Help, almost at my goal weight and don't know what to do..

I'm almost at my goal weight, 135. I'm about 5-6 pounds away from it. But I still have like, belly fat and what not. I don't want to lose anymore weight so do I lift? or what do I do in order to not go so low?


  • Btw, I'm 5'5.
  • And I mean I don't want to lose anymore weight after that but what if I still have belly fat?
  • oxnina
    oxnina Posts: 203 Member
    have you been exercising and toning? Yeah monitoring your food helps, but if you want that sculpted body, you'll forsure have to get on the floor and do some ab exercises and whatnot. Good luck!
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    If you have fat on your stomach only weight loss will lose it. But then you always hear of people who can't loose a certain spot no matter what you do. You can't really exercise any one spot away. Congratualtions to you for all your hard work.
  • tiffanyheth
    tiffanyheth Posts: 510 Member
    Great job on your goal weight! Are you doing any kind of strength training or programs to build muscle? Along the way, you probably should have incorporated some of that into your routine, building muscle as you lost fat. Just start with it now.
  • Copaiba
    Copaiba Posts: 75 Member
    Time to boost the circuit training! Jumping jacks, push ups, sit ups, planks......
  • roguex_1979
    roguex_1979 Posts: 247 Member
    The only way to get rid of belly fat is to cut down on carbs and other fatty foods and have lean proteins etc. Belly fat is the hardest to lose too in any case. And lifting and cardio will help to tone muscles, but that six pack will still be under the layer of fat, which is stubborn!
  • aiglet
    aiglet Posts: 1
    When I was in high school, I was mildly anorexic (read: I weighed about 20 lbs. less than I should) and I *still* had a little bit of belly fat.

    I think some people's bodies just want to hang onto that last little bit no matter what. I think of it as my "sexy bellydancer tummy." Also note that a healthy body isn't a completely fatless body, so if your fat isn't completely evenly distributed, you're going to have little areas that show more fat than others.
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    Reaching goal isn't the end of the road, keep up your fitness regime and gradually the fat should convert to muscle so even staying the same weight will change your composition.
  • Jilliam Michaels Killer Abs - ouch!
  • ApexLeader
    ApexLeader Posts: 580 Member
    have you been exercising and toning? Yeah monitoring your food helps, but if you want that sculpted body, you'll forsure have to get on the floor and do some ab exercises and whatnot. Good luck!

    she'll still have to lose the belly fat to have sculpted abs. doing crunches and other ab exercises isn't going to magically make her belly fat disappear by itself.
  • CaLaurie
    CaLaurie Posts: 178
    Same issue here, even though I've been working out the whole time. I'm continuing to workout & trying the "eat fat to lose fat" thing. No real results yet in terms if body fat reduction, but it's only been a week. Did lose 1 1/2 pounds during the week, so if it's something you want to consider trying, it may be best to start before you hit your goal weight.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Maybe its not fat as much as lack of tone. Get some muscle going!
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    My suggestion is heavy lifting. I'm not close to my goal, but I am smaller than I thought I would be 6 months in because of it. Don't be surprised if you don't loose any more or even gain a few pounds. But, you'll be smaller! :D
  • Crazy4Healthy
    Crazy4Healthy Posts: 626 Member
    Start strength training..... some good starter programs would be New Rules of Lifting for Women, Stronglifts and Starting Strength. Once you get to your goal, you will want to start eating at maintenance, but you will still see major changes in your body by incorporating strength training. It has worked wonders for me, started about 10 months ago.
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    141 and 5'5" still sounds a little high to me for a woman. That was around my starting weight when I decided to lose weight. I'm 5'4" though.
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    I am also 5'5" and at 131 pounds, most of the belly is gone. Not all, but most. I feel like I would have to get down to 125 to get rid of it all, but that is smaller than I want to go right now.
  • free8gent
    free8gent Posts: 61 Member
    First off, a bit congrats on being so close to reaching your goal! That's a huge accomplishment.

    To reduce belly fat you need to decrease you overall body fat. By lifting you will increase your lean muscle mass, and combined with a proper diet, you will lose body fat at the same time. Since muscle weighs more than fat, you could maintain or even gain weight but look much more toned. I have seen some amazing pics on MFP of people whose bodies look completely different (for the better!) even though their weight has stayed the same or increased. The answer is absolutely lifting.
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    The only way to get rid of belly fat is to cut down on carbs and other fatty foods and have lean proteins etc. Belly fat is the hardest to lose too in any case.

    Sorry but false.

    The only way to lose belly fat is to lower your body fat % by eating more and lifting heavy weights.
  • My0WNinspiration
    My0WNinspiration Posts: 1,146 Member
    Body recomposition. Lift heavy with a slight calorie deficit.