saying and thankyou. The gym isnt an option at the moment as i have to be with my husband all the time while he waits for the call that will be his liver transplant. I dont want to be perfect i just want to look good for my age. I am 59kg, about 128lbs. Bmi is 24. I will most likely join the gym when my husband is well again and i will be doing the zumba they have as well as toning

    If the gym isn't an option, you don't want to look perfect and you just want to look good for your age...I'd say give yourself a break for a bit about adding anything more to your plate because you've already reached your goal. If that's you in your profile pic then honestly, you look fantastic for your age! Hell, you look fantastic for MY age and I'm 32 :)

    So you have a little jelly. Ok, well, It's better than fat. It can be hidden easy and its proof you did some hard work getting to where you are now. Focus on your hubby. Love your body for a bit. Then kick *kitten* at the gym when your husband gets his liver transplant. :flowerforyou:
  • monjacq1964
    monjacq1964 Posts: 291 Member
    Hi, i have lost a fair bit of weight but my belly from my navel down is floppy and squishy, i do sit ups ect but how can i tighten this squishy loose skin? I am 46 next month. Please help :sad:

    if you've got stretch marks, your skin is damaged, and will not shrink back.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    It depends on genetics as well. Some people keep elasticity in their skin for many years. If you still have some firmness in your skin, in time it might shrink up some. Surprisingly mine is shrinking up fairly well as I am losing and I will turn 50 in August. I am exercising as much as I can, nothing like some of the other women are, but it is helping. I am not losing at a super fast rate either, so my skin has a chance to keep up. Not sure how it will look when I reach goal in another 40 pounds, but I will take some lose skin over the big belly!

    Planks are much better than crunches, in my opinion, as they give a better all over core strengthening, rather than targeting individual ab muscles like crunches. Planks are tough too! and they strengthen your back as well.
  • I am listening to what everyone is saying and thankyou. The gym isnt an option at the moment as i have to be with my husband all the time while he waits for the call that will be his liver transplant. I dont want to be perfect i just want to look good for my age. I am 59kg, about 128lbs. Bmi is 24. I will most likely join the gym when my husband is well again and i will be doing the zumba they have as well as toning

    If the gym isn't an option, you don't want to look perfect and you just want to look good for your age...I'd say give yourself a break for a bit about adding anything more to your plate because you've already reached your goal. If that's you in your profile pic then honestly, you look fantastic for your age! Hell, you look fantastic for MY age and I'm 32 :)

    So you have a little jelly. Ok, well, It's better than fat. It can be hidden easy and its proof you did some hard work getting to where you are now. Focus on your hubby. Love your body for a bit. Then kick *kitten* at the gym when your husband gets his liver transplant. :flowerforyou:
    thankyou, yes that is me in the photos, i have lost about another 5kg ( 11lbs ) since that photo. i guess i am expecting a lot given my age and i have had 2 children so i have the stripes, i guess doing this has been helping me to get some control when everything else is out of my control. i will just keep working at it and maybe in time it will shrink up a bit :happy: