skipping breakfast



  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    I am not sure how battling with your weight all your life makes you more qualified to answer the question.
    Nor am I sure how the correlation is drawn that just because somebody is in good shape, they've never had to battle their weight. The underlying/implied insult is that their bodies are naturally that way and they've had to put no work whatsoever into it. Seems a little ludicrous to me.
  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    I skip breakfast pretty much all the time, first cause I dont get hungry, second cause I effing hate the food you normally eat for breakfast.
    My opinion, dont force yourself, if you are hungry eat, if not, just keep going.
  • oneworkoutatatime
    Eat at whatever times and intervals you want. What matters most is fulfilling your nutritional targets.
  • KathrynKennewell108
    I agree. I eat a lot more than my partner. He is about the same frame/height as me. He mostly eats one meal a day and does some light snacking as he gets hungry. He just doesn't have the appetite I have. I can't understand how he functions on so little. But, there it is. Having said that, we are both of similar weight. I would say I'm noticeably more active, which you might say is why I eat more, but even on completely sedentary days, my appetite pretty much remains consistent. Everyone is different. Do what works for you, so long as you find that caloric balance. If something's not working - experiment til you find what does.
  • Belinda658
    Belinda658 Posts: 181 Member
    I am not sure how battling with your weight all your life makes you more qualified to answer the question.
    Nor am I sure how the correlation is drawn that just because somebody is in good shape, they've never had to battle their weight. The underlying/implied insult is that their bodies are naturally that way and they've had to put no work whatsoever into it. Seems a little ludicrous to me.

    Yeah this.
  • Taylorxxlynne
    Taylorxxlynne Posts: 210 Member
    I would say its important. Why? It keeps you from not snacking as much throughout the day! This may not be for everyone, but I have noticed when I skip meals I snack more often than if I have 5 "mini meals" a day.
    What I do is eat every three hours. Breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, and dessert on occasion. (Before I have lost 20-40 pounds by doing this, so it does work!)
    Also make sure you eat three hours BEFORE you go to bed. It's not good to eat right before bedtime.
  • georgina1970
    georgina1970 Posts: 333 Member

    I love the bodies that are commenting on this discussion!!!-thank you from the Nurse-Sry I was just helping !!-It seems these people are more into fitness & training than actually having a battle with their weight all their lives-

    Actually, I have battled to achieve a healthy weight all my life. Constantly being compared to my tall, skinny, younger sister. Still overweight, but continuing to eat healthy and exercise regularly.
  • paulasturk
    Just to put another spanner in the works, if you read "the fast diet" by Dr Michael Mosley and Mimi Spencer, it explains why our bodies are better, mind sharper ecc, when we fast. Lots of information on it on Google without buying the book.
  • giara
    giara Posts: 9 Member
    100% agree!
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    I wonder why some people desperately want there to be a one-rule-fits-all pattern to meal timing? I like my breakfast to be around 600kcal, with a big lunch, and my appetite diminishes as the day progresses (especially now, while I'm pregnant), but I know that's not how everyone works.

    To the OP: do what works for you, but do try adding in some extra calories somewhere.
  • iloveme1974
    There is a window of time I have set for nutrition, I skip breakfast and start my day with fruit, whole fruit. that is usually about 10 am, then about 12 I am having lunch that includes a pre made salad in sandwich size ziplock bag. and something else. supposedly not eating carbs after lunch is better but I like carbs. I eat from 10 am - 7pm ish. so I fast (with water for 15 hours approximately per day). But I am fat, technically obese on BMI scale 5'3" @ 176 size 12 Levis. I hate thinking of breakfast and I usually pig out all day if I do get breakfast.. Find out what works for you, I am still searching but breakfast does not work for me. :heart:
  • Dlacenere
    Dlacenere Posts: 198 Member
    You are going to get a lot of different replies here because its all a matter of personal preference - it doesn't matter if you eat breakfast or have a fasting window, it's total calories for the day that matters. I personally prefer eating a decent sized breakfast soon after waking and then another meal or snack a few hours later. What matters more is that you eat enough to fuel your body and with 1000 calories per day, you are not. If you google BMR and TDEE calculators, you can input your info and get a better idea of where you should be. That is when you will truly see results. I eat between 1600-2000 per day depending on my activity level.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member

    I love the bodies that are commenting on this discussion!!!-thank you from the Nurse-Sry I was just helping !!-It seems these people are more into fitness & training than actually having a battle with their weight all their lives-

    Well, this conversation went right off the rails, didn't it?

    I'm going to go slightly against the grain here and suggest the OP should eat breakfast. Not because of any of the metabolism kickstart theories but because she's clearly not eating enough. Easiest way to eat more is to add another meal.

    I can skip breakfast because eating 2000 cals in one sitting is easy for me. But if the OP can only muster up the will to eat 500 cals per meal, then she needs to add a third meal. That's just basic math. Time of day that she eats it doesn't matter, but she seems to have space in the morning so I'd do it there.

    As for the quoted comment about bodies, these are people that have had success. I'm not sure why anyone would complain about getting free advice from successful people. These people are knowledgeable enough to make a living selling training and nutrition advice. I don't agree with 100% of the things they believe but i respect everything they say because i know it's coming from a place of personal experience, research, and a desire to help others.
  • maryjay52
    maryjay52 Posts: 557 Member
    i never used to eat breakfast . when i started listening to people who know what it takes to be healthier and lose weight then i ate breakfast every day . i lost 80lbs eating my breakfast. there are times i do not have a traditional breakfast and want a sandwich or something that would be considered lunch or dinner .. you dont have to eat a traditional breakfast to start your day . i typically am not hungry in the morning but i eat anyway . if you dont want to eat then have a protein shake with fruit in it or something
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    Hi, I am new here. I am trying to lose some weight I gained over last couple of years - yes, New Year resolution :) . In the past three weeks I noticed that my appetite is gone. I wake up and slip breakfast. Do not even think about it. Eat lunch at 1pm or so, go to gym from 5 to 6pm (not hungry at all) and cannot eat anything right after that. Usually I eat something around 8pm and go to bed at 11 -12. How bad is it? Should I force myself? I was writing down everything I eat - it's about 1000 cal. Any advice?

    You are highly unlikely get all the nutrients your body needs in two meals or around 1000 calories - seven to nine servings of fruit and vegetables, three servings of reduced fat dairy, plenty of mineral and fibre rich foods, oily fish and so on.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    I eat breakfast because if I don't I tend to binge later on in the day at a fast food joint. Oatmeal and yogurt are easy to keep around.
  • Kynzmomma09
    Kynzmomma09 Posts: 25 Member
    I think you should definetly be getting in your calorie intake for the day, no matter what times you eat. make sure your eating the right things as well. ive been told that eating after a workout is a good thing, even if its just an apple or a tbsp of peanut butter, your body needs it. best of luck on your life changing journey!! :)
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    All this discussion about eating breakfast or not is completely useless when you realise OP is starving herself on 1000 calories a day!
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member

    I love the bodies that are commenting on this discussion!!!-thank you from the Nurse-Sry I was just helping !!-It seems these people are more into fitness & training than actually having a battle with their weight all their lives-

    So only medics with your specific health problem can diagnose and treat you, wouldn't that make general practice impossible? You want to only employ consultants and nurses with cancer, type 2 diabetes, asthma, cardiovascular disease, bipolar, schizophrenia, who are drug addicts/ smokers/ alcoholics? And all people who are fit or slim have been fit or slim their entire lives, really?

    For the record I retrained in lifestyle healthcare (previously in hospital pharmacy and research laboratories) after being so sick I couldn't work for a couple of years. At different points in my life I have been underweight, overweight, sedentary, not meeting any of the official healthy eating guidelines, using illegal substances, on a cocktail of prescribed medications .... does that make me more 'qualified' in your eyes than any of my degree level certificates?
  • akaMrsmojo
    akaMrsmojo Posts: 762 Member
    I always eat breakfast because I snack less and I feel better. Personal preference, but I agree with everyone eating 1000 calories breakfast or not is not good for you. You will not lose faster, you could stall your process. I recommend following MFP guidelines and eat your calories. Especially if you exercise, you need to eat or your body will not be happy with you.

    Good luck.