YOUR grocery list ..(of Healthy eating).....

llpaq Posts: 263 Member
Ok so I'm stocking up on all things good tomorrow morning at the grocery store- Can you tell me what you get every single time you go to the grocery store- or what you can't do without? I know I always get avacado, almonds, different green lettuces, chicken breast but I want to widen my horizons and see if I can incorporate new things that have kept others healthy! :happy:

Thanks :flowerforyou:


  • TOMEKA18
    TOMEKA18 Posts: 103 Member
  • melinda200208
    melinda200208 Posts: 525 Member
    For my juicer I get:
    cucumbers, kale, lemons, celery, green aples, and ginger root.

    I also get: tilapia, chicken, brocolli, cauliflower, carrots, garlic (love my garlic), almonds, tomatoes
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Well this won't help you for tomorrow..

    But I order all my fruits and veggies from
    Pick up is Saturday, then I go to the grocery store to get anything that didn't come in the basket.

    It will broaden your horizons, as you get all the tradidtional stuff like celery, lettuce, potatoes, etc.. and then you get weird stuff like bok choy (love!!) pummelos..etc..

    What you get varies each week and you can't pick and choose. They have lots of add ons too. Thier granola and bread is amazing! I love thier asian and mexican basket add ons too. I'm getting 8 pounds of strawberries (those clamshell ones) for 12 bucks I think i paid. Plus a juicer pack that was 8 bucks.. comes with kale, cucumbers, carrots and a bunch of other stuff. Iove it.. best discovery ever!

    Then if you didn't get broccli you can go get it. I plan the meats I buy around the veggies I get and do a lot of research on google, since I never heard of some of the stuff I get. LOL

    Oh yes.. and fish.. I ate a ton until I moved here.. I need to get back to fish.. I'm having a hard time eating it here, since I'm used to super fresh fish (like it was swimming that morning) and everything here is flash frozen. Not sure how to overcome that.. but I'm trying.
  • Leslietheriot
    Leslietheriot Posts: 303 Member
    lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, bell peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, bananas, oranges, apples, grapefruit (sometimes), squash (different varieties), and other fruit and/or veggies that are in season and look good, lately I have been using ground turkey and boneless, skinless chicken breast a lot too.
  • booboo68
    booboo68 Posts: 302 Member
    Chicken Breasts
    Green Beans
    Greek Yogurt
    Green Olives
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    Chicken Breast
    Chicken Sausage
    Either lean beef or pork
    Greek yogurt
    Light string cheese
    Salad stuff - bag of spring mix, tomatoes and a cucumber
    celery and/or carrots
    sweet potatoes and/or butternut or spaghetti squash
    quick oats if I ran out
    english muffins (for the boyfriend)
    light wheat or light oatmeal bread
    whatever berries are on sale
    granny smith apples
    1 or 2 grapefruits
    one of the weight watchers ice cream treats :)

    Those are the staples. I mix up the meat and veggies depending on what recipes I'm making for dinner that week.
  • llpaq
    llpaq Posts: 263 Member
    Well this won't help you for tomorrow..

    But I order all my fruits and veggies from
    Pick up is Saturday, then I go to the grocery store to get anything that didn't come in the basket.

    It will broaden your horizons, as you get all the tradidtional stuff like celery, lettuce, potatoes, etc.. and then you get weird stuff like bok choy (love!!) pummelos..etc..

    What you get varies each week and you can't pick and choose. They have lots of add ons too. Thier granola and bread is amazing! I love thier asian and mexican basket add ons too. I'm getting 8 pounds of strawberries (those clamshell ones) for 12 bucks I think i paid. Plus a juicer pack that was 8 bucks.. comes with kale, cucumbers, carrots and a bunch of other stuff. Iove it.. best discovery ever!

    Then if you didn't get broccli you can go get it. I plan the meats I buy around the veggies I get and do a lot of research on google, since I never heard of some of the stuff I get. LOL

    Oh yes.. and fish.. I ate a ton until I moved here.. I need to get back to fish.. I'm having a hard time eating it here, since I'm used to super fresh fish (like it was swimming that morning) and everything here is flash frozen. Not sure how to overcome that.. but I'm trying.

    omg that sounds amazing~ I'm going to have to try that - it's something that sounds like me since I try to buy at least one "new" thing every month or so!!! And omg you had super fresh fish??? I would be in Heaven, I can only do that when I go camping up north of me and it's delishhhh! :love: I love all seafoods/fish! yummmmmmmmmmm thanks again I'm going to look into bountifulbaskets!
  • whatjesseats
    whatjesseats Posts: 228 Member
    I try to change up the menu quite a bit, but these are my staples:

    bananas, apples or oranges, cauliflower, carrots, onions, sweet potatoes, brown rice, whole wheat pasta, oats and/or whole grain cereal, dried lentils, canned beans, canned tomatoes, salsa, low sodium broth, olive oil spray, chicken breast, eggs, soy or almond milk
  • llpaq
    llpaq Posts: 263 Member
    Excellent Im getting so many ideas!! thank you this is a great ton of help! :bigsmile: ......
  • links_slayer
    links_slayer Posts: 1,151 Member
    As a general rule we've started to shop around the "outside ring" of the grocery store (with the obvious exceptions, of course) and fill the cart with items in those sections.

    Remember, you won't be tempted by anything if you don't go down the aisle it's in :)
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Well this won't help you for tomorrow..

    But I order all my fruits and veggies from
    Pick up is Saturday, then I go to the grocery store to get anything that didn't come in the basket.

    It will broaden your horizons, as you get all the tradidtional stuff like celery, lettuce, potatoes, etc.. and then you get weird stuff like bok choy (love!!) pummelos..etc..

    What you get varies each week and you can't pick and choose. They have lots of add ons too. Thier granola and bread is amazing! I love thier asian and mexican basket add ons too. I'm getting 8 pounds of strawberries (those clamshell ones) for 12 bucks I think i paid. Plus a juicer pack that was 8 bucks.. comes with kale, cucumbers, carrots and a bunch of other stuff. Iove it.. best discovery ever!

    Then if you didn't get broccli you can go get it. I plan the meats I buy around the veggies I get and do a lot of research on google, since I never heard of some of the stuff I get. LOL

    Oh yes.. and fish.. I ate a ton until I moved here.. I need to get back to fish.. I'm having a hard time eating it here, since I'm used to super fresh fish (like it was swimming that morning) and everything here is flash frozen. Not sure how to overcome that.. but I'm trying.

    omg that sounds amazing~ I'm going to have to try that - it's something that sounds like me since I try to buy at least one "new" thing every month or so!!! And omg you had super fresh fish??? I would be in Heaven, I can only do that when I go camping up north of me and it's delishhhh! :love: I love all seafoods/fish! yummmmmmmmmmm thanks again I'm going to look into bountifulbaskets!

    Ordering is nationwide starting at noon on mondays until i think Tuesday afternoon. Rule of thumb.. order early on Monday,, they have limited quantites and it does sell out.. pick up times are strict, but it'sa co-op and you can go organic if you want. I also get my coconut oil from them. It's amazing. I hope they have it where you live. It's not everywhere which sucks.
  • PennStateChick
    PennStateChick Posts: 327 Member
    I usually get something different everytime I go to the grocery store. I spend a lot of time walking around the fresh produce section and looking for things that I have never had. I discovered pomegrantes about two years ago. Now, I get them ALL the time. Other things include baby spinach, bananas, frozen blueberries, yogurt for smoothies. I also buy a ton of broccoli because I use broccoli as the base for my salads rather than lettuce (I don't really like lettuce). I always buy cucumbers, clementines, zucchini, yellow squash, grapes when ripe. Spaghetti squash was another fairly recent (within the last 2 years) discovery. I use feta cheese on my salads. I also incorporate avocado and walnuts into my diet.

    As for meat: Chicken, Ground Turkey, Lean Sweet Turkey Sausage (take out of chasing and use as ground sausage for lasagna rolls).

    Then, its down the last aisle- milk, cheese, whole wheat bread, etc.

    I truly shop the perimeter of the store about 90% of the time.
  • samantha1242
    samantha1242 Posts: 816 Member
    Sundried tomato turkey from deli
    Red bell peppers
    Red onions
    Roasted garlic cream cheese
    Low fat cheese
    Ground turkey
    Greek yogurt
    Almond milk or milk
    Hemp hearts
    Natural peanut butter
    And ingredients for whatever my make to freeze meal is that week
  • dtf88
    dtf88 Posts: 53

    Russet Potatoes
    Green Giant Frozen Veggies (usually 5 for 5$ at target)
    Reeses puffs cereal or Cinnamon Toast Crunch
    Skim Milk
    High Fiber Oatmeal Quaker
    Ezekiel Raisin Bread
    Rice Cakes
    Snyders Sourdough Pretzels
    Whole Wheat Wraps
    Thai Jasmine Rice
    Whole wheat pasta
    Bannanas, Apples, Blueberries
    Beans +Corn+ green beans canned veggies

    Extra virgin olive oil
    Peanut Butter omega 3
    Cheddar shredded cheese

    Chicken Breast
    Ground beef 90/10
    Stir fry beef sirloin strips
    Center cut pork loin

    I get most of my carbs from target, meat and veggies+fruit I get from whole foods.
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    ground beef
    sweet potatos
    brussel sprouts
    ground beef
    coconut milk
  • llpaq
    llpaq Posts: 263 Member
    Well this won't help you for tomorrow..

    But I order all my fruits and veggies from
    Pick up is Saturday, then I go to the grocery store to get anything that didn't come in the basket.

    It will broaden your horizons, as you get all the tradidtional stuff like celery, lettuce, potatoes, etc.. and then you get weird stuff like bok choy (love!!) pummelos..etc..

    What you get varies each week and you can't pick and choose. They have lots of add ons too. Thier granola and bread is amazing! I love thier asian and mexican basket add ons too. I'm getting 8 pounds of strawberries (those clamshell ones) for 12 bucks I think i paid. Plus a juicer pack that was 8 bucks.. comes with kale, cucumbers, carrots and a bunch of other stuff. Iove it.. best discovery ever!

    Then if you didn't get broccli you can go get it. I plan the meats I buy around the veggies I get and do a lot of research on google, since I never heard of some of the stuff I get. LOL

    Oh yes.. and fish.. I ate a ton until I moved here.. I need to get back to fish.. I'm having a hard time eating it here, since I'm used to super fresh fish (like it was swimming that morning) and everything here is flash frozen. Not sure how to overcome that.. but I'm trying.

    omg that sounds amazing~ I'm going to have to try that - it's something that sounds like me since I try to buy at least one "new" thing every month or so!!! And omg you had super fresh fish??? I would be in Heaven, I can only do that when I go camping up north of me and it's delishhhh! :love: I love all seafoods/fish! yummmmmmmmmmm thanks again I'm going to look into bountifulbaskets!

    Ordering is nationwide starting at noon on mondays until i think Tuesday afternoon. Rule of thumb.. order early on Monday,, they have limited quantites and it does sell out.. pick up times are strict, but it'sa co-op and you can go organic if you want. I also get my coconut oil from them. It's amazing. I hope they have it where you live. It's not everywhere which sucks.

    They don't have it where I live :( but I guess you can't grow much in Minnesota right now! lol! Awww I'm bummed I would've loved to try that. Oh well back to the boring grocery stores ;)
  • rockymtnlove
    -Almond milk
    -Earth Balance buttery spread
    -Soy or almond milk yogurt, whatever is on sale
    -Ezekiel Cinnamon Raisin Sprouted bread (in the frozen vegan section)
    -Ezekiel Sprouted 7 Grain bread (frozen vegan section)
    -Any and all fresh veggies and fruits, we shop the sales
    -Red pototoes, sweet potatoes, squash
    -Frozen veggies for steaming
    -Frozen fruit for snacking or smoothies
    -Whole wheat pasta
    -Popcorn popped in vegan butter
    -Brown Rice
    -Raw almonds
    -Raw peanuts
    -Quick Oats
    -Nut butters (peanut, almond, hazelnut)
    -Vegan Boca burgers
    -Vegan Hamburger style mix (use for meatballs, ground beef for sauces or burgers)
    -Vegan Breakfast sausage mix to make patties
    -Vegan bacon
    -Tofu, pan fried is the best texture
    -Pickles and Olives
    -Whole Flax and Chia Seeds (put on yogurt, smoothies, anything really)
    -Unsweetened Granola from sprouts, whatever is on sale
    -Dark Chocolate
  • heidimaggott78
    Apple's, fat free milk, nectarines
  • sanndandi
    sanndandi Posts: 300 Member
    Well this won't help you for tomorrow..

    But I order all my fruits and veggies from
    Pick up is Saturday, then I go to the grocery store to get anything that didn't come in the basket.

    It will broaden your horizons, as you get all the tradidtional stuff like celery, lettuce, potatoes, etc.. and then you get weird stuff like bok choy (love!!) pummelos..etc..

    What you get varies each week and you can't pick and choose. They have lots of add ons too. Thier granola and bread is amazing! I love thier asian and mexican basket add ons too. I'm getting 8 pounds of strawberries (those clamshell ones) for 12 bucks I think i paid. Plus a juicer pack that was 8 bucks.. comes with kale, cucumbers, carrots and a bunch of other stuff. Iove it.. best discovery ever!

    Then if you didn't get broccli you can go get it. I plan the meats I buy around the veggies I get and do a lot of research on google, since I never heard of some of the stuff I get. LOL

    Oh yes.. and fish.. I ate a ton until I moved here.. I need to get back to fish.. I'm having a hard time eating it here, since I'm used to super fresh fish (like it was swimming that morning) and everything here is flash frozen. Not sure how to overcome that.. but I'm trying.

    omg that sounds amazing~ I'm going to have to try that - it's something that sounds like me since I try to buy at least one "new" thing every month or so!!! And omg you had super fresh fish??? I would be in Heaven, I can only do that when I go camping up north of me and it's delishhhh! :love: I love all seafoods/fish! yummmmmmmmmmm thanks again I'm going to look into bountifulbaskets!

    Ordering is nationwide starting at noon on mondays until i think Tuesday afternoon. Rule of thumb.. order early on Monday,, they have limited quantites and it does sell out.. pick up times are strict, but it'sa co-op and you can go organic if you want. I also get my coconut oil from them. It's amazing. I hope they have it where you live. It's not everywhere which sucks.

    They don't have it where I live :( but I guess you can't grow much in Minnesota right now! lol! Awww I'm bummed I would've loved to try that. Oh well back to the boring grocery stores ;)
    I personally have not tried this but I have heard a lot of people try it and love it and I believe it's pretty nationwide.
  • mommyof3j
    mommyof3j Posts: 26 Member
    lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, bell peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, bananas, oranges, apples, grapefruit (sometimes), squash (different varieties), and other fruit and/or veggies that are in season and look good, lately I have been using ground turkey and boneless, skinless chicken breast a lot too.

    Spaghetti Squash and eggplant.