Bloated! Ugh!



  • deniseblossoms
    deniseblossoms Posts: 373 Member
    Actually enemas can flush the good bacteria and it's probably not best to ingest your caffeine that way.

    And I went back a few days, quite a few days fairly high in sodium. See if you can get it at least under the recommended amount, and add some potassium rich foods into your diet to see if that helps.
  • westcoastgrl21
    westcoastgrl21 Posts: 172 Member
    I've been struggling with bloating as well. I've started experimenting with eliminating certain foods to try to figure out the trigger (so far no dice). I fear it's all the caffeine I drink (about 4 cups a day), because that's going to be so hard to get rid of that! Also consider if you're having regular bowel movements; I know this is an issue for me that certainly compounds the problem. If it's any consolation, it seems this is quite a common issue based on the number of posts I've seen about it lately!
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    I see some posting negative comments about enemas without doing research... I would not post something that has not proven to have positive affects as well as something I have not used myself. I did think that I was free to post "my" opinions without back lash although I am fairly new to fitness pal I did not think this was a place for people to bash things their fellow fitness pals have posted..
    post whatever you want about shoving coffee up your butt, but that shouldn't ever be the first go-to response.

    bloated? coffee up the butt.
    tired? coffee up the butt.

    why not look back through her diary, see if anything looks odd and go from there.

    ....or... you could spend another half hour defending coffee up the butt.

    The first line of defense doesn't have to be herbal or homeopathic remedies. Do hospitals and medical professionals prescribe enemas? Sure. Do they also look at other options? Absolutely. The first step to "I'm bloating" shouldn't be "coffee up the butt."
    You. I like you.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    I see some posting negative comments about enemas without doing research... I would not post something that has not proven to have positive affects as well as something I have not used myself. I did think that I was free to post "my" opinions without disagreement although I am fairly new to fitness pal I did not think this was a place for people to disagree with things their fellow fitness pals have posted..

    Fixed that for ya. :flowerforyou:
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    I see some posting negative comments about enemas without doing research... I would not post something that has not proven to have positive affects as well as something I have not used myself. I did think that I was free to post "my" opinions without back lash although I am fairly new to fitness pal I did not think this was a place for people to bash things their fellow fitness pals have posted..
    post whatever you want about shoving coffee up your butt, but that shouldn't ever be the first go-to response.

    bloated? coffee up the butt.
    tired? coffee up the butt.

    why not look back through her diary, see if anything looks odd and go from there.

    ....or... you could spend another half hour defending coffee up the butt.

    The first line of defense doesn't have to be herbal or homeopathic remedies. Do hospitals and medical professionals prescribe enemas? Sure. Do they also look at other options? Absolutely. The first step to "I'm bloating" shouldn't be "coffee up the butt."
    You. I like you.
    Agreed. Easily my favorite post of 2013.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Coffee enemas are a great idea. Almost as much fun as urinary cathing. :drinker:
  • melindanew
    melindanew Posts: 150 Member
    I'm a girl. Coffee enemas are woo and bad science, and can be dangerous. Its all based on small sample studies by Ian Gawler. And it's bunk. It's quakery. Your liver handles toxins just fine.


    I understand you are a True Believer (TM) but you are simply, utterly, completely and totally wrong.

    And I claim Coffee Up The Butt as a band name, should I ever try to start one.
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    I see some posting negative comments about enemas without doing research... I would not post something that has not proven to have positive affects as well as something I have not used myself. I did think that I was free to post "my" opinions without back lash although I am fairly new to fitness pal I did not think this was a place for people to bash things their fellow fitness pals have posted..
    post whatever you want about shoving coffee up your butt, but that shouldn't ever be the first go-to response.

    bloated? coffee up the butt.
    tired? coffee up the butt.

    why not look back through her diary, see if anything looks odd and go from there.

    ....or... you could spend another half hour defending coffee up the butt.

    The first line of defense doesn't have to be herbal or homeopathic remedies. Do hospitals and medical professionals prescribe enemas? Sure. Do they also look at other options? Absolutely. The first step to "I'm bloating" shouldn't be "coffee up the butt."
    You. I like you.
    Agreed. Easily my favorite post of 2013.
    Agreed. The forums have been pretty disappointing for 2013 what with all the reporting and banning going on. This post right up there so far is the highlight of the year and warms my dark little heart.
  • Fibergurl
    Celery is a natural diuretic .
  • Fibergurl
    Celery is a natural diuretic
  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    Cut down on your sodium and drink more water. I drink a lot of tea as well as water and I find I'm not nearly as bloated as I used to be. Check for added salt in what you buy, don't add it to recipes, etc.
  • sozisfitnow
    sozisfitnow Posts: 209 Member
    I see some posting negative comments about enemas without doing research... I would not post something that has not proven to have positive affects as well as something I have not used myself. I did think that I was free to post "my" opinions without back lash although I am fairly new to fitness pal I did not think this was a place for people to bash things their fellow fitness pals have posted..
    post whatever you want about shoving coffee up your butt, but that shouldn't ever be the first go-to response.

    bloated? coffee up the butt.
    tired? coffee up the butt.

    why not look back through her diary, see if anything looks odd and go from there.

    ....or... you could spend another half hour defending coffee up the butt.

    The first line of defense doesn't have to be herbal or homeopathic remedies. Do hospitals and medical professionals prescribe enemas? Sure. Do they also look at other options? Absolutely. The first step to "I'm bloating" shouldn't be "coffee up the butt."
    You. I like you.

    Me too! Indignant recommendations of lunacy from the faceless wonder!
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Coffee enemas ??????

    Really ?????

    I'll just take mine IV, thank you :laugh:

    What hould work is drinking more water, eating more "greens" and watching out for sodium ......

  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    Quoted from earlier post:
    "I see some posting negative comments about enemas without doing research... I would not post something that has not proven to have positive affects as well as something I have not used myself. I did think that I was free to post "my" opinions without back lash although I am fairly new to fitness pal I did not think this was a place for people to bash things their fellow fitness pals have posted.. "

    Just as you are free to state your opinions, others are free to disagree with your opinions. Since you are "new" to MFP, you will learn to toughen up quickly. Have a nice day. :flowerforyou:
  • Northwest_Bob
    Northwest_Bob Posts: 9 Member
    For whatever it is worth, both NW Bob and his wife, Dallas Alice have suffered bloating and gas. Several years ago, before it became all the rage, NW Bob found that people who had had clostridium difficile could also become gluten intolerant. I had c. diff. from colon surgery years before that. I found this on an internet forum. I asked my doctor, he tested me for Celiac disease and found I did not have that.

    Anyway, I tried eliminating obvious gluten from my diet. It took a while but it seemed to work. So I have kept it up. Now there are lots of gluten free products on the grocery store shelf. Then there were next to none. It only takes a day or two of falling off the wagon before my symtoms return. So I continue to watch it. I can cheat a little but not much.

    My wife found by the same type of experimentation that she is lactose intolerant. So we buy lactose treated milk (Lactaid or generic) and she is fine. Cheese and the occasional ice cream do not seem to hurt.

    Both non-Celiac gluten intolerance and lactose intolerance are diagnosed best by elimination. Try cutting both out for a few weeks and see if it helps. If it does not, then you know neither of these was the problem. If it does, then add one back and see what happens. If the symtoms reappear then you know that was the problem. If not, then you know it is the one you did not add back.

    Give it a try and good luck.
  • ksyp92
    ksyp92 Posts: 46 Member
    due to digestive issues that nobody can diagnose i get pretty bloated. i just take 2 GAS X everynight before i go to bed... the pharmacy says its fine to take it daily. also drink a lot of water and eat fruit!
  • pen2u
    pen2u Posts: 224 Member
    what's the primal plan?

    A primal or paleo menu plan are general terms for a diet that only allows foods that might have been eaten by our 'way back ancestors, in other words no processed or cultivated stuff, just "hunter-gatherer" stuff. I'm guessing it works because you're cutting out all grains, legumes, refined sugars, etc. & limiting fruits & dairy.There's quite a bit of info if you Google it, but this website has a pretty good explanation and some tips:

    I have found it very easy to follow. I even baked cupcakes the other day!