

This is my 1st post so please excuse if it's out of place...

This is going to sound ridiculous but I'm addicted to cereal. Sugary cereal mostly - Rice Krispies are the healthiest I can do.
I think it stemed from quitting snacking on biscuits, choclate etc - hence the need for a 'sugar' fix. Although, from what I hear cereal is nearly as bad as biscuits/chocolate.

I have a bowl every morning for breakfast & about 9/10pm (last thing I eat).
Can anyone recommend any substitutes for breakfast/supper? Something that I can make in a few mins!
N.B. I don't like Weetabix, Shredded Wheat etc - nothing except those loaded with carbs. Porridge is manageable but only with at least 1 teaspoon of sugar.

Any help would be appreciated as it's the only unhealthy thing in my diet (I've managed to kick my addiction to Pepsi Max so this is the last one that needs to go!)



  • elliev30
    elliev30 Posts: 20 Member
    My cereal of choice is Moms Best Honey toasted O's... they are yummy.. sweet and not high in anything !
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    If the cereal fits in your calories & macros, then you don't need to worry!
  • fablevins
    fablevins Posts: 111 Member
    I've just been reading up on yogurt and how people who eat it lose fat quicker, especially around the stomach. You may want to eat half as much cereal as normal and add a yogurt.
  • I eat oatmeal every morning and love it :) If you microwave a banana it makes it pretty sweet and tastes really good mixed in the oatmeal. Also for your need for a "sugar fix", remember that the more sugar that you eat, the more you crave it. If you try to eat less sugar, especially refined sugar, you should stop feeling the need to eat sugary cereals
  • Bjmtrainer
    Bjmtrainer Posts: 8 Member
    I totally get you on loving cereal, but most of it (especially the sugary stuff) is doing you no good. Try cutting it out all together along with other processed foods. You will find that your cravings subside!
  • TheConsciousFoody
    TheConsciousFoody Posts: 607 Member
    What about trying a super healthy cereal and putting some Stevia in it?
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,212 Member
    No advice but I think its a little sad that the ad bar on the side of my screen is for Lucky Charms cereal.
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    It's not unhealthy
  • rmarie1017
    rmarie1017 Posts: 58 Member
    I usually eat oatmeal for breakfast, but I like to snack on cereal in the evening. Right now I'm into the Kashi GoLean cereal, which has only 140 calories per serving (a whole cup!). There are a few other Kashi cereals that I've tried that are pretty low cal and aren't loaded with sugar. They are kind of pricey, but I usually grab a couple of boxes while they're on sale. Oh, and I love any kind of Cheerios too.
  • GemW27
    GemW27 Posts: 41
    No advice but I think its a little sad that the ad bar on the side of my screen is for Lucky Charms cereal.


    I paid £15 for a box shipped from USA *hangs head in shame*
  • GemW27
    GemW27 Posts: 41
    My cereal of choice is Moms Best Honey toasted O's... they are yummy.. sweet and not high in anything !

    They sound amazing - Can you buy in UK/Ireland
  • GemW27
    GemW27 Posts: 41
    If the cereal fits in your calories & macros, then you don't need to worry!

    My Sugars (within carbs) are too high. Pretty sure it's cereal doing this!

    The only other thing sweet I eat is fruit & yogurt
  • GemW27
    GemW27 Posts: 41
    What about trying a super healthy cereal and putting some Stevia in it?

    What's Stevia?
  • GemW27
    GemW27 Posts: 41
    I usually eat oatmeal for breakfast, but I like to snack on cereal in the evening. Right now I'm into the Kashi GoLean cereal, which has only 140 calories per serving (a whole cup!). There are a few other Kashi cereals that I've tried that are pretty low cal and aren't loaded with sugar. They are kind of pricey, but I usually grab a couple of boxes while they're on sale. Oh, and I love any kind of Cheerios too.

    Are Cheerios healthy?

    I love the Honey Nut ones, but would settle for regular if they're healthy!
  • anothermop
    anothermop Posts: 187 Member
    I could not give up cereal, so I eat Cascadian Farms Fruit and Nut or the Oat and Honey every single day. Love it!
  • alisiaendris
    alisiaendris Posts: 213 Member
    What about trying a super healthy cereal and putting some Stevia in it?

    What's Stevia?

    Stevia is a sugar substitiute derived from plants.
  • kjw1031
    kjw1031 Posts: 300 Member
    I really Really REALLY mean this!!

    If you like sweet cereal, get Fiber One 80 Calories Honey Squares!!

    :love: Delish and tastes as sweet as a sweet cereal, but 3 grams of sugars and 10 grams of fiber.
  • GemW27
    GemW27 Posts: 41
    I really Really REALLY mean this!!

    If you like sweet cereal, get Fiber One 80 Calories Honey Squares!!

    :love: Delish and tastes as sweet as a sweet cereal, but 3 grams of sugars and 10 grams of fiber.

    Never heard of them. Do you know if you can buy in UK/Ireland?
  • kjw1031
    kjw1031 Posts: 300 Member
    Sorry, but I'm in Texas, so I don't know what you have available there.

    I think they're pretty new. Maybe you can get them online?

    It's worth looking for them. They almost taste like Capt. Crunch!
  • GemW27
    GemW27 Posts: 41
    Looks like you can only get them in America!

    Gutted - They look amazing!
  • JumpingDog
    JumpingDog Posts: 125 Member
    I can sort of understand this. I used to eat honey nut bunches of oats with almonds like every morning. A bunch of carbs with some milk carbs plus a banana, full of carbs. It's difficult changing breakfast habits.
    Now I tend to do fruit crepes (made with egg), banana/egg "pancakes", sausage, smoothies and sometimes leftovers.
    If you are looking for something sweet maybe try a variety of fruit, 1-2 servings a day. That way you can get a sweet taste and some antioxidants or vitamins. If you are looking for something crunchy, that's more difficult.
  • GemW27
    GemW27 Posts: 41
    Yep many of you right about the sugar craving.

    I had all intentions of having a healthy breakfast this morning but needed sugar so caved and had coco pops....

    Goal tomorrow = omlette or porridge
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    My brother eats cereal by the box.

    I developed a taste for old fashioned shredded wheat. Start with some sugar on it. Then reduce the sugar to nothing. See what you think.

    I find cornflakes naturally sweet. Again, you can start with added sugar and reduce to nothing.

    Personally, I eat muesli with yogurt and fruit every morning. No added sugar and it's sweet to me. You could start with sweetened yoghurt if its not sweet enough for you and eventually go to plain.

    Personally, I eat it with plain unsweetened non-fat yogurt.
  • thegeordielass
    thegeordielass Posts: 208 Member
    I can understand where you're coming from as my favourite cereal is the nesquick one! lol. I also love rice krispies. I worked my way to eating them without sugar (the rice krispies that is, never needed any on the nesquick) and did the same with cornflakes. Now I mainly eat either porridge (with stevia/truvia instead of sugar) or bran flakes with raisins. Best thing about the bran flake/raisins is because I buy them separately I can add as many raisins I like for sweetness.
    I know it may not be all that healthy compared to many options but I don't mind my sugar intake too much as long as I know 95% of the sugar is from fruit/milk/other sugars found naturally in food rather then processed, added stuff.
  • red_road
    red_road Posts: 761 Member
    I eat Vector. I love sugar and i find that it has a really nice sweet taste while still being relatively healthy. Also Vanilla Almond by special k, its the only cereal i could actually eat by itself as a snack, the special k strawberry isnt too bad either, even if it looks like a science experiment gone wrong. Dried, shrunken strawberries of the future!
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    I hear you. I soooooo hear. (I just mentioned this in another thread, as a matter of fact.) I can plow through a box of kid's cereal in a day or less. Even granola sends me off . Only thing that helped was cutting it out entirely. I had cut out soda and that, but am now able to just keep the pop to a can.

    I'm not there with cereal yet. If you are really concerned, just put it up and switch to another food. I did a lot of bread immediately after. That did help and now I'm able to cut back on the bread. Small steps, if nesscary.
  • vanguardfitness
    vanguardfitness Posts: 720 Member
    Heh, I was like this when I used to run heavily years ago. I would get the costco sized boxes of fruit loops, lucky charms, cookie crisp, and corn pops. The fruit loops and corn pops I almost always ate dry.
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    I recommend cookie crisps, golden grahams, chocolate frosted flakes, frosted toast crunch, kashi island vanilla, and Reese's puffs. Eat your cereal and don't worry about it. Keep a deficit and hit your macros. Cereal is delicious.
  • I know what your going through . I love sugary cereals . Cinnamon toast crunch being my favorite . I just quit buying unhealthy cereal . I buy Kashi cereals . Indigo mornings being what I like now . I use vanilla almond milk instead of cows milk . The almond milk adds a little sweetness .
  • altinker
    altinker Posts: 173
    I have just recently stopped having a crazy sugar craving. The holidays completely did me in, and I found that I had leftover pies, cookies, chocolates and other things that I ended up eating. My weight went up 4 lbs. I've slowly and painfully weaned myself from eating so much of my trigger foods.

    What worked for me on the cereal front is I mix a whole grain cereal with a more sugary cereal so that it tastes good and then use kefir instead of milk. As an example, I would mix Ezekiel cereal with maple nut clusters from Trader Joe's and then top it with Strawberries and Cream kefir. That way, it isn't quite so bad on the sugars, but it still tastes delicious. Over time, I reduced my mixture from 50/50 to 75/25 to 90/10. And, by over time, I mean like a few months.

    I find that when I just eat cereal - even with a touch of sweetened yogurt, it is just too sugary for me. Even oatmeal with yogurt. And, I find myself hungry an hour later. That is the problem with sugars for me is that I get hungry sooner and want more an hour or two later. So, I make sure to get protein.

    I have been having some success with the frozen steel cut oatmeal that is lightly sweetened with maple sugar. If I eat it, an hour and a half later, I'm hungry. The other day, I mixed it with part of a container of plain greek yogurt, and I had a hard time finishing it. It sustained me for about 3 hours instead of me being hungry an hour later. So, try to get quality protein when you eat your cereal.