starving to death



  • Meg_Shirley_86
    Meg_Shirley_86 Posts: 275 Member
    Don't listen to anyone that tells you to skip meals! Unless you want to put your metabolism into the toilet you need to start the day with something. You're body doesn't kick start until you add fuel. It doesn't have to be a lot but something....protein would be the best as that will help sustain you better until lunch. If people say they are starving by lunch after having breakfast then they aren't eating the right breakfast. For me, oatmeal doesn't sustain, for others it does. You'll have to play around to see what works and what doesn't for you.

    I'm sorry but this is patently untrue. Fitter people tend to have this problem, where if they eat breakfast, they are ravenous at 10 or 11am or so. There is proof of this, and no, they were absolutely not eating the wrong things; the typical breakfast was oatmeal, a piece of fruit, and an egg or two. I am not a "fitter" person like I described above, but I am pregnant and actually had a hard time getting all the nutrients I needed, so I decided to eat breakfast because it makes me much more hungry. If you start your eating for the day around lunch, you reap the same exact metabolic benefits as you would had you eaten breakfast earlier. The facts here have (innocently, I believe) misinterpreted, and this advice borders on being an old wive's tale.

    *Edited to add that I believe you should do what works for you and helps you reach your nutritional goals. I also recommend In Place of a Road Map.
  • Meg_Shirley_86
    Meg_Shirley_86 Posts: 275 Member
    Do not skip breakfast! It's the most important meal of the day.
    This was a slogan created by the Cereal companies.

    Truth: EVERY MEAL is important.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • StrongAimee
    StrongAimee Posts: 6 Member
    Eat more good foods!!

    Fruits are good for you but high in sugar, limit them to one or two servings a day. I always try and have 1 cup or more of vegetables with each meal (breakfast, lunch and dinner!!). I find if I eat veggies and lean protein at each meal, I'm not hungry in between meals.

    If I start to get hungry or get cravings at the end of day- before bed. I drink a glass of water and try to find something to do. Some hunger is just mind games. I will either read, sew, etc. or just call it a night and go to bed! Better to sleep than over eat!
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Don't listen to anyone that tells you to skip meals! Unless you want to put your metabolism into the toilet you need to start the day with something. You're body doesn't kick start until you add fuel. It doesn't have to be a lot but something....protein would be the best as that will help sustain you better until lunch. If people say they are starving by lunch after having breakfast then they aren't eating the right breakfast. For me, oatmeal doesn't sustain, for others it does. You'll have to play around to see what works and what doesn't for you.

    Yes, don't listen to me. I know nothing!

    I'm not an advocate of skipping meals.. but I do it about once a week unintentionally and it has not been determintal to my health or my goals. Eitehr I get sick and can't eat or upset and can't eat or I am just not hungry and can't eat. Your body will tell you if your getting what it needs.

    I am trying hard to not skip meals but it seems not matter what.. at least oncea week I skip something.. sometimes it's dinner that I skip. LOL. Like today.. I am already stuffed and it's barely lunch time. lol. (I logged my lunch and after lunch snack that I didn't eat yet already) lol

    That is your personal preference, so you should not be telling the OP to ignore peoples suggestions to do such. Also, meal timing has no impact on your metabolism, so that statement is not correct.

    Who are you talking to? I didn't say a thing about meal timing, and I didn't tell her to ignroe anyone. Just said listen to your body it will tell you when to eat.

    What is my personal preference? Not advocating skipping meals? Sure.. no eating makes you sick. Skipping a meal every so often won't.

    Get your panties out of the bunch they are in. sheesh.
  • sarahstrezo
    sarahstrezo Posts: 568 Member
    If you are feeling hungry.....that means you need to eat more. 1200 cals is not enough. Are you eating back your exercise calories?

    I don't know how big you are or how much you have to lose, but there is NO way I could manage on 1200 calls. I'd be miserable and then I'd have no energy to work out.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    That is your personal preference, so you should not be telling the OP to ignore peoples suggestions to do such. Also, meal timing has no impact on your metabolism, so that statement is not correct.

    Who are you talking to? I didn't say a thing about meal timing, and I didn't tell her to ignroe anyone. Just said listen to your body it will tell you when to eat.

    What is my personal preference? Not advocating skipping meals? Sure.. no eating makes you sick. Skipping a meal every so often won't.

    Get your panties out of the bunch they are in. sheesh.

    I quoted you so I am talking to you. I am not getting my panties in a bunch so please stop being so dramatic. You responded to the response to someone else - I assumed that you were responding to it because you made the original comment. You can make that response without getting all pissy.

    Edited to take off some of the infini-qoutes.
  • boslund2
    boslund2 Posts: 4 Member
    Do not skip breakfast! It's the most important meal of the day. Get a good bowl of oatmeal in you with some protein powder to help sustain you all morning (this is about ~250 calories if you're making your own, I like to make mine in the crockpot [using steel cut oats] the night before and have leftovers for the whole week!). BTW, Jillian Michaels does not recommend skipping breakfast... Especially in her "Master your Metabolism Book". 'Eat like a queen in the morning, a princess in the afternoon, and a pauper at night.'

    Agreed. I wouldnt skip breakfast. I dont think you should skip any meals. Start with uping your calories slightly and go from there.

    I wouldn't skip meals either, all my studies have said otherwise. One thing I will say that works great and studies show helps metabolism, and all that is to eat every 3-4 hours...I eat 4 small meals a day and I have snacks in between if needed and most often I am actually under the 1200 calories per day. I eat clean, healthy foods. Oatmeal and fruit in the morning or omelets, and anything from salads and soup to chicken and rice, etc. If you drink plenty of water and eat a bit more evenly spaced out then you fill find you never experience that hungry feeling and when you do eat you don't overeat. Best of luck, it seem you have a ton of feedback!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Do not skip breakfast! It's the most important meal of the day. Get a good bowl of oatmeal in you with some protein powder to help sustain you all morning (this is about ~250 calories if you're making your own, I like to make mine in the crockpot [using steel cut oats] the night before and have leftovers for the whole week!). BTW, Jillian Michaels does not recommend skipping breakfast... Especially in her "Master your Metabolism Book". 'Eat like a queen in the morning, a princess in the afternoon, and a pauper at night.'

    Agreed. I wouldnt skip breakfast. I dont think you should skip any meals. Start with uping your calories slightly and go from there.

    I wouldn't skip meals either, all my studies have said otherwise. One thing I will say that works great and studies show helps metabolism, and all that is to eat every 3-4 hours...I eat 4 small meals a day and I have snacks in between if needed and most often I am actually under the 1200 calories per day. I eat clean, healthy foods. Oatmeal and fruit in the morning or omelets, and anything from salads and soup to chicken and rice, etc. If you drink plenty of water and eat a bit more evenly spaced out then you fill find you never experience that hungry feeling and when you do eat you don't overeat. Best of luck, it seem you have a ton of feedback!

    What studies? Because there have been links within this thread that show studies that say otherwise.
  • risaroo83
    risaroo83 Posts: 7 Member
    you could simply just be hungry all the time because your metabolism is getting faster. instead of planning out 3 meals per day, plan 6 and make them all the same size. not quite as big as your already-planned-out meals, but not as small as your snacks you have throughout the day. make sure that your snacks/meals (whatever you want to call them) are relatively high in protein and have a decent amount of carbs and fiber. that will keep you full longer. as far as water goes, you should try to drink a little more. the minimum you should be drinking per day is 64 oz, which is what you've been drinking, you said. by drinking a little more you should also be full longer, with the frequency that you're eating.
    hope this helped :)

    I agree with this!
  • breasyd2
    I work out a lot, and I am never hungry. You won't even be able to eat all your calories if you work out enough. You will be amazed. Remember, if you spend 30 minutes cleaning your house and breaking a sweat doing it, then count it as cardio exercise. You can also count things like gardening and walking the dogs. Just make sure you put the correct exertion level, and you are good to go!
  • SeahorseDolphin
    Eat more and you won't need those extra buffer calories because your body will be nourished and in turn less peckish. Also this may sound counter intuitive but I suggest more healthy fat. It will help you feel more full. This may not work for everyone but it worked for me so I'm just throwing it out there :happy: