For the newbies: here is what losing 80 pounds is like



  • mnchkn0408
    mnchkn0408 Posts: 35 Member
    This was great! Thank you for sharing !
  • Jennical
    Jennical Posts: 219 Member
    I so needed to hear this tonight!!! Thanks for sharing....Congrats!!!!
  • cls_333
    cls_333 Posts: 206 Member
    You look absolutely wonderfully fantastic, amazing & beautiful! Congrats!!!
  • Swany2
    Swany2 Posts: 37 Member
    Fabulous post, has made me realise what a hard slog I have in front of me..but also motivated me....Thx
  • Destanie_Robyn
    Destanie_Robyn Posts: 304 Member
    Love it!
  • Betty_Canada
    Betty_Canada Posts: 85 Member
    *laughing my butt off*

    So true. Six months to lose forty pounds, with forty or fifty left to go. Two stubborn plateaus. A backslide.

    And I'm only halfway there!!! *grin*

    I'm now at the "okay, joined the gym, not quite sure what I'm doing there" stage.

    And promptly got the nastiest cold EVER and have been at home hawking up unpleasantness since last Saturday. I look so rough that my work actually ordered me to go home and not come back until Monday when I tried to go to work yesterday.

    FML. And here I Had A Plan for the gym and it's all out the window for a week and a half. :( Trying to get back into it by working out at home a bit, but when you're sick, it's hard to work up any motivation, much less any stamina.

    Thank you. I needed the reminder that this is a process and that I need to just sit back and stop pushing so damned hard. And maybe to see the absurdity in it when my pants fall off my butt without a belt instead of just thinking in terms of frustration at another pair I can't afford to replace. :)

    ETC: Sinusitis induced tpyos...
  • Roseypotts
    Roseypotts Posts: 1 Member
    Thank you so much for sharing this. It honestly made me tear up a bit... I know I will read it often. I am on week 3 and have a long road ahead.
  • wendybird5
    wendybird5 Posts: 577 Member
    I forgot to mention you can get a bit emotional going through all this as well. I'm reading all these comments and getting a little weepy here. :') Congrats to those of you who have done so well and best of luck to all of you starting out or on your way. You are going to do great!!
  • bsmithmia
    bsmithmia Posts: 41 Member
    Ha!! Great post (and accurate lol).
  • MaggieSporleder
    MaggieSporleder Posts: 428 Member
    So you found out about this app and are determined to lose a bunch of weight and let your inner skinnier person out. It's going to go something like this:

    1st week -
    I'm going to lose two pounds a week. This is going to be great. I'm going to be so determined and so dedicated...

    2nd week -
    The hell!?!?!? Why didn't I lose anything? I've been so good. I worked so hard. I should just give up. I'm just meant to be fat. I'll never lose this weight.

    3rd week -
    How did that burger get in my mouth? Or the pizza? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! I'm a failure...

    4th week -
    Holy cow!! I lost four pounds. That's a pound a week. That's not bad. I think there's hope.

    2nd month - I'm losing so much weight. This is so great. I'll be to my goal in no time at all!!

    3rd month - Um.... hello??? What happened? Why aren't we losing weight now. I didn't change anything. I even worked out more. Why do you hate me?!?!? I want cake!

    4th month - Whew - doing good. I'm OK. Look at how far I've gotten. Yay me. Just hang in there. I'm going to try going to the gym.

    5th month - Going to the gym is hard. I can barely get three days a week in. And everyone there must think I'm so fat and wonder why I'm there. And I'm so sore. Can't move anything. Sitting down is hard.

    6th month - I thought I'd be farther along. Why haven't I lost more? I've only gone down two sizes. Shouldn't I be at my goal weight already? Maybe I should try that fad diet or that starvation diet? So tired of people trying to get me to splurge and eat my old favorite junk foods just because I'm working out now and deserve a treat. They just don't get it. I can't afford to splurge right now!

    7th Month - I'm going to kill someone right now. I hate this stupid diet. Why didn't I just stick with what I was doing before? It was working. Maybe not as fast as I wanted, but it was working. Where are the cookies??

    9th Month - I reached the halfway point!! I'm doing so great. I love my gym. I go there five times a week now. I found this really great class and the instructor is so awesome. This trainer taught me some great new exercises. Some of my friends want to exercise with me now. They are so amazed at how much I've lost and they want to know my secret. I've given up all my old fat clothes for all these awesome new clothes. (Yikes for my credit card bill, but yay for my closet!)

    10th month - Plateau?? FU plateau!! So tired of this. Maybe I should try working out with a trainer because obviously I don't know what I'm doing anymore. I've even started gaining weight because I can't stop binging on junk because I'm so depressed to have become so stuck and just when I was half way there...

    12th Month - Dammit!! I keep dropping sizes. Getting replacement clothes is getting so expensive!! I barely have the stuff for two months and it's too big again. Must buy smaller sizes so I have more time with them. So glad I stopped starving myself. BMR and TDEE all the way!!

    16 Months - I feel great!! You know, even if I don't make it all the way to goal, the size I'm at now is pretty nice. I'm definitely getting a lot more attention. I'm OK if this is as far as I can get. I'm just really enjoying this new lifestyle. And all these changes I made for my health have inspired me to make other changes in other parts of my life. Over all I'm a much happier person and my life is a whole lot better than before. I got rid of the negative influences in my life and have a great circle of supportive, positive people. Work is much better. My attitude about life is better. Life is wonderful!! I feel like a burger tonight. I worked out hard today and I have the calories. I can have it.

    18 Months - 80 pounds!!!!! I can't believe I lost 80 pounds!!!! I'm a smaller size than I was in high school!! It's so weird to see myself in the mirror. I'm the same size as my skinny friend. How did that happen? And I'm a single digit size now. Never thought I'd be able to say that!!

    Your amazing Wendy. :) Thanks for posting this!
  • anybeary
    anybeary Posts: 188 Member
    Um...I'm at month 10 where I'm totally bummed that I seem to be working harder than ever and not losing weight or inches. I feel fantastic, to be sure...circuit training 4 times a week and yoga three times and walking the dogs a couple of miles every day. BUT, it is totally scary at that point to start seeing yourself gaining weight on the scale when you're eating like 1500-1600 calories. That is so depressing. Since I started working harder I've gained 5 lbs! And don't tell me it's all muscles because I've taken my measurements and they have not changed.
  • kje2011
    kje2011 Posts: 502 Member
    hard, loooong work! but it\s great! wow
  • melindanew
    melindanew Posts: 150 Member
    This is absolutely what happened for me (and is still happening, I have a ways to go).

    WTA: 40kgs is 88.1lbs
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    So much love! :heart:
  • GenesisandEden
    GenesisandEden Posts: 338 Member
    lol this hits home!
  • Yolanda_85
    Yolanda_85 Posts: 143 Member
    3rd week -
    How did that burger get in my mouth? Or the pizza? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! I'm a failure...

    Yup!! I know I'm not a failure, and will get through this, but man oh man! I love your post!! Definitely will be rereading this again and again!
  • weston23
    weston23 Posts: 59 Member
    Congrats on this weightloss, I am with ya on all aspects, I am smaller now before I started having kids, I think its awesome that I have 6 kids, and don't have the prego weight on me anymore :)Destination 160 I am preparing for take off :)
    ISW 275
    CW 194.8
    GW 160

    Congrats again, feel free to add me :)
  • This was fun to read but very true at how easy it is to get discouraged at each plateau. Thanks for this post a must save for motivation!
  • yustick
    yustick Posts: 238 Member
    This is awesome. My timeline is about the same even though I have more to lose. In 11 months, I've lost 104 of the 200 I need to lose. Sometimes it seems like I'm doing awesome and other times I feel like this is taking forever, but ultimately it doesn't matter how long it takes, I just have to keep heading in the right direction...and that isn't just measured on the scale.