"Big Boned"

Is there really anything to that phrase? Can someone really be "big boned" and not able to get "small"
I have had this told to me before from family... that "its just in the family". In high school I was small, my arms were small and my legs were small so why would all the sudden I just be "big boned" and built to where no matter what I do I won't look that way again?

Feel free to add me if you want... could use some new inspiration and I love to see everyones weight loss stories and journey!


  • metzlerjn
    metzlerjn Posts: 57 Member
    After taking several health and anatomy classes I have never heard of such a thing as big boned. You can maybe have denser, heavier bones but I don't think they will be bigger around making you unable to lose weight....
  • Rjsmith07
    Rjsmith07 Posts: 49 Member
    Not really making you unable to lose weight.... I guess just the way you are built or something so it kinda makes you still look bigger? LOL
  • jencat59
    pEOPle tell me I am big boned I have small hands and feet and I am not even five feet tall I just over ate I was always small I
    don't really think that you could be big boned. I just cant stop craving the wrong food how do you stop that.
  • ObiRenKenobi
    Some skeletal frames are bigger than others, and some people do indeed have bigger or thicker bones, but not radically so.. However the size of the bones have nothing to do with body fat or muscle tone..
  • Rjsmith07
    Rjsmith07 Posts: 49 Member
    Yea I agree thats the problem lol I just LOVE food too! Huge weakness
  • nicki0512
    I hate the term "big boned" I do believe however that people do have different size of frames. For example one of my close friends is the same height as me and weighs about 80 pounds less. She is no too skinny and looks very healthy. If I lose 40 ponds I will be back in the same size as her, but still weigh 40 pounds more. I hope that makes sense....
  • fusion777
    fusion777 Posts: 197
    I can't wait to get close enough to find out. Haven't felt my bones in over a decade. :(
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    nope. bones dont make you fat, fat makes you fat.

    all skeletons are pretty skinny aren't they?
  • Fibergurl
    I'm sure you are changing your eating habits to look and feel better..Just stay focused on your goal. Good luck to you!
  • Rjsmith07
    Rjsmith07 Posts: 49 Member
    Hahah Fusion! You will get there!
  • aakokopelli7
    aakokopelli7 Posts: 196 Member
    It's a term that over weight people use to defend being fat. " I'm not fat, I'm big boned." ~ Cartman from Southpark

    A person can have broader shoulder and wider hips which can make the appear to be larger than they are fat wise.
  • Rjsmith07
    Rjsmith07 Posts: 49 Member
    Bones don't make you fat its a term used for frame size but people will say well your just "big boned" and no matter what you do your gonna look the same
  • LesliePierceRN
    LesliePierceRN Posts: 860 Member
    I always thought I was big boned too. Until I began running and slimmed down to a size 4! I wasn't even that small in high school. Turns out I'm actually petite under all that fat. Don't believe you can't change. That's what people say when they quit and want to validate their failure.
  • PurpleCupcakes101
    I hear this term all the time but never quite understood what it meant.
  • Rjsmith07
    Rjsmith07 Posts: 49 Member
    LadyMuscles, that was great! So glad to hear your story! There is no way I could ever be petite but I do know I can do better than what I am and actually look better in picutres and not bescared of the camera.... darn camera really makes me look "BIG BONED" :)
  • mattagascar
    mattagascar Posts: 708 Member
    ummm is this a trick question?
  • alisiaendris
    alisiaendris Posts: 213 Member
    Although people are not really 'big-boned', there is a posibility of looking really boney at a weight that others look great at. I have that problem. I hae to focus on certian areas and not just weight loss in general or I end up looking ill.
  • laurynwithawhy
    laurynwithawhy Posts: 385 Member
    I think that what a lot of people think of as "big boned" is just lean body mass vs. body fat. They probably don't mean that you are actually bigger boned, just that you have too much meat on you to get really thin. This too, goes either way. I always thought I could weigh 120 pounds, until I found out that my lean body mass is 112 pounds :/. It's why some people are really healthy at 150 pounds, while others are overweight at that size.
  • whitneyberra1987
    whitneyberra1987 Posts: 172 Member
    well there is a such thing as having a large frame http://commonsensehealth.com/Womens-Health/Healthy_Weight_Height_Chart_for_Women.shtml this is a link you can check out my doc told me that i have a large frame and should stay around 155- 160 as i look anorexic any smaller i am 5'5in... whereas my sister can weing in at 130 and look fine she is a very small frame.
  • mllst18
    mllst18 Posts: 188 Member
    Here is a link I found to help you guys that say you crave the wrong foods:


    As far as big boned, I do believe that some people have larger frames than others, i.e, wider shoulders and hips, but this won't stop them from becoming fit and trim with a low body fat. I'm 5'9" and when I was done with basic combat training I weighed 180lbs, but was still a size 12 due to my wide hips. However, I looked fantastic, and had no gut staring back at me. Friend me if you like :-)