Springing SIXERS week 3

kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
Onto week 3...

Cathy(chipper)......................SW 244.0 lbs / GW 235 lbs / CW 242.8 lbs / PROGRESS -1.2 lbs
Amy S (bahamom87)............SW 266 lbs / GW 259 lbs / CW 267 lbs / PROGRESS + 1.0 lbs
Tracy ( frogy_98) ......... SW 225.2 lbs/ GW 215.0 lbs/ CW 220.6 lbs / progress -4.4 lbs
Kristin (kistinbee).................SW 180.5 lbs/ GW 175.5 lbs/ CW 180.0 lbs/ PROGRESS -0.5 lbs
Rhiannon (PedalHound)........SW 000.0lbs / GW -10lbs /CW -2.8lbs / PROGRESS -2.8lbs
B (its_B).............................SW 200.0 lbs/ GW 190 lbs/ CW 198.5 lbs/ PROGRESS -1.5 lbs
Kelly (redneckwoman).........SW 152.0 lbs / GW 149.0 lbs / CW 157.0 lbs / PROGRESS + 5.0 lbs
Lauryn (Phoenix_Rising).......SW 157.8 lbs / GW 152 lbs / CW 158.2 lbs / PROGRESS +0.4 lbs
AmyLou (amylou24).............SW 145.4 lbs / GW 140 lbs / CW 145.0 lbs / PROGRESS -0.4 lbs
Lorna (lulabellewoowoo) SW 140.8 lbs/ GW 134.8 lbs / CW 148.2 lb/ PROGRESS +7.4 LB
Amy (amypyr)......................SW 156.3 lbs / GW 150 lbs / CW 156.1 lbs / PROGRESS -0.2 lbs
izzypup...............................SW 177.2 lbs / GW 175 lbs / CW 174 lbs / PROGRESS -3lbs

Tiff (gonabfit).......................SW 153lbs / GW 143 lbs / CW lbs / PROGRESS 0
Jennifer (candycaneps)........SW 0.0lbs/ GW 0.0lbs/ CW 0.0lbs PROGRESS +/- 0lbs - Pregnant


  • bahamomma87
    bahamomma87 Posts: 164
    Bump ! So excited for tomorrows weigh in ! :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
  • pamh5555
    pamh5555 Posts: 191 Member
    SW - Dec 1 - 215
    CW - Apr 22 - 194
    GW - Dec 11 - 125

    Lost 21 lbs

    Mini Goal - April 30 - 190

    Do not think that i will make the mini goal. Home sick with a nasty sinus and ear infection. Of course the nasty cough is not far behind.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    pam...hope you feel better soon! Being sick is no fun!

    Amy (pyr)...been thinking about you all weekend. :flowerforyou:

    Amy (baha)...Excited for tomorrow's weigh-in also! Let's see some smaller numbers!!!!!

    Well...I am getting ready to go get Kadence and head home. It's not raining at the moment, but looking like it might. Probably won't get to walk, but going to try and NEW 20 minute Ab workout this evening. Pretty excited about that!

    Hope you all have a good evening! I'll be back in the morning!
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Bumping for Wednesday weigh in Finally took diuretics on Friday and got to drop about 3 lb of water and finally my legs stopped hurting. So I'm looking for a "normal" weigh-in.

    Thank you ALL so much for your love and support. YOU GUYS ROCK!!! You keep me going when the rest of the physical world around me seems to be crashing. Even if I don't necessarily spill my guts, just listening to your chit chats, and your encouragement to each other, heck even having a show of "lula/lorna - thinking about you", makes all the difference in the world. So thanks to each and every one of you for your strength, endurance, and huge hearts.

    Tomorrow for me is my follow-up GYN visit. Boy, i started trying to compile the list of symptoms and had to go to the back of the page LOL. Doc is either going to help me fix it, or he's going to have to pay for me to go to medical school so i can fix it. :)

    Have a great night and a successful weigh-in tomorrow!
  • Redneckwoman
    Redneckwoman Posts: 668 Member
    Sure hope tomarrows weigh in is good. I did pretty good all week, but then the weekend came along and I didn't do so great. So we shall see.

  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    lula (((((hugs)))) will say a prayer that the doc fixes you up. no one should have to go through that kind of pain.

    see y'all in the morning. hoping mine will be good, i did go to the gym. seems when i do the next day i am up. we'll see. i drink nothing but water now a days.

    dinner is almost ready, making my soda/katsup/chicken dish. with carrots and salad.
  • bahamomma87
    bahamomma87 Posts: 164
    amy (pyr) -- good luck tomorrow

    Pam --about your mini goal ... YOU MADE IT SO CLOSE ! .... be safe... and keep fluids so you dont get sicker ... I will be praying you feel better girl ! ear infections are the worst !

    Kristin-- yea ! lets see great numbers tomorrow ! towards our goals ! yay for a new ab workout ! good for you !

    Lorna-- yay for dropping some water weight ! So sorry your in so much pain ! im thinkin of you sweetie and praying for things to go well in your new way of thinking ! we are always here for you always !

    KEl -- good luck

    Cathy -- Your doing fabulous ! no matter what our numbers are tomorrow ! XO

    See yall in the a.m. !
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
  • frogy_98
    frogy_98 Posts: 212 Member
    Ok have not been on here long so have to ask what is BUMP! just wondering???

    Looking somewhat forward to tomorrow, did not do well tonight so we will see, when I am bored at work I tend to munch so I am trying to improve that. Wish me luck and will power.

    Chat with you all in the morning.

  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Okay, so I have my doctor's appointment today and have been "stressing" out about it. I think the only option is to cut out the offending ovary, which makes me nervous as my hormones are so out of whack now that I wonder what will happen if we take it out? Of course, maybe it is overproducing in which case I'll be sane again?

    So I have decided to be proactive. As I can't have any elective surgeries until the kids go back to school next September so I can have fun with them this summer, I have decided to do "clean eating", which is the biggest challenge imaginable for me because I am a stress, depressed, bored eater of all things sweet, gooey, and fried.

    I figure I'm going to have a followup with the doctor in September and decide what to do. So...I just ordered myself a charm bracelet with no charms. That will be my visual aid for the month of May (comes in on Thursday). I already have the charms picked out. June 1st, I get a charm of a little girl to represent my daughter. July 1st, I get a charm of a little boy, to represent my son. August 1st, my husband is going to pick out the one to represent him. Sept 1st, I pick the one that represents me. These are going to be used to remind me that any sacrifice I make foodwise is well worth it for the people represented on my bracelet. Who knows? Might lose a pound or two along the way.

    Just wanted to share as you guys are my biggest supporters and can help keep me in line :wink:

    Can't wait to see all the wonderful successful weigh-ins today. Remember, even if the scale doesn't say what you wanted, you are still winners and successful by your constant endurance and forward progress.

  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    bahamomma87 - Your picture is absolutely gorgeous and precious.
  • bahamomma87
    bahamomma87 Posts: 164
    Lorna-- i think that is a beautiful idea .... everyone needs something that helps them focus.... becuase lets face it ... we a visual set of people.... !!! We thrive by "seeing" our progress is worth it.... You are going to do great.... and if the time comes when you want to do the surgery then maybe it will help !!!! Thanks for being such a great part of this group.... good luck at the gyn today ! XO

    Going to weigh in in a few minss !
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    Cathy(chipper)......................SW 244.0 lbs / GW 235 lbs / CW 240.4 lbs / PROGRESS -3.6 lbs

    Amy S (bahamom87)............SW 266 lbs / GW 259 lbs / CW 267 lbs / PROGRESS + 1.0 lbs
    Tracy ( frogy_98) ......... SW 225.2 lbs/ GW 215.0 lbs/ CW 220.6 lbs / progress -4.4 lbs
    Kristin (kistinbee).................SW 180.5 lbs/ GW 175.5 lbs/ CW 180.0 lbs/ PROGRESS -0.5 lbs
    Rhiannon (PedalHound)........SW 000.0lbs / GW -10lbs /CW -2.8lbs / PROGRESS -2.8lbs
    B (its_B).............................SW 200.0 lbs/ GW 190 lbs/ CW 198.5 lbs/ PROGRESS -1.5 lbs
    Kelly (redneckwoman).........SW 152.0 lbs / GW 149.0 lbs / CW 157.0 lbs / PROGRESS + 5.0 lbs
    Lauryn (Phoenix_Rising).......SW 157.8 lbs / GW 152 lbs / CW 158.2 lbs / PROGRESS +0.4 lbs
    AmyLou (amylou24).............SW 145.4 lbs / GW 140 lbs / CW 145.0 lbs / PROGRESS -0.4 lbs
    Lorna (lulabellewoowoo) SW 140.8 lbs/ GW 134.8 lbs / CW 148.2 lb/ PROGRESS +7.4 LB
    Amy (amypyr)......................SW 156.3 lbs / GW 150 lbs / CW 156.1 lbs / PROGRESS -0.2 lbs
    izzypup...............................SW 177.2 lbs / GW 175 lbs / CW 174 lbs / PROGRESS -3lbs
    Tiff (gonabfit).......................SW 153lbs / GW 143 lbs / CW lbs / PROGRESS 0
    Jennifer (candycaneps)........SW 0.0lbs/ GW 0.0lbs/ CW 0.0lbs PROGRESS +/- 0lbs - Pregnant
  • bahamomma87
    bahamomma87 Posts: 164
    Cathy(chipper)......................SW 244.0 lbs / GW 235 lbs / CW 240.4 lbs / PROGRESS -3.6 lbs
    Amy S (bahamom87)............SW 267 lbs / GW 259 lbs / CW 264 lbs / PROGRESS -3.0 lbs :bigsmile:

    Tracy ( frogy_98) ......... SW 225.2 lbs/ GW 215.0 lbs/ CW 220.6 lbs / progress -4.4 lbs
    Kristin (kistinbee).................SW 180.5 lbs/ GW 175.5 lbs/ CW 180.0 lbs/ PROGRESS -0.5 lbs
    Rhiannon (PedalHound)........SW 000.0lbs / GW -10lbs /CW -2.8lbs / PROGRESS -2.8lbs
    B (its_B).............................SW 200.0 lbs/ GW 190 lbs/ CW 198.5 lbs/ PROGRESS -1.5 lbs
    Kelly (redneckwoman).........SW 152.0 lbs / GW 149.0 lbs / CW 157.0 lbs / PROGRESS + 5.0 lbs
    Lauryn (Phoenix_Rising).......SW 157.8 lbs / GW 152 lbs / CW 158.2 lbs / PROGRESS +0.4 lbs
    AmyLou (amylou24).............SW 145.4 lbs / GW 140 lbs / CW 145.0 lbs / PROGRESS -0.4 lbs
    Lorna (lulabellewoowoo) SW 140.8 lbs/ GW 134.8 lbs / CW 148.2 lb/ PROGRESS +7.4 LB
    Amy (amypyr)......................SW 156.3 lbs / GW 150 lbs / CW 156.1 lbs / PROGRESS -0.2 lbs
    izzypup...............................SW 177.2 lbs / GW 175 lbs / CW 174 lbs / PROGRESS -3lbs
    Tiff (gonabfit).......................SW 153lbs / GW 143 lbs / CW lbs / PROGRESS 0
    Jennifer (candycaneps)........SW 0.0lbs/ GW 0.0lbs/ CW 0.0lbs PROGRESS +/- 0lbs - Pregnant

    WAY TO GO CATHY ! --- we both did great !!!!!!! ..... lets keep it up ... and you can get in the 230's and i can get in the 250's !!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I looked back and i dont know why i had 266 written in ... cuz i always log my weights.... and it was 267 when i weighed in for my log on the tuesday we started the challenge.... and it stayed that way for a few days... !!!!! so I just changed it to that ! to show accurate loss ! ......pushing this week to get to 261 (3 lbs or so) .... and then the following week into the 250's I WANT TO BE ! ....
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    want to race amy (s)???? just kidding.

    frogy....bump is to bring the tread to the top of the message boards. so we don't have to search later.
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    good morning...

    yea, it's moving in the right direction....

    lula.....great idea. you have to find what works for you. i had to have a hysterectomy about 10-11 years ago. i can't take HRT, i have a sister who developed breast cancer from taking it. so my gyn say no. i take black coash (helps night sweats), and st. johns wart. (helps mood). i know when i haven't taken them. i take one twice a day. they are like $4 at walmart. birth control i gain massive amounts of weight. next month i am seeing an endocrinologist(hormone doc) for my diabetes control. i want her to test the male/female hormones. i think i may have PCOS, which there is not cure. i have done what can be done already. it's just nice to know. i wish you luck today. there should be something they can do for the pain until sept. don't let the eating/exercise ad to your stress levels. you look GREAT now. just maintain within a 5-10 # limit and that should help with your insanity. sorry for rambling.

    well, store run today, milk went bad. than cleaning and stuff.

  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Cathy(chipper)......................SW 244.0 lbs / GW 235 lbs / CW 240.4 lbs / PROGRESS -3.6 lbs
    Amy S (bahamom87)............SW 267 lbs / GW 259 lbs / CW 264 lbs / PROGRESS -3.0 lbs
    Kristin (kistinbee).................SW 180.5 lbs/ GW 175.5 lbs/ CW 177.0 lbs/ PROGRESS -3.5 lbs :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Rhiannon (PedalHound)........SW 000.0lbs / GW -10lbs /CW -2.8lbs / PROGRESS -2.8lbs
    Tracy ( frogy_98) ......... SW 225.2 lbs/ GW 215.0 lbs/ CW 220.6 lbs / progress -4.4 lbs
    B (its_B).............................SW 200.0 lbs/ GW 190 lbs/ CW 198.5 lbs/ PROGRESS -1.5 lbs
    Kelly (redneckwoman).........SW 152.0 lbs / GW 149.0 lbs / CW 157.0 lbs / PROGRESS + 5.0 lbs
    Lauryn (Phoenix_Rising).......SW 157.8 lbs / GW 152 lbs / CW 158.2 lbs / PROGRESS +0.4 lbs
    AmyLou (amylou24).............SW 145.4 lbs / GW 140 lbs / CW 145.0 lbs / PROGRESS -0.4 lbs
    Lorna (lulabellewoowoo) SW 140.8 lbs/ GW 134.8 lbs / CW 148.2 lb/ PROGRESS +7.4 LB
    Amy (amypyr)......................SW 156.3 lbs / GW 150 lbs / CW 156.1 lbs / PROGRESS -0.2 lbs
    izzypup...............................SW 177.2 lbs / GW 175 lbs / CW 174 lbs / PROGRESS -3lbs
    Tiff (gonabfit).......................SW 153lbs / GW 143 lbs / CW lbs / PROGRESS 0
    Jennifer (candycaneps)........SW 0.0lbs/ GW 0.0lbs/ CW 0.0lbs PROGRESS +/- 0lbs - Pregnant
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    GOOD morning!!! I was SO excited to see that number this morning! That means I lost THREE pounds this week!!!!! AWESOME! But I must say I did work for it! I have gotten in my 15 minute workouts EVERY day, and did lots of walking last week while it was nice out! I also have stayed very close to my calorie limits each day! Glad to see it paid off! Now...let's hope I can do the same this week!!!

    Goal for this week: Get in at least 2 1/2 hour sessions on the treadmill! I need to bump up my cardio!

    Last night I tried a new Ab workout...don't know yet if I like it. Couldn't put my all into it since Kadence was trying to crawl all over me, but I also got in my 15 minute Ab workout after she was in bed. So, ended up doing 35 minutes of Abs!

    Meal plan for today:
    B-oatmeal, 1/2 c. skim milk, 2 c. coffee, 4 tbsp. sugar-free creamer
    S-trail mix bar, banana
    L-Leftover Salsa Chicken with brown rice, baby carrots, light yogurt
    S-golden delicious apple
    D-Homemade Baked Ziti...YUM! with a garden salad
    S-Anjou Pear

    Exercise plan:
    15 minute Lower Body, 45 minute walk with Kadence


    Cathy and Amy S...nice losses!!! Way to go girls! Let's keep it up!

    Lorna...What a wonderful idea about the charm bracelet! That is something I would LOVE to get for myself some day! Hope you find something that works for you...but you are strong and I know you will!

    Everyone else...hello!!! Hope for happy weigh-ins!!!

    Well...I better get started on some work! Have a good morning all!
  • frogy_98
    frogy_98 Posts: 212 Member
    Cathy(chipper)......................SW 244.0 lbs / GW 235 lbs / CW 240.4 lbs / PROGRESS -3.6 lbs
    Amy S (bahamom87)............SW 267 lbs / GW 259 lbs / CW 264 lbs / PROGRESS -3.0 lbs
    Kristin (kistinbee).................SW 180.5 lbs/ GW 175.5 lbs/ CW 177.0 lbs/ PROGRESS -3.5 lbs

    Rhiannon (PedalHound)........SW 000.0lbs / GW -10lbs /CW -2.8lbs / PROGRESS -2.8lbs
    Tracy ( frogy_98) ......... SW 225.2 lbs/ GW 215.0 lbs/ CW 221.2 lbs /Gained 0.6 lbs:frown:
    B (its_B).............................SW 200.0 lbs/ GW 190 lbs/ CW 198.5 lbs/ PROGRESS -1.5 lbs
    Kelly (redneckwoman).........SW 152.0 lbs / GW 149.0 lbs / CW 157.0 lbs / PROGRESS + 5.0 lbs
    Lauryn (Phoenix_Rising).......SW 157.8 lbs / GW 152 lbs / CW 158.2 lbs / PROGRESS +0.4 lbs
    AmyLou (amylou24).............SW 145.4 lbs / GW 140 lbs / CW 145.0 lbs / PROGRESS -0.4 lbs
    Lorna (lulabellewoowoo) SW 140.8 lbs/ GW 134.8 lbs / CW 148.2 lb/ PROGRESS +7.4 LB
    Amy (amypyr)......................SW 156.3 lbs / GW 150 lbs / CW 156.1 lbs / PROGRESS -0.2 lbs
    izzypup...............................SW 177.2 lbs / GW 175 lbs / CW 174 lbs / PROGRESS -3lbs
    Tiff (gonabfit).......................SW 153lbs / GW 143 lbs / CW lbs / PROGRESS 0
    Jennifer (candycaneps)........SW 0.0lbs/ GW 0.0lbs/ CW 0.0lbs PROGRESS +/- 0lbs - Pregnant

    Well did not have a great week but it was not bad gained 0.6 lbs but I did kinda guess this might happen it is that time of the month for me so I figure 1/2 a pound is not bad, next week will be better. Just have to excersice a little more and eat a little less, the eating is my downfall.

    But hey the weather is great here and I think we will be going to the park later yippee, it will be nice to get out in the fresh air.

    Looks like lots of you have had a great week congrats and keep it up.

  • its_B
    its_B Posts: 491
    Cathy(chipper)......................SW 244.0 lbs / GW 235 lbs / CW 240.4 lbs / PROGRESS -3.6 lbs
    Amy S (bahamom87)............SW 267 lbs / GW 259 lbs / CW 264 lbs / PROGRESS -3.0 lbs
    Kristin (kistinbee).................SW 180.5 lbs/ GW 175.5 lbs/ CW 177.0 lbs/ PROGRESS -3.5 lbs
    Tracy ( frogy_98) ......... SW 225.2 lbs/ GW 215.0 lbs/ CW 221.2 lbs /Gained 0.6 lbsfrown
    B (its_B).............................SW 200.0 lbs/ GW 190 lbs/ CW 197.4 lbs/ PROGRESS -1.1 lbs

    Rhiannon (PedalHound)........SW 000.0lbs / GW -10lbs /CW -2.8lbs / PROGRESS -2.8lbs
    Kelly (redneckwoman).........SW 152.0 lbs / GW 149.0 lbs / CW 157.0 lbs / PROGRESS + 5.0 lbs
    Lauryn (Phoenix_Rising).......SW 157.8 lbs / GW 152 lbs / CW 158.2 lbs / PROGRESS +0.4 lbs
    AmyLou (amylou24).............SW 145.4 lbs / GW 140 lbs / CW 145.0 lbs / PROGRESS -0.4 lbs
    Lorna (lulabellewoowoo) SW 140.8 lbs/ GW 134.8 lbs / CW 148.2 lb/ PROGRESS +7.4 LB
    Amy (amypyr)......................SW 156.3 lbs / GW 150 lbs / CW 156.1 lbs / PROGRESS -0.2 lbs
    izzypup...............................SW 177.2 lbs / GW 175 lbs / CW 174 lbs / PROGRESS -3lbs
    Tiff (gonabfit).......................SW 153lbs / GW 143 lbs / CW lbs / PROGRESS 0
    Jennifer (candycaneps)........SW 0.0lbs/ GW 0.0lbs/ CW 0.0lbs PROGRESS +/- 0lbs - Pregnant

    Tracy- copy and paste your results into the TOP section next time :) But .6 isnt bad at all! U can lose that in a DAY! YOU GO GIRL!

    Cathy, Amy, Kristin - YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! You guys are doing sooo freaking good! Way to go!!!

    I lost a pound, which im really not going to complain about at all! :) Particularly for being in finals week! Welll this little busy bee needs to get stuff done, but I love all of you and miss all of you!!

  • candycaneps
    candycaneps Posts: 340 Member
    Cathy(chipper)......................SW 244.0 lbs / GW 235 lbs / CW 240.4 lbs / PROGRESS -3.6 lbs
    Amy S (bahamom87)............SW 267 lbs / GW 259 lbs / CW 264 lbs / PROGRESS -3.0 lbs
    Kristin (kistinbee).................SW 180.5 lbs/ GW 175.5 lbs/ CW 177.0 lbs/ PROGRESS -3.5 lbs
    Tracy ( frogy_98) ......... SW 225.2 lbs/ GW 215.0 lbs/ CW 221.2 lbs /Gained 0.6 lbsfrown
    B (its_B).............................SW 200.0 lbs/ GW 190 lbs/ CW 197.4 lbs/ PROGRESS -1.1 lbs
    Jennifer (candycaneps)........SW 0.0lbs/ GW 0.0lbs/ CW 0.0lbs PROGRESS +/- 0lbs - Pregnant

    Rhiannon (PedalHound)........SW 000.0lbs / GW -10lbs /CW -2.8lbs / PROGRESS -2.8lbs
    Kelly (redneckwoman).........SW 152.0 lbs / GW 149.0 lbs / CW 157.0 lbs / PROGRESS + 5.0 lbs
    Lauryn (Phoenix_Rising).......SW 157.8 lbs / GW 152 lbs / CW 158.2 lbs / PROGRESS +0.4 lbs
    AmyLou (amylou24).............SW 145.4 lbs / GW 140 lbs / CW 145.0 lbs / PROGRESS -0.4 lbs
    Lorna (lulabellewoowoo) SW 140.8 lbs/ GW 134.8 lbs / CW 148.2 lb/ PROGRESS +7.4 LB
    Amy (amypyr)......................SW 156.3 lbs / GW 150 lbs / CW 156.1 lbs / PROGRESS -0.2 lbs
    izzypup...............................SW 177.2 lbs / GW 175 lbs / CW 174 lbs / PROGRESS -3lbs
    Tiff (gonabfit).......................SW 153lbs / GW 143 lbs / CW lbs / PROGRESS 0

    Pedal Hound: "Jennifer, I didn't know you were expecting! Congrats! When are you due??"

    I pretty much disappeared from here when I found out I was pregnant! =( I am 5 months along now, due at the beginning of September.

    I have gained too much weight! My doctor doesn't say anything to me about my weight unless I ask. My last appt she said I could do with losing a few pounds. Yikes.
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Forgot to weigh in this morning. I think I've gained a bit though. For some odd reason, I usually gain a bit at the beginning of starting a new exercise routine. I did figure out that I started running on April 17th, and I have actually run 6 out of the 10 days! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Kristen - Thanks for thinking of me. It's been hard, but it became easier now that her ashes are back home. There was just something comforting in that. They even did a plaster cast of her paw print for us.
  • Redneckwoman
    Redneckwoman Posts: 668 Member
    Cathy(chipper)......................SW 244.0 lbs / GW 235 lbs / CW 240.4 lbs / PROGRESS -3.6 lbs
    Amy S (bahamom87)............SW 267 lbs / GW 259 lbs / CW 264 lbs / PROGRESS -3.0 lbs
    Kristin (kistinbee).................SW 180.5 lbs/ GW 175.5 lbs/ CW 177.0 lbs/ PROGRESS -3.5 lbs
    Tracy ( frogy_98) ......... SW 225.2 lbs/ GW 215.0 lbs/ CW 221.2 lbs /Gained 0.6 lbsfrown
    B (its_B).............................SW 200.0 lbs/ GW 190 lbs/ CW 197.4 lbs/ PROGRESS -1.1 lbs
    Jennifer (candycaneps)........SW 0.0lbs/ GW 0.0lbs/ CW 0.0lbs PROGRESS +/- 0lbs - Pregnant
    Kelly(redneckwoman)........SW 154.0 lbs / GW 149.0 lbs / CW 154.0 lbs / PROGRESS +2.0 lbs

    Rhiannon (PedalHound)........SW 000.0lbs / GW -10lbs /CW -2.8lbs / PROGRESS -2.8lbs
    Lauryn (Phoenix_Rising).......SW 157.8 lbs / GW 152 lbs / CW 158.2 lbs / PROGRESS +0.4 lbs
    AmyLou (amylou24).............SW 145.4 lbs / GW 140 lbs / CW 145.0 lbs / PROGRESS -0.4 lbs
    Lorna (lulabellewoowoo) SW 140.8 lbs/ GW 134.8 lbs / CW 148.2 lb/ PROGRESS +7.4 LB
    Amy (amypyr)......................SW 156.3 lbs / GW 150 lbs / CW 156.1 lbs / PROGRESS -0.2 lbs
    izzypup...............................SW 177.2 lbs / GW 175 lbs / CW 174 lbs / PROGRESS -3lbs
    Tiff (gonabfit).......................SW 153lbs / GW 143 lbs / CW lbs / PROGRESS 0

    Well I did drop the five pounds I was up last week. So glad to see the scale moving in the right direction:happy: :happy:

  • Redneckwoman
    Redneckwoman Posts: 668 Member
    Amy pry: Glad you are starting to feel better. That is too cool that they made a cast of you puppydogs paw. Tony and I are going to try to have a tatoo of whiskey done before the wedding on each of us. Espeacially before something happens to her. She seems to be doing pretty good these days. However when she takes off running her back legs go out from under her. But she hasn't had any more seizures in quite awhile. Good job on the running.

    To everyone else.... Have a great day!!! And good luck this week and remember DRINK LOTS OF WATER!!!!

  • bahamomma87
    bahamomma87 Posts: 164
    Cathy -- Im so proud of you !!!

    Kristin-- WOOHOO girl .. you me and cathy are on a 3 lb roll ! LETS KEEP IT UP ! Ive lost all mines this past week too ! HEHE ! .... cuz last week i was up a lb ! SO WOOHOOOO ! great meal plan and lets keep up the awesome working out !

    Tracy -- .6 lbs is not a bad gain girl ! thats fluid most likely ! keep up the great work ! just take one meal at a time !!!

    B- WOOHOO ! a lb is a lb girlie ! keep up the great work and good luck on finals ! XOXO

    Jennifer-- as long as you make healthy choices.... and drink lots of water... then you are carrying something very special ... i wouldnt TRY to diet nor would i try to GAIN weight ! ya know??? keep safe

    Amy (pyr) - WAY TO GO WITH THE RunNING !

    Kelly -- WOOHOOOO ! lets keep it up !
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Jennifer...what's your due date? My little one was due on September 9th and was born on the 5th! Don't worry too much about the weight while you're pregnant. I gained a lot...50 pounds! But it is coming back off. I have 10 pounds left until my prepregnancy weight (although my body is in different shape) and then I'm going to work towards hitting my goal weight that I was headed towards before becoming pregnant! You will be fine. Trick is to try and not get into the habit of eating EVERYthing. That's where I went wrong and gained WAY too much! And try to walk as much as you can...it's GREAT exercise while you're pregnant!

    Amy (pyr)...I think a plaster cast of her paw print is precious...something you can keep forever. You're still in my thoughts. And nice job running!!

    Kelly...good job losing the 5 pounds you gained! I knew it wouldn't stick!

    B...Nice job on the pound lost! That's great!

    Tracy...don't worry about the small gain. It will come off again very fast! I think a small gain every now and then is a great way to make us be more aware of what we are doing...kind of a small wake up call! I know it is for me anyway! I'm sure you'll see a loss this next week!

    Amy (baha) and Cathy...hope your day is continuing well!

    I am getting ready to go get munchkin and head home! Going to go for a 2 mile walk, then 15 minute lower body workout, then feed Kadence, then make dinner, then do dishes, then give Kadence a bath and putting her to bed, and somewhere in between hopefully watching American Idol! What a busy night! Have a good one gals!
  • bahamomma87
    bahamomma87 Posts: 164
    Hey girls

    Just finished my 30 minute firm ROCK THE WAVE workout ! woohooo ! i feel awesome ! i am seeing a difference in my measurements !

    Waist went from 46 down to 43...
    Neck went from 16 down to 15
    Hips went from 54 down to 52
    and my upper thighs went from 27 down to 25

  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    Cathy(chipper)......................SW 244.0 lbs / GW 235 lbs / CW 240.4 lbs / PROGRESS -3.6 lbs
    Amy S (bahamom87)............SW 267 lbs / GW 259 lbs / CW 264 lbs / PROGRESS -3.0 lbs
    Kristin (kistinbee).................SW 180.5 lbs/ GW 175.5 lbs/ CW 177.0 lbs/ PROGRESS -3.5 lbs
    Tracy ( frogy_98) ......... SW 225.2 lbs/ GW 215.0 lbs/ CW 221.2 lbs /Gained 0.6 lbsfrown
    B (its_B).............................SW 200.0 lbs/ GW 190 lbs/ CW 197.4 lbs/ PROGRESS -1.1 lbs
    Jennifer (candycaneps)........SW 0.0lbs/ GW 0.0lbs/ CW 0.0lbs PROGRESS +/- 0lbs - Pregnant
    Kelly(redneckwoman)........SW 154.0 lbs / GW 149.0 lbs / CW 154.0 lbs / PROGRESS +2.0 lbs
    AmyLou (amylou24).............SW 145.4 lbs / GW 140 lbs / CW 144.8 lbs / PROGRESS -0.6 lbs

    Rhiannon (PedalHound)........SW 000.0lbs / GW -10lbs /CW -2.8lbs / PROGRESS -2.8lbs
    Lauryn (Phoenix_Rising).......SW 157.8 lbs / GW 152 lbs / CW 158.2 lbs / PROGRESS +0.4 lbs
    Lorna (lulabellewoowoo) SW 140.8 lbs/ GW 134.8 lbs / CW 148.2 lb/ PROGRESS +7.4 LB
    Amy (amypyr)......................SW 156.3 lbs / GW 150 lbs / CW 156.1 lbs / PROGRESS -0.2 lbs
    izzypup...............................SW 177.2 lbs / GW 175 lbs / CW 174 lbs / PROGRESS -3lbs
    Tiff (gonabfit).......................SW 153lbs / GW 143 lbs / CW lbs / PROGRESS 0
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Cathy(chipper)......................SW 244.0 lbs / GW 235 lbs / CW 240.4 lbs / PROGRESS -3.6 lbs
    Amy S (bahamom87)............SW 267 lbs / GW 259 lbs / CW 264 lbs / PROGRESS -3.0 lbs
    Kristin (kistinbee).................SW 180.5 lbs/ GW 175.5 lbs/ CW 177.0 lbs/ PROGRESS -3.5 lbs
    Tracy ( frogy_98) ......... SW 225.2 lbs/ GW 215.0 lbs/ CW 221.2 lbs /Gained 0.6 lbsfrown
    B (its_B).............................SW 200.0 lbs/ GW 190 lbs/ CW 197.4 lbs/ PROGRESS -1.1 lbs
    Jennifer (candycaneps)........SW 0.0lbs/ GW 0.0lbs/ CW 0.0lbs PROGRESS +/- 0lbs - Pregnant
    Kelly(redneckwoman)........SW 154.0 lbs / GW 149.0 lbs / CW 154.0 lbs / PROGRESS +2.0 lbs
    AmyLou (amylou24).............SW 145.4 lbs / GW 140 lbs / CW 144.8 lbs / PROGRESS -0.6 lbs
    Lorna (lulabellewoowoo) SW 140.8 lbs/ GW 142 lbs / CW 145.2 lb/ PROGRESS +4.4 LB (- 3 this week)

    Rhiannon (PedalHound)........SW 000.0lbs / GW -10lbs /CW -2.8lbs / PROGRESS -2.8lbs
    Lauryn (Phoenix_Rising).......SW 157.8 lbs / GW 152 lbs / CW 158.2 lbs / PROGRESS +0.4 lbs
    Amy (amypyr)......................SW 156.3 lbs / GW 150 lbs / CW 156.1 lbs / PROGRESS -0.2 lbs
    izzypup...............................SW 177.2 lbs / GW 175 lbs / CW 174 lbs / PROGRESS -3lbs
    Tiff (gonabfit).......................SW 153lbs / GW 143 lbs / CW lbs / PROGRESS 0

    Hi ladies. Awesome job on the successes with your hard work. WOW!!!

    Just a quick update with me before I get settled into work. Went to the doctor yesterday. He said unless he opens me up, he can't really explain the extreme pain (maybe scar tissue/adhesions?) So I told him that I wanted to give myself until September to see if I can change up some things. Asked about fluctuation in hormone levels, and he said that if I could take the pill, that would fix everything. But I can't, so he is at a loss on that aspect. I'm okay with the whole appointment because I didn't expect anything different.

    So yesterday, I definitely ate over my calories, but only good food, because I was trying so hard NOT to eat the junk. It's going to take me a couple of days to get the cravings to slow down a little. Today will be the big challenge as I have kids tonight and will actually have to "touch" the breads and snacks, etc. But I'm resolved to get this if not just for my sake, for my family's as well. So the weight will not be where I WANT it, but I'm determined to keep it where I NEED it.

    Cathy - Your weight loss is awesome. It seems like de-stressing about it has helped out a lot. I am following your example.

    B - You keep going down girl. Seems like those 200s are a thing of the past.

    Amy (baha) - I love your posts and enthusiasm. And it shows in your weight loss.

    Kristin - 3 lb is amazing!!!

    To everyone else that I am missing, you guys are keeping me going. Don't stop.

    To work for me. I'll catch you guys a little later this week ;)
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