Why do I look the same after losing weight?



  • lambertj
    lambertj Posts: 675 Member
    As others are saying get off the machines, and lift heavy weights and do not increase your cardio. When I first started MFP all I did was clean up my eating and cardio and my body just got smaller but didn't look at different. Within a month of lifting heavy I saw some amazing changes. Definitely take photos monthly. Because you see yourself everyday it's difficult to see changes but monthly pictures will show you how different your body looks month to month.

    Edited to add: For your height, you weight is fine, I wouldn't be looking to lose anymore, just re-composition what you have. I'm 5' 4" at 133 and I look better now with lifting than I did at 125 with only cardio.
  • kfesta52
    kfesta52 Posts: 98 Member
    Are you still restricting calories? Trainers and such can correct me if I'm wrong here, but if you are still eating at a deficit it is going to be extremely difficult to change your body composition.

    I agree with this. I'm not a trainer, by the way, so take it for what it's worth. :) It sounds like you should be eating more calories for the amount of exercise, especially with a job that's also fairly active. Healthy food is great, just eat MORE of it! I think what you're looking for will be achieved with more focus on muscle building and less on weight, but that will only happen if you are doing strength training, and (especially important) eating enough to properly fuel your body for it to rebuild after your workouts.

    Not sure if I've got a hyperlink done correctly here, but you might try reading this and checking your numbers, you may be surprised: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/804485-in-place-of-a-road-map-2-0-revised-7-2-12

    Just for sake of comparison since you're petite too - I'm 5' not-quite-1", 105 lbs, quite active with a combo of strength training and cardio-type circuit training (but I think I actually exercise less than you), and am really enjoying seeing some great muscle developing this last few months. I lost weight with a much higher ratio of cardio (running mostly), got thinner but without good muscle tone in the upper body, and I'm specifically working now on strength and gaining muscle. I'm eating an average of 1,850-1,900 calories/day, and not gaining weight, but definitely seeing muscular changes and increased strength. Good luck!
  • I know I am smaller as I had to buy new clothes but... in the mirror - I still see the old self. Others even comment on me being "too thin" (that will never happen). I think this is a mental thing. I am not sure if I will EVER see myself as being "thin".
  • fizzletto
    fizzletto Posts: 252 Member
    There could be two reasons for this:

    1. You ARE just a smaller version of your old chubby self. You may have lost 'weight', but you probably lost muscle instead of fat because you haven't been muscle training enough. That means you still have the same percentage of body fat as before, or maybe even more. So even though you're physically smaller, you're not fitter.


    2. You HAVE changed, but you just can't see it because you're looking at yourself in the mirror every single day. Just like you don't notice a flower growing - weight loss happens so slowly that you don't realise it's happening. There is a condition called Phantom Fat Syndrome. You know how people who lose an arm can get Phantom Limb Syndrome, where even though they know they've lost their arm, their mental map of their body still thinks it's there? Well, Phantom Fat Syndrome is the same thing. After significant weight loss, you KNOW you've lost weight, but your mental map of your body still thinks you look the same as before. So you don't see the changes in the mirror. I suffered with this for many months after losing over 30 pounds. I found that the only way for me to force my brain to alter my mental body-map was to take pictures and compare them to pictures of me at my highest weight. Only then did I realise how different I looked.

    Also check out this article: http://www.wellsphere.com/weight-loss-article/holistic-treatment-of-phantom-fat-syndrome-how-to-correct-body-image-projection/775926
  • Mutant13
    Mutant13 Posts: 2,485 Member
    Alright, congratulations on your work so far, but in my opinion your methods could be a bit better if you are aiming to change your body comp

    1. Get your body fat done. Forget the scales. This is where loss matters
    2. You need to eat more. 1300 cals, regular cardio AND you aren't eating back what you burn??
    3. You can lift more than 10lb weights when you squat. Challenge yourself.
    4. More weights, less cardio
    5. Forget the machines. IF the exercise can be done with a free weight, do it with one.
  • jakidb
    jakidb Posts: 1,010 Member
    most of us, bc we look at ourselves daily, dnt see the weight loss until either someone compliments us or we see comparison photos. Don't be so hard on yourself--as long as you feel gr8t that's what counts.
  • That sounds like a self esteem issue. You need to focus on the mental aspect. How do you feel, are you more energized, is work easier, those should be indicators. Take some time to recognize your accomplishment. Enjoy what you have done not languish over "perfect" because that doesn't exist.
  • I have been using machines because I am a beginner and free weights are intimdating. I don't have the money for a class or trainer hnfortunately. Any good websites I should know about? And I do pilates. Is that helpful or a waste of time?
  • here are my before and after pics. minus a little weight in the tummy, i look exactly the same. if i didn't just go reweigh myself again, i wouldnt believe i am 114. in my opinion i look about 125ish.

  • lambertj
    lambertj Posts: 675 Member
    You look fantastic! And I see quite a change between the two photos. I have heard great things about a book called http://www.thenewrulesoflifting.com/nrol-for-women

    I also have friends who swear by Jillian Shred CD

    Keep up the good work!
  • upgetupgetup
    upgetupgetup Posts: 749 Member
    Here are the differences I see:

    -Upper arms look less puffy

    -Stomach protrudes less

    -Less volume around thighs and calves

    -Hip flare from waist appears to be less pronounced in the After shot, even though your legs are in a wider stance than in the Before.

    Agree you look great!