
Anyone eat avocados? I absolutely love guacamole, but other than that, have no clue how to fix avocados.


  • Jodycnd
    Jodycnd Posts: 56 Member
    I love guacamole as well. I saw on Pinterest a recipe for egg salad made with avocado instead of mayo. Looked pretty good and I hope to make it this weekend.
  • sammyneb
    sammyneb Posts: 257
    I have found I love avocados! I chop them up and add them in my salad, also it can make a good spread. I made turkey burgers, grilled up some mushrooms and spinach threw them on the burger and then used some avacado as a spread on the burger, it was really good!
  • Leigh012976
    You will have to let me know how it turns out. I will do my grocery shopping next weekend so I may pick up some avacados.

    On a side note, what does "bump" mean. I have seen this in other posts and just wondered what it means.
  • katsak2006
    katsak2006 Posts: 3 Member
    Try this: Low Fat cottage cheese, sliced grape tomato, chopped avacado (large square), fresh lime juice, salt and pepper! Delicious and full of protein.

    Its one of my favorite no bake lunch recipes. Add a "thin pita' half for a little more substance.
  • sammyneb
    sammyneb Posts: 257
    people will generally "bump" a post so that it will show up under their "my topics" which makes it easier to find later :)
  • jonesin_am
    jonesin_am Posts: 404 Member
    I cut them up and put in my salads.
    Mix with chicken, tomatoes, and black beans for lunch
    I also made this stuffed avocado recipe which was delicous:

    Caribbean Jerk Chicken & Mango Stuffed Avocados

    1/3 c cider vinegar
    2 large garlic cloves, chopped
    2 T dark brown sugar
    1 T low-sodium soy sauce
    1 t dried thyme
    1 t ground allspice
    1 t ground cinnamon
    1 t ground nutmeg
    1 t ground ginger
    2 t sea salt
    1 t cayenne pepper
    1 t black pepper
    2-3 boneless, skinless chicken thighs
    1-2 t cooking oil

    3/4 c chopped mango (fresh is preferable, but frozen is just fine)
    1/2 c chopped red bell pepper
    2 T lime juice
    1 t honey
    Salt & pepper

    2 large avocados
    Lime slices (optional for garnish)

    1. Whisk together the first 12 ingredients until completely smooth. Place the chicken thighs in a separate bowl and pour enough jerk seasoning to cover it completely (this way if you have leftover seasoning, you can still use it for a different dish or as a sauce). Marinate for at least an hour, preferably overnight.

    2. When ready to cook, heat the oil in a medium skillet over medium heat. When oil is hot, add the chicken and cook for about 7 minutes, until cooked through and no longer pink inside. Remove from heat and set aside to cool.

    3. In the meantime, combine the chopped mango and peppers in a medium bowl. Whisk together the lime juice, honey and salt & pepper in a separate bowl, then pour over the mangoes & peppers. Chop the chicken into bite sized pieces, add to the mango-pepper mixture, and toss together until combined.

    4. Slice each avocado in half and remove the pit. Squeeze a few drops of extra lime juice on each avocado half to prevent discoloration. Spoon generous amounts of the chicken & mango mixture into each avocado (it’s okay if they overflow a bit past the hole left by the pit) and garnish with a slice of lime. Serve with a nice salad and enjoy!
  • Evachiquita
    Evachiquita Posts: 223 Member
    Sometimes I just slice an avocado in half and eat it straight out of the skin! yum!
  • cmphelan77
    Avocados are amazing to eat and great for your body!! Healthy fat keeps you hair and skin beautifu.

    My Fav ways to eat avocados are as follows:
    Rough chopped with Cilantro, Lemon/Lime Juice S&P
    Sliced, sprinkle of salt splash of Balsamic Vinegar
    Blended to make a mousse/pudding (search avocado mousse)
    This morning I had two eggs over medium with 2 slices of Avocado and scoop of salsa
    slice up and throw on a turkey/hamburger extra lettuce no bun!!
    On top of a salad
    I guess I could go on and on. I hope this helps. Good Luck in your quest for a better you!! You are on the right track with this awesome Fruit !!
  • Bambers14
    Bambers14 Posts: 15 Member
    yummy in salads or homemade salsa! Good in eggs or in sandwiches - especially chicken. Love Avocados!

    PS "Bump" is just what people do so that the thread gets bumped to the top of the recently read or commented on list so that people notice it again and it receives more comments.
  • whitneyps7
    whitneyps7 Posts: 409 Member
    If u like tuna u can use it as a sub. for mayo./ u can have slices in a salad/ on top of chciken/in a sandwhich/or u can make advcado and banana pudding (sounds odd but trust me on this)-
    1 advacado
    1 banna
    1/2 c agave
    1/2 c cocoa powder
    1/2 c coconut milk
    put in food prcessor then chill then serve with fruit and enjoy.
  • msamcoates
    msamcoates Posts: 261 Member
    Sometimes I just slice an avocado in half and eat it straight out of the skin! yum!

    Add a little salt, and I do this as well.

    I mainly eat it on top of my salad, which is just about everyday for lunch. I always wonder if I'm eating too much avocado?!
  • willow_rb
    willow_rb Posts: 69 Member
    How about an avocado spread to use on sandwiches? It's fairly simple to make:
    Mash up couple of ripe avocados, add salt&pepper to taste, add a dash of lemon/lime juice, mix it up well and store in the fridge. Spread on bread for great tasting sandwiches!
    There are some ways to use avocado at this link: http://www.fitsugar.com/Avocado-Snack-Ideas-21828074
    And I've seen a bunch of more ideas on pinterest.com.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I eat 'em all the time...usually I just give it a few dashes of habanero hot sauce and scoop it right out. I also slice it up and put it on a plate as a side with a little salt and pepper or on a salad or sandwich. There are also a couple of stews I make and use avocado as a garnish.
  • Abi_bug04
    Abi_bug04 Posts: 220
    I love to add avocados to scrambled eggs! Delicious combination!
    I also like to use it as a spread, and definitely love it with grilled chicken (like a chicken/avocado salad)! :)

    And "bump" is just something people do to mark a certain thread so that it comes up on their profile- that way you can easily go back to it! (Kind of like a placeholder).
  • sofielein
    sofielein Posts: 539 Member
    I especially like to team them up with seafood and fruits in my salad - for example avocado-shrimp-tangerine salad.
  • schondell
    schondell Posts: 556 Member
    You can slice or chop avocados on top of salads, burgers, sandwiches etc.

    Personally, I slice half an avocado with seasoning salt and eat that as a snack
  • Bobtheangrytomato
    Bobtheangrytomato Posts: 251 Member
    I like them with eggs and sriracha
  • AlayshaJ
    AlayshaJ Posts: 703 Member
    Prepare them? I just eat it with a spoon, mash and use it as a spread, or chop /slice it and put it on whatever.
  • cheerforsteelers
    cheerforsteelers Posts: 686 Member
    Avocados on sandwiches, on eggs in the morning, on a bagel, all up in a salad...the possibilities are endless :wink:
  • sanndandi
    sanndandi Posts: 300 Member
    I love Avocados, i just bought 4 of them today. I use them for so many things, I'm actually drawing a blank on any one specific thing. But yes, anyway, avocados are good.

    bump= Bring up my post