I'm 5'0" and eat 1500 calories. My story of weight loss.



  • squigglypuff
    squigglypuff Posts: 279 Member
    Great post! Thank you!

    I wish MFP would retire the "1200" cal a day!

    I'm almost 49, 5' 0" and fluctuate between 108-110. At my age you would think my metabolism would slow down a lot. But, I'm netting at least 1500-2000 per day. Muscle burns calories all day!

    I work out at least 6 days a week and do a mix of cardio and heavy weights. Women, do not be afraid of the heavy weights. GEEZ! I saw a girl today doing biceps curls with 7.5 dumb bells, really?!?! Waste of time. 5x5 stronglifts is the way to go.

    Why is a waste of time? When I use 7.5lbs dumb bells I feel a burn in my arms. I intend on eventually using something heavier, since a few weeks ago I could barely do it with the 5lbs. I don't think it would be wise for a newbie to just start with 20lbs or whatever. Wouldn't that be a recipe for a bad time?
  • MorbidMander
    MorbidMander Posts: 349 Member
    Awesome post! I've always been afraid of upping my calories when I'm trying so hard to lose weight, I felt as if I might sabotage my own weight loss. But.. it's nice to know someone has upped their calorie intake had success and is short like me, thank you!! :D
  • Great post. Hearing what works for people is so helpful.
    I am 5'2 and to be honest I struggle to even get to 1200 a day, but I have to supplement like crazy to make up those nutrients I am missing in food, and have to take lot's of niacin and b12 and other natural energy helpers. My thyroid is only at 1.7 (healthy range is 5.5-7.9) and so eating enough food is always a challenge as I am never hungry. This is good inspiration to try to eat a little more.
  • Jennical
    Jennical Posts: 219 Member
    Bump....I need to read this again when I am not watching cricket!!!
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    Hi fellow MFP'ers,

    Upon the new year I have noticed a lot of new people with a lot of questions. There's been a lot of the whole 1200 calorie argument thing. This post isn't a dig at anyone who eats a particular amount of calories. So with that being stated, try not to fight too much. I just wanted to share my experience briefly. I hope someone might benefit from it. But first my stats:

    Age: 33
    Height: 5'0"
    SW: 134
    CW: 106
    GW: I'm fine where I am. Pounds don't matter at this stage for me. Up 1 down 2 whatever. My clothes fit and I feel good.
    Calorie intake: 1500 a day give or take, my diary is open (some weekends I skip logging, I skipped the holidays and I skipped when I had surgery in December).
    Workouts: 3-5 days a week, cardio, yoga, and strength

    I wanted to tell you what I did because as a very petite woman I've seen time and time again that short ladies should eat 1200 calories or even go lower than that, just because we are short. It's lately been kind of annoying me. Just to clarify, I did start at 1200 like most people did on here, blindly following MFP's numbers they gave me. I was also working out at least 7 hours a week. I started with not eating back exercise calories. I realized wow, I'm starving. So I started eating them back. Then my weight loss plateaued. I started doing "doubles" at the gym (i.e. back to back classes for hours, just killing myself). I didn't know what to do as I couldn't possibly eat less nor could I work out any more hours or I would most definitely hurt myself. I did a lot of research at this point. I looked into BMR, TDEE, Eat More to Weigh Less, etc. So I upped my calories. Slowly. I have to admit I was terrified to eat more. This is when I began to realize that maybe I was being too obsessive with my calorie counting. I let go of the reigns and eventually settled on 1500 calories a day (gross, not net).

    And guess what? I lost more weight! I eased back on my crazy amounts of cardio/gym classes and started eating more food (whole foods, lots of protein) and adjusted my macros. It took me a year to end up here and I feel amazing. Some weeks I go without logging. I cut myself a break. I have a glass of wine. I want people to read this at the BEGINNING of their journeys so that maybe it will save someone the 6 months that I tortured myself. I was so hungry and so tired. Now I feel human and normal.

    And if 1200 works for you then it works for you. I'm not judging or telling anyone what to do. I just really want people to know (and especially short people like myself) that you can eat food and to be gentle with yourself. It's not a race and this is a lifestyle, something sustainable for the long haul.

    Good luck! (and be kind to each other and yourself)

    Congratulations, you look great.

    Since your diary is open I look at it and I noticed that you do eat around 1500 calories; however, your net most of the time is 1200 or below, since you don't always eat your exercise calories, unless you don’t log all your food all the time. That is the problem with many people: not clarifying if they eat certain amount of calories as net or as total.

    I am also short (not even 5 feet), but I am small boned and being 14 lbs overweight (my max), was like carrying twice that weight. I am glad that eating more worked for you, but it is not the same for everybody. Some of us need to keep calories and macros under control. I actually got to my goal by eating around 1200 net and sometimes slightly below, which by the way is about the same amount that I am eating right now on maintenance. The only difference is that I don't worry if I go over my calories over the weekend when I don't work out.

    We are all different and we just need to figure out what works best for each of us. Keep up the good work!
  • victay3
    victay3 Posts: 14 Member
    I have just started using MFP about 2 weeks ago. I am 42 yrs old 5ft 1in 145lbs my Goal is to be 125lbs by July. I am wondering if someone could take a look at my diary and tell me if I am doing this right. After reading this post I am wondering if I am getting enough calories because I have not seen any weight change. I am going to keep doing what I am doing but I am wondering if I might need more cals thank you
  • immarungirl
    immarungirl Posts: 35 Member
    Thank you for your post!! I am 4'10" and my doctor told me I should be eating at least1500 calories and up to 1800 if I am exercising 5-6x a week. A 1200 calorie a day diet is to low.
  • I'm 5'7 150 lbs. Have been on a 1300 caloric intake X 3 weeks. Have only lost 1 lb :grumble: I probably need to increase my intake a little.Thanks for your post!
  • navydentalchic
    navydentalchic Posts: 234 Member
    Bump! I am 5'2 and eating almost 1600!
  • sozisfitnow
    sozisfitnow Posts: 209 Member
    hi Im 5ft 3 ins and have finished a short two weeks on 1200 which is almost fasting for me lol!
    Ive lost 5lb and now have upped to 1350 which mfp say il loose 1/2lb a week on well i work out hard
    every other day now and eat only nutritious food so as thats half my pre diet eating id be surprised if
    I didnt loose alot more and have to increase to 1500!
    Heres hoping and wishing everyone else alot of luck:smile:
  • TNR32
    TNR32 Posts: 110 Member
  • FitFabFlirty92
    FitFabFlirty92 Posts: 384 Member
    Great post! :) You're absolutely right, we don't have to kill ourselves to lose weight just because we're short. I'm 5'3 and lose steadily at 1650 calories, PLUS I eat back my exercise calories. I think people get so caught up in trying to get the fastest results possible that they don't want to listen or accept that there is another way.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Great post. Shorties' gotta eat!
    Cut the calories too low for too long, and you will get stuck trapped at 1200, struggling to get proper nutrition without gaining weight.
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    I'm 5'7" and weighed 180 pounds two years ago. I was 57 at the time, so it was my age, rather than my height, that made me think I might have a hard time losing weight. But I knew I didn't have any muscle mass to spare at my age and after decades of a sedentary lifestyle. So an aggressive approach to weight loss was out of the question.

    I lost the weight eating 1500 to 1800+ calories a day, including a minimum of 2/3rd of my exercise calories. I strength trained 3 times a week and did cardio every other day. In the beginning it was just walking, then an elliptical and/or treadmill, then the C25K program late in the weight loss period. I still run roadside every other day, which I really enjoy, and ironically earn and eat back a lot more exercise calories now than I ever did while I was losing the weight. The machines at the gym weren't nearly as much fun and it was all I could do to stay on them for a half hour at a time.

    Here's how things progressed:

    The "dog's leg" in the data at the front reflects the loss of water weight, of which I had a ton. My feet and ankles had been swollen. The data is smoother than it would be for most younger women because, at my age, I no longer have TOM issues. If you are still cycling, then expect more noise in the week to week data. Just remember that it will balance itself out in the end. And no, I haven't gained any of the weight back.
  • Way to go llkilgore! Thanks for the info. I think the prob for me is not enough calories and only strength training once per week.
  • Cobwellac
    Cobwellac Posts: 75 Member
    Great post, but it sadly doesn't work for everyone. I'm 42 and, according to TDEE calculators, the most I can eat for maintenance is right around 1500. I also just started using the Bodymedia armband, and it said that I burned 1680 yesterday -- but I'd spent an hour weight lifting and 45 minutes on the elliptical. What this means is that if I ate 1500 calories a day, I wouldn't really lose much weight; I'd probably maintain (unless I exercised as vigorously everyday -- which I don't). So, yes, for some people (me, for instance) 1200 works best for weight loss (and note that would set me up for less than a pound a week). Fortunately, I'm in the maintenance stage, and am able to eat up to 1500 calories.
  • silvereve
    silvereve Posts: 69 Member
    Thank you! This is so very helpful to read I am 5'2 and struggle with the exact thing. You could be writing the story of my life.
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    That's what its about.

    Figuring out your numbers and your goals as well as reasonable weekly goals.
    That's pretty much it. A fat loss plan will be more successful if one knows their baseline numbers. Without this valuable information, people are basically buying a home without doing an appraisal.
  • aj445
    aj445 Posts: 183 Member
    Definitely agree with this post. When I put my information in it also told me 1200 calories a day I'm 5'3. I upped it to 1500 on my own, but think I need probably at least another 300 a day to lose weight in a healthy manner. I seriously question what they use to calculate what you should be eating.
  • leahj4
    leahj4 Posts: 7
    ok, Im confused. are you talking about eating more calories only if you work out daily to burn them? bc I find it hard to get motivated on a daily basis, does this mean I need to lI ower my calorie intake when I move less, and eat more when I excersice? I am 5'3 and when I registered for MFP it said I needed to eat 1300 to loose the amount I needed too.