Older and struggling to lose



  • Mamoonie
    Mamoonie Posts: 328
    I'm 42 and don't think it's harder to lose weight when you're over 40.
    I started on MFP 3 weeks before my 40th birthday, on August 1st 2010. In January 2011 I started working out at the gym, with a personal trainer.
    I know losing 56 lbs is not much for a period of over 2 years, most people on here do it much faster. But I didn't change much about my eating habits, only reduced quantities a bit. I really need to change towards healthier food.
    I feel better than the last 20 years :-)
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    I'm 47 (one month off 48) and have been using this tool for 2 weeks. As others have said the main thing is exercise (although I do eat back my exercise calories I try to stay under:blushing: ). I walk to and from work (15 mins) and try to get out for 15-25 minutes during the day - just round local streets, but I try to do as much uphill as I can. I also try to do at least one 20min workout at home (Rosemary Conley is the BEST!), before breakfast works well, and if I can when I get home as well. With the walking that adds to quite a lot of exercise! And she has routines using a chair if you're less mobile. My main weakness is cheese, wine and wine:tongue: . Hubby is as bad, but he works shifts so if I can keep off when he's working it reduces th number of days to fight temptation.

    Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • bsuew
    bsuew Posts: 628 Member
    I'm almost 52 and I have a horrible time loosing! I haven't gone thru menopause yet (I know it's looming) But, I still have a horrible time trying to loose. I had a partial hysterectomy 16 years ago. I eat a low carb diet and that seems to be the only way that I am able to loose. Please feel free to add me, I log on every day and my meals are open. We can get where we want to be, just have to work a bit harder.
  • ggeise14
    ggeise14 Posts: 386 Member
    Hi, I live in MN and am barely hanging on to the 40s. I'm going into my fourth yr of a healthier lifestyle. What the others above said... feel free to add me as a friend. MFP is a good place to be for motivation. I do exercise every day (no gym membership) and some days it's a struggle to do it but I do feel better doing it. You've taken the first step now keep going -- one step at a time.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I absolutely agree. NO CHEATING! No cheat days, no cheat meals, and weigh and measure everything. The difference in what I "think" I'm eating and what I am actually eating can be wildly off if I don't measure.

    Different things work for different people, but this ^^ (no "cheating") would never work for me. I don't consider days I eat way more than I should "cheating" but whatever you label you put on it, I need them. Family gatherings, vacation, birthdays, whatever. Having high occasional high calorie days is just part of my life. Keeping those days "occasional" is the key to maintaining a heatlhy weight for me, not thinking I can never have them.
  • keeponkickin
    keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member
    <---Soon to be 46 here. Lost 110 pounds in a year and now struggling to lose the last 10 to 15. Anyone is welcome to add me.

  • cindiva65
    cindiva65 Posts: 335 Member
    Im 29...ok...ok.....really 47....LOL. Ive been doing good since starting Jan 1. I get up super early (5:45) weekday mornings to head to the gym to put in an hour working out. Im a drill master on tracking my food. I have a dead thyroid and take meds daily but I have been doing good enough to lose 5 lbs in two weeks time. I just made up my mind that it has to get done. Im not getting younger and it is harder to lose during menopause (im in the beginnings of it). So I think consistency is the key. Keep doing what you know is good for your body and it will respond in kind.
  • Fit4_Life
    Fit4_Life Posts: 828 Member
    45 here as well. I had gained 40 back. Lost 7 lbs so far. It gets cold here, in the south. I try to exercise when I can. Working 10 hrs a day are hard when finding time to get in some exercises in the evening. Take baby steps...You will get there. :wink:
  • Jodibear58
    Jodibear58 Posts: 280 Member
    I am 54 and I live in Maryland and it is cold here too.

    I too am struggling, but I am doing everything I am suppose to, eating in a proper calorie range, weighing and measuring food, tracking everything, cardio and light weights, walking daily and getting in 10000 steps a day....

    and I am gaining...not losing.... I have been in a plateau and gaining/losing the same 3-5 pounds for months (I have lost count)

    very depressing....

    Add me if you'd like.
  • :smile: I am over 50! And it gets more difficult with each passing year. I am very carb sensitive,plus type 2 diabetic. I have just finished a coprorate wellness program, where I added a lot of "healthy whole grains" to my diet, and I gained 3 lbs. and my A1c went up to a 7.4.... which is terrible. I am now on a corporate weight loss 60 day challenge... and did great as long as I just stuck with flax, and almond meal, etc. NO WHEAT.... well, I passed the first 2 weeks, really day 13, and decided that for day 13 and14 I would add just a few wheat products back into my diet. I had lost 8 lbs, but now I've only lost 3! Can you beleive that my adding baked goods back into my diet has ADDED 5 lbs. back onto me in less than 1 week? I am so frustrated... I simply must do what I know works for me! And other grains, besides wheat WORK for me. Has anyone else had to eliminate wheat?
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    You are a young lady yet! But it is true that the body changes after menopause and hangs on to its weight, and gains! MFP is great at providing bio-feedback that helps us manage a healthy lifestye as we age.

    I'm 63, and live in a cold climate. I've invested in a good treadmill and quiet exercycle so that I can be active when facing a Canadian winter and its treacherous ice. In addition I do tai chi, which is a great exercise in keeping your joints supple and your balance good. I also swim and do aquafitness. This last keeps me moving in ways that would double me up outside of the water. Some of the ladies in my aquafit class have been coming for 18 years. And I square dance with my husband. It is a great social exercise that burns a huge amount of calories. We dance 2-3 times a week.

    Now is the time to establish a good base for ageing. You've got 5 years before you hit 50, so make sure you take full advantage of that capacity of speedy recovery that you have at that age to get yourself into top shape. You've got the right idea, and the right strategy.
  • dsimmons107
    dsimmons107 Posts: 387 Member
    I am 58 and I certainly understand the importance of exercise and fitness. You can add me if you like. I am here every day. Anyone that wants to add me can. I try to support all of my friends that want support.
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    41 years old here, in a cool climate as well. I hear you regarding the relative difficulty in keeping the pounds away as we get older and the joints and muscles don't respond the way our brains remember them doing when we were 19. Feel free to add me; I try to be on daily, and do my best to minimize cheat days.
  • Mimisam45
    Mimisam45 Posts: 132 Member
    57 and working hard!! I am also in the cold north, Central Michigan!!! While driving to the gym this morning the thermometer registerd 9 degrees!!!!!

    There are no special secrets, no gimicks that work - and not every calorie is the same!!!! Real, wholesome food as opposed to processed stuff, and burn more than you take in!!! Moving allows you to consume a bit more!

    Good luck, my journey has been years long but I think I have the right mindset this time. The first 7 lbs were a breeze but it has been tough since. I have added a lot of weight lifting so not seeing a lot come off the scale but was able to drop a pants size so staying motivated. DON'T LET THE SCALE RULE YOUR LIFE!

    Good Luck, feel free to add me!
  • Mimisam45
    Mimisam45 Posts: 132 Member
    I am also an early bird, up at 4am, out the door by 4:30 and at the gym by opening at 5am for the first classes which start at 5:05. Its a half hour drive to the gym but my daughter (30+) is there to push/assist/encourage me!! Then I drive half an hour back to work!!!

    Early loss but kind of holding, hopefully its the weight training keeping the scale the same, clothes are getting looser so I believe that is the deal. I have not had any wheat or sugar (or other sweeteners) in over 2 weeks so something has to give eventually!!!!
  • dreamer722
    dreamer722 Posts: 57 Member
    I live in the Sierras in California near Lake Tahoe. I am not in the part of California as shown by Hollywood and Pacific Blue, etc. I am in the mountains. I am in snow country. I live out in the sticks. I travel into Sacramento 52 miles each day to work. I am 58 years old. :smile:

    I have been on MFP since May 1 due to my wonderful and beautiful daughter's encouragement, and I have lost so far 67 lbs. This time of year is the hardest. There are many of us "older" and the younger ones don't really understand the issues we encounter physically, metabolically, etc. :noway:

    Anyone that so wishes ... feel free to request away. I'm always looking for encouragement. I've been at a plateau since Dec 1 and it's driving me nuts, particularly since I've been exercising like crazy lately. :grumble:

    Now it's time to get back to work ... :bigsmile:
  • Imkuhn: Hang in there! I'm 45 and just recently joined a gym and our trainer recommended myfitnesspal and it has been invaluable for me. I had a horrible stressful 2012 (and my body definitely took the hit: high blood pressure/high cholesterol and weight gain!) and on Jan 1st my husband and I made a "committment" to start working out and lose some weight. My ideal goal is to lose 30-40 pounds by August so that I can attend a theme wedding in Mexico! Keeping track of my daily food intake is an eyeopener but is extremely helpful for me. Don't despaire or give up!! 45 seems to be that "magical age" where it is super hard to get your body to cooperate! Keep chatting on these posts too as there are many of us in your situation and we are here to support our Fitness Pals!!!

    Chomping on carrots, :happy:
  • timpicks
    timpicks Posts: 151 Member
    I used to be able to buckle down and lose 10 lbs. in a flash. Ah, memories. It definitely gets harder as you age. I'm 53 and here are my keys:

    1. Effective dieting is not about denying yourself things you want; it is about positive alternatives to unhealthy choices. Find healthy foods that you like and eat well. And yes, you will not be able to eat some foods that you used to love, but I ask myself "Am I really dying to eat this doughnut/chip/french fry/soda?" because I know that eventually it will kill me.

    2. Incorporate exercise into your life. I dropped my gym membership because fitness had become a grind that I went somewhere to do. I wanted it to be better integrated into my life so I looked at my routine daily activities and made them more active, like biking to work 2-3 times per week (yes even in NYC winter--get some nice gloves and weird thermal tights) and doing a few good old fashioned calisthetics and streches right at home more regularly than when I used to go to the gym.

    3. Avoid injury. Know your body and be safe because injuries can really knock you off course. It's a delicate balance because you need to push yourself in whatever physical activity you do to get results. Slow and steady improvement wins the race.

    4. Be honest--you're only cheating yourself. And the people you love. We are all imperfect. Don't beat yourself up and deny that. Avoid the binge/shame cycle by adopting a fun and healthy lifestyle that is easy to go back to when you inevitably stray. So log those binges honestly and move on with head held high.

    I have only been on MFP for a few weeks and am learning a lot. I find it extremely helpful in flagging problem foods, providing a structure, and raising my fitness awareness. For that I am grateful. Please send me a friend request if you are interested in sharing food/exercise diaries for tips and motivation.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I am 54 and I live in Maryland and it is cold here too.

    I too am struggling, but I am doing everything I am suppose to, eating in a proper calorie range, weighing and measuring food, tracking everything, cardio and light weights, walking daily and getting in 10000 steps a day....

    and I am gaining...not losing.... I have been in a plateau and gaining/losing the same 3-5 pounds for months (I have lost count)

    very depressing....

    Add me if you'd like.

    You didn't ask for advice so I hope I'm not overstepping, but if you just increase the intensity of your workouts a little you can probably break your plateau. It doesn't have to be a huge change, just add incline to your walks, or maybe try walk/jog intervals, up the weights a few lbs. Maybe try adding some bodyweight exercises. You don't necessarily have to exercise more, just a little harder.

    Good luck to you!
  • I am fairly new to MFP. I am also very discouraged,because I have tried so many other things over the years( I am 63). I don't want to be fat (237) I want to be more active but something in my head keeps saying you can't do this again, there isn't time, you have to do the house work. The other issue I have is I have a thin over active husband that likes ICE CREAM AND COOKIES BEFORE HE GOES TO BED EVERY NIGHT. How do you cope with all of this? How do I make the changes I need to make? Help!