Emotional eater wanting chocolate.

jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
Yup. That's me. I want chocolate right now. I can almost taste it.

I got some crappy work news today (job changes) and I'm stressed, and ticked off, and angry that no one spoke to me about my job before making some pretty big changes and then assumed I already knew.

So now, I want to indulge, because I feel like i deserve it after being screwed around. Argh! and it doesn't help that my lunch wasn't all edible, so I don't have any protein. I have a food court below my office, and since I'm a celiac I can't go crab an extra anything from there to hold me over, as they don't have fruit. The only options are junk. And I'm hungry.

Hence the bargaining. This is when I start to bargain with myself, saying that it would be okay if I did. But I also know that chocolate is like a gateway drug for me.



  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Here's something that made a strong impression on me when I heard it:

    "When you try to solve your problems with food, not only do you not solve your problem, you create another problem."

    Try to do anything else to soothe yourself. Go for a short walk, take a deep breath, write in a journal, daydream about a vacation...anything.

    Chocolate won't solve a single problem in your life or in the world.:flowerforyou:
  • squoozyq
    squoozyq Posts: 305
    I think it's ok to have a little chocolate, as long as you are sticking to your plan and exercising. Don't make it an everyday thing...
  • Heather1776
    Heather1776 Posts: 46 Member
    Been there, done that! I too am an emotional eater by nature, but have really taken a good effort to break the cycle. If I was stressed out or just got some bad news I would run to the pantry and overeat! Now that I haven't overeaten in almost a month it's getting easier. Here are some suggestions you can try to help when you feel the need to eat to deal with your emotions:

    ~Go for a walk! Exercise helps relieve stress.

    ~Call a friend. It'll distract you and probably help you feel better.

    ~Chew a piece of gum or brush your teeth. You won't feel like eating something once you have minty fresh breath.

    ~Find a hobby you like and enjoy. Read a book, crochet, scrapbooking, etc. Whatever you like to distract you.

    ~When I am feeling like eating chocolate. I grab a Kellogg's Fiber Plus bar. They are yummy and they have 35% of your daily intake of fiber so it fills you up!

    ~Get some self-help books to help you deal with your stress or overeating. I did and it helped change my perspective on my life. That is what it is all about perspective!

    That's what I can think of right now. Good luck! It's not easy, but you can do it!!
  • Heather1776
    Heather1776 Posts: 46 Member
    I think it's ok to have a little chocolate, as long as you are sticking to your plan and exercising. Don't make it an everyday thing...

    I also agree that you don't have to deprive yourself, but you don't want chocolate to be your stress reliever unless you have just a small portion and it satisfies you. If you are like me, you would want to eat a huge candy bar to get through the emotions.
  • Heather1776
    Heather1776 Posts: 46 Member
    Other ways to relieve emotional stress:


    ~Meditation or deep breathing
  • salyha01
    salyha01 Posts: 36 Member
    I agree with the person who suggested a short walk. I've been trying really hard as well to find my triggers for food and offset them before they flair up... so to speak. I can also sympathize about the bad news on the work front, I'm going through the same thing. Use it to your advantage! Get out there and clear your head by walking the frustration out- it totally helps I promise!

    Next, again, use this to your advantage and as motivation to make sure that you give your body the food that it needs- pack a great lunch tomorrow! I don't crave sweets too often (I'm more of a salty kind of girls- salsa and tortilla chips are my cryptonyte), however, I always try and make sure that I have a little something that I can turn to if I really want something (I think now I have candy and cookies and yogurt covered pretzels in my stash- york peppermint patties and those 100 calorie packets). I find that if I don't deprive myself the emotional cravings don't really happen so much.

    You can totally make it through this craving!!
  • heather62803
    heather62803 Posts: 266 Member
    I am also an emotional eater and have problems controlling the cravings. I keep fat free sugar free chocolate pudding cups on hand I think one has 80 calories - those are my indulgence. If I don't have them around and am really feeling the stress and need to snack I pop in a piece of Extra sugar free gum - they are really sweet and satisfy my craving until I can get a handle on the situation and de-stress!

    Special K chocolate drizzle cereal bars are pretty good for a little chocolate pick me up as well - only 90 calories, but you have to keep track of the sugar intake.

    If you have a few more calories available I like the Cliff Kids ZBar - Chocolate Brownie - really rich for an energy bar, but comes with 130 calories. Just some suggestions. You don't have to cut chocolate out completely, but find healthier alternatives to satisfy your cravings.
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    I know the feeling, but unless you eat a LOT of chocolate (which would be bad) it's not going to fill you up if you're really hungry. And if you eat it in response to your bad work news, when you're done the work news will still be bad, and then you'll be mad at yourself for eating the chocolate.

    Find a stick of gum and drink some water to fill you up. Good luck!
  • salyha01
    salyha01 Posts: 36 Member
    Ooooh one more thing- since you are a celiac (I'm not and this is still something I always do and have for I don't know how long) always make sure that you have something in your purse to eat at all times. It totally sounds silly, it is such a mental thing for me, but I always have to have something in my bag, a snack- as an added plus my nephews love it, I keep something in there for them too! As an added bonus if I'm ever in a pinch I know that I don't have to grab a quick bite as I have something on me that will tide me through. Generally, I make sure that it is high protein so that it will be a good boost of energy and it will keep me full for longer!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    "nothing tastes as good as fit feels"

    I personally have some drinking chocolate that is 40cals per serve when I need a chocolate fix :)
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Yup. That's me. I want chocolate right now. I can almost taste it.

    I got some crappy work news today (job changes) and I'm stressed, and ticked off, and angry that no one spoke to me about my job before making some pretty big changes and then assumed I already knew.

    So now, I want to indulge, because I feel like i deserve it after being screwed around. Argh! and it doesn't help that my lunch wasn't all edible, so I don't have any protein. I have a food court below my office, and since I'm a celiac I can't go crab an extra anything from there to hold me over, as they don't have fruit. The only options are junk. And I'm hungry.

    Hence the bargaining. This is when I start to bargain with myself, saying that it would be okay if I did. But I also know that chocolate is like a gateway drug for me.

    If you wanted Chocolate to allow yourself a treat and could fit it in your food plan that would be fine. :) But it sounds more like it's an emotional hunger and one bite of chocolate won't likely stop at one bite if it's emotional. That's when we get to a situation of the slippery slope of binging.

    I say figure out other thing that can get your feelings from your work day out, lots of great suggestions other Members have posted already or journaling (if you don't already have a blog, now might be the perfect time to start!) to sort out your thoughts and feelings of the day.

    It's easy to grab food when feeling overwhelmed by emotions but that's how we all 'used' to handle it. Breaking patterns isn't easy but it can be done and the more often we do it the more it become a healthy habit.

    Vivikay shared so much in her post, it'll only bring on yet another problem if you cave.

    Do what you know is right for your mind and body and be proud of your decision!:drinker: :wink:
  • smagnan
    smagnan Posts: 53 Member
    I too am an emotional eater and try everyday not to let food be my comfort. Pull from what others have posted walk, gum water, always keep a stash of what you can eat so your not tempted to binge and my chocolate stash at work is dark chocolate kisses. That helps me! Work sometimes absolutely sucks and that is out of your control but what you can control is how you react! Good luck!
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Here's something that made a strong impression on me when I heard it:

    "When you try to solve your problems with food, not only do you not solve your problem, you create another problem."

    Try to do anything else to soothe yourself. Go for a short walk, take a deep breath, write in a journal, daydream about a vacation...anything.

    Chocolate won't solve a single problem in your life or in the world.:flowerforyou:
    Vivikay, this statement is pretty powerful, so glad you shared it :)
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Ooooh one more thing- since you are a celiac (I'm not and this is still something I always do and have for I don't know how long) always make sure that you have something in your purse to eat at all times. It totally sounds silly, it is such a mental thing for me, but I always have to have something in my bag, a snack- as an added plus my nephews love it, I keep something in there for them too! As an added bonus if I'm ever in a pinch I know that I don't have to grab a quick bite as I have something on me that will tide me through. Generally, I make sure that it is high protein so that it will be a good boost of energy and it will keep me full for longer!
    Gosh I do the same thing so I don't find myself with low blood sugar if my day gets all goofed up on me. I don't think it's silly at all, I think it's all part of smart pre-planning!:flowerforyou: